Current time: 09-21-2024, 11:25 AM
What's everyone playing now?
Just got Armored Core V. Anyone wanna join my team or have me join a team? I'm open for any option - just as long as I get to destroy. I'm not the greatest mercenary, but I possess power and skill unlikely for a person who has owned the game for less than a week, so my use may be promising...
(12-05-2013, 03:47 AM)White_Rain Wrote: Just got Armored Core V. Anyone wanna join my team or have me join a team? I'm open for any option - just as long as I get to destroy. I'm not the greatest mercenary, but I possess power and skill unlikely for a person who has owned the game for less than a week, so my use may be promising...

I wish you got verdict day instead so that you can join us.

PSN ID: Arrui_La_Ferte
True. ACV is a dead game, no one goes OL anymore, not on that game -__-
I'm planning on getting Verdict Day by (hopefully) Christmas if I can find it used.

By the way, when I said I'm skilled for a newcomer, think of it this way:

Exusia, the final boss of the story, is often considered the bane of all new players.

I managed to beat Exusia in half a minute with one boost charge kick (being a high-mobility high-defense heavyweight rules) and a few rounds from my gatling gun and rifle, on my second try once I got a good look at what I was up against on the FIRST try.

If you ever see the AC "WHITE TITAN Mk.2" if anyone ever gets ACV running, that's me. I may be new, but for a noob, I'm a force not to be trifled with. High KE, TE, and CE defense, rapid-fire gatling gun, decent rifle, Moonlight higher-power-less-range variant, the KRSW (though I do have a couple of Karasawas if I ever need them), and medium missile. Taken down many ACs in less than one minute - be it Flame Fly, Hanged Man (Chief), Vengeance (RD during betrayal), or even Exusia (Chief again). WHITE TITAN Mk.2 isn't exactly incapable.

By the way, before I finish this post of being incredibly prideful of an accomplishment I once had so much trouble with:

REST IN PEACE TO LEON AND (possibly) CORDELIA "ROSARY" STRATFORD. Your services alongside me and your aid given to my AC will not be missed. Also, screw you, RD.
Trust me, Exusia was not a hard boss, try beating the Online Exusia alone, or Exusia in ACVD. Hurry up and buy VD, man! So you can finally play with people online =)
I'd love to, really, but I don't have much money. I'm pretty sure I'm younger than you think I am, I don't even have the ability to get a job. Hope someone gets it for Christmas... I'll start seeing the used prices.

Also, for Exusia to be hard online alone? Ohhh, boy. Sounds like ACV's still got a lot for me to work on. Better sharpen my skills... If only, if only, the PACT still ran on ACV and allowed online joiners to talk via video chat. (Wait, do you all have PS3s or Xbox 360s? I have a PS3, so there COULD be complications...)
I have a ps3 and so do most of the guys I know here. That's a great time to buy VD since that's around the time a patch will come out iirc. Smile

PSN ID: Arrui_La_Ferte
(12-05-2013, 12:59 PM)arrui Wrote: I have a ps3 and so do most of the guys I know here. That's a great time to buy VD since that's around the time a patch will come out iirc. Smile

PSN ID: Arrui_La_Ferte

Ah, that is GOOD news. REALLY good news. By the way, arrui, would you mind if I added you? Just for the heck of it? It would give me good time to get to know a person before being there for their team.
Of course White_Rain! That's why my psn is there in my sig. No worries!

PSN ID: Arrui_La_Ferte
OK! You'll get one soon, but it won't match my board name.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand there we have it, a friend request from me (PSN ID: Helldog_spawn) has been sent. You are now my first official friend from Raven Republic to be on my PSN friends list.
(12-05-2013, 01:24 PM)White_Rain Wrote: OK! You'll get one soon, but it won't match my board name.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand there we have it, a friend request from me (PSN ID: Helldog_spawn) has been sent. You are now my first official friend from Raven Republic to be on my PSN friends list.

Honored and accepted!

PSN ID: Arrui_La_Ferte
(12-05-2013, 12:46 PM)White_Rain Wrote:
Also, for Exusia to be hard online alone? Ohhh, boy. Sounds like ACV's still got a lot for me to work on. Better sharpen my skills..

Exusia can' be beaten alone, it's designed to be finished by teams. As I recall,it's AP is around 900k AP, you'll run out of time before you're able to finish it off
Oh, my, it is? Well, I wonder what wonders the Boost Charge could offer if I ever try.
Yeah, don't even try. I already tried that, did only 30k to 50k damage. Won't even get a chance to do do so without exhausting your ammo because of that goddamn primal armor. Granted, it can easily be beaten by 2 people with the right set up, no boost charge involve though =)
Too bad nobody even plays ACV anymore except for me. Though I have a couple of friends that might get it, so...

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