Current time: 03-13-2025, 09:51 PM
Space Ninja F2P co-op game
saryn's 3rd skill is actually rather useful, adds a lot of damage to the galantine's charge attack among other things

(02-11-2014, 08:59 PM)zero_kanipan Wrote: im dying a lot when rushing in so i find myself just staying back and sort of sniping. still in the mercury quests btw. oh, how do i buy new weapons? all the stuff in the market sell for platinum.

There's also the Codex which provides information on Warframes, weapons and even moves combined with awesome visuals!

New WF nexus app for android is out!
Earth: Mantle nightmare mod is a very easy place to get special mods, extermination with only 35 targets!

Just bring a sniper that can 1 hit lvl 35 grineer and your set. Go it it while its there and for those that can't take it on just bring Goat along so he can be bait for enemy fire.

And thank you Rick for doing business with me! Domo

(02-11-2014, 10:16 PM)Rorona Wrote: you buy the blue prints in the market for credits. then farm for components in the missions. what frame did you get as first? don't rush in yet as you have minimal upgrades and generally starting. hang back with your guns first, then only melee as a last resort for now.

started with excalibur. i'll see if i can play again today.

bought the trinity blueprint yesterday. just want to clarify what drops from the bosses, the parts or recipes for the parts?
Where xud i install my last orokin catalyst? Boltor or Petra? Boltor is incredibly useful on high level units for some reason, but am dissatisfied when it comes to defense missions or missions that involves long range. Petra is very reliable for crowd control, especially for someone who does a lot of solo missions like me, but sucks at tight spaces where the grenadec could bounce back to you.. I've lost a few revives for this thing when it fails at a crucial moment..
Apparently a beefed up galantine can one shot a harvester ... damned thing came out of nowhere. Well at least I can build a detron now.

(02-14-2014, 11:52 AM)R.Leonhardt Wrote: Where xud i install my last orokin catalyst? Boltor or Petra? Boltor is incredibly useful on high level units for some reason, but am dissatisfied when it comes to defense missions or missions that involves long range. Petra is very reliable for crowd control, especially for someone who does a lot of solo missions like me, but sucks at tight spaces where the grenadec could bounce back to you.. I've lost a few revives for this thing when it fails at a crucial moment..

Boltor then get a stug gun. Stug guns shoots white blobs of white sticky stuff that explodes.. I know thats your thing.
blueprints for warframes

parts and the BP to combine the parts for weapons.

(02-14-2014, 11:52 AM)clonezero Wrote: Apparently a beefed up galantine can one shot a harvester ... damned thing came out of nowhere. Well at least I can build a detron now.

Maybe it varies by the level they spawn, kinda like how Stalker can spawn as a lowbie or lvl65, then again Galatine is so cheap that you can reach over 100k-400k per crit. Just tried mine again earlier. Never gonna touch it again. LOL
(02-14-2014, 01:46 PM)Hell Heart Wrote: Gett a stug gun. Stug guns shoots white blobs of white sticky stuff that explodes.. I know thats your thing.

I have it but I still prefer petra's bouncing balls
(02-14-2014, 08:30 PM)R.Leonhardt Wrote:
(02-14-2014, 01:46 PM)Hell Heart Wrote: Gett a stug gun. Stug guns shoots white blobs of white sticky stuff that explodes.. I know thats your thing.

I have it but I still prefer petra's bouncing balls

Then keep your balls and make an Akbolto as your secondary?
Nah, I used the potatoe on Boltor instead. Petra has enough slots for mods to make it effective anyway
How long do the grenades stay before they explode? I might get one in the future; I kinda want to avoid friendly fire as much as possible when I'm using explosives. Ogris and bows with explosive mods have already given me nightmares.

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