Current time: 03-14-2025, 01:23 PM
What's everyone playing now?
heavily modded Morrowind with both expansions (Tribunal and Bloodmoon)
[Image: 166773_558360754188643_355174370_n.jpg]
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[Image: 599071_558361160855269_444456939_n.jpg]
[Image: 66681_558360734188645_1348599933_n.jpg]

for contrast, this is what the game looks w/o the mods
[Image: Seyda_Neen.jpg]
[Image: Morrowind+2011-02-25+13-04-05-38.jpg]
[Image: Eydis_Fire-Eye.jpg]
(03-17-2013, 01:32 PM)zero_kanipan Wrote:
[Image: 383991_558360757521976_154593259_n.jpg]

I read this in Morgan Freeman's voice.
(03-17-2013, 03:30 PM)Grim Wrote:
(03-17-2013, 01:32 PM)zero_kanipan Wrote:
[Image: 383991_558360757521976_154593259_n.jpg]

I read this in Morgan Freeman's voice.
And when I do that, I immediately think of Marcus from Fallout 2.
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
Mainly playing Dead Island for PS3. Just today made it into the city of Moresby. Anybody interested in some co-op action? Jason
if it wasn't obvious enough, I'm playing mh3u
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
removed morrowind coz the mods make it too slow to run on the laptop. plus, the game itself is slow and im not in the mood for that. now playing:

Microvolts (via the EU publisher Rock Hippo)
IGN: kanipan

Quake III Arena

Mount & Blade: Warband (thanks HellHeart for the recommendation o/ )
Mount and blade.. So Awesome!
For now, it's Lord of Arcana and Fate Extra. However, RPGs were always too much for me on leveling up, but SaGa series is my favorite out of the genre, by far. I'm thinking of playing more of the Tomb Raider series again.
Gundam breaker demo
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
anybody know where I can buy asian psn cards? (r3)

Finally just got to my first set of G-rank quests, almost had ass washed and handed to by gold beard Ceadeus. Next stop Barioth farming then Hell Jin.
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
Quote:anybody know where I can buy asian psn cards? (r3)
Here you go! They're great for import games, too:

As for me, I'm going retro and playing through Resident Evil: Director's Cut and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
(04-08-2013, 07:03 PM)Berserker Lonewolf Wrote:
Quote:anybody know where I can buy asian psn cards? (r3)
Here you go! They're great for import games, too:

As for me, I'm going retro and playing through Resident Evil: Director's Cut and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

Thamks! Now to figure out how to use that site!

Was finally able to get my hands on the MGS HD collection and I'm currently playing Peace Walker. Was pleasantly suprised to know Paz was voiced by Tara Strong.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen atm and still Tera. Endgame content on Tera is kinda dull and stressing imo; almost time to look for another game again with all the friends I've acquainted with from PSO2. x:

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