Current time: 01-30-2025, 03:55 PM
The idea is to get a huge lock box to minimize up-down aiming because I have a Type B setup and can't USE Type A. So, without further ado!

Pilot: Deuce
AC: Parthenogen

Head: CICADA (0/0/10/0/0) --For the light equip weight
Core: 770/U (10/0/0/0/0) --For OB, hangar and defense (I don't OB joust, I use OB to exit a joust)
Arms: A92XS (0/0/10/0/0) --Light equip weight, low drain, decent tracking (I think?)
Legs: VIXEN (0/0/4/0/6) --High turn speed (don't have CODON yet) and medium-high EN defense
Booster: BIRDIE2 (8/2/0/0) --High accel, decent speed, low heat (tuned for weight because my design is very weight-inefficient)
FCS: F69 --For the large lockbox
Generator: KONGOH (10/0/0) --For high refresh rate, feasible due to the lack of energy weapons (see above for weight-tune-reason)
Radiator: R92 (10/0/0) --High cooling+don't have ANANDA yet (see booster for tune reason)
Inside: N/A
Extension: N/A
Back R: KINNARA --To be used with NYMPHE
Back L: NYMPHE --Spammable, light equip weight
Arm R: NIX --Decent damage in short period of time
Arm L: WL95G --Main reason for Lite Jouster; does lots of damage, semi-light equip weight
Hangar R: SYLPH --When your aim sucks....
Hangar L: FINGER --See above.

First thing on everyone's mind! "Why KISSYOH, for God's sake!?" To put it simply, I cannot dodge. No, no funny anecdote or witty remark tacked on the end of that. I boosthop, I skate, I do everything in my power; but I cannot dodge. I suck. This coincides with the reason for VIXEN and being a lightweight. I cannot turn, either. Which goes on to coincide with the reason for the HUGE lockbox that I am so obviously trying to get: I cannot aim. These three reasons bring me here with my pathetic design, in search of help.

I should mention now that I've not even gotten past 2448 in the Arena, and have very little unlocked. That being said, feel free to give advice that requires parts I don't have if I can get them in missions. You just have to tell me, y'know, WHICH missions to get them in.

The basics required for the design fix I desperately need are: a mission-based AC which can either...
A) dodge AI attacks without skills (i.e. has more speed than most tracking can compensate for)
B) withstand most attacks with nary a scratch (i.e. has enough defense to annul 67% of all attacks, or at least reduce them to 40-200 AP damage a hit).
It must be capable of destroying mission ACs with impunity, crushing their tiny skulls and laughing at their immense pain... Or at least taking them down fast enough that they won't eat it alive. It must require little to no aiming skills, to the point that unless my target is directly over my head I should never have to tilt the POV more than 40 degrees in either direction. Also important is ammunition (I have such horrible aim), not relying on the left hand weapon very much (or at all if possible), accuracy, and -- pay close attention to this one -- very easy energy/heat management. All of these points my current design fails miserably on. Hell, all of these points ALL of my designs fail on. The only way I can beat a Pulverizer is by standing in front of it with the LX pointed up in it's ugly schnozz and a blade (LB3 or TAROS, usually) on hand.

This said? Good luck and HAVE AT IT.

--Etienne Noir

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by Etienne_Noir - 03-08-2007, 01:26 PM
RE: Parthenogen - by Grim - 03-08-2007, 02:54 PM
[No subject] - by Etienne_Noir - 03-09-2007, 02:53 AM
[No subject] - by wanzerfreak - 03-09-2007, 07:18 AM
RE: Parthenogen - by Grim - 03-09-2007, 09:43 AM

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