Current time: 03-13-2025, 10:58 PM
Mental Repository (M.R.)

just a random thought

so far 2 of my previous batchmates back in CSB thinking of the 3d animation/game design course for informatics

kung may sched daw ako for classes for informatics
dahil dati na daw kasi nila gusto mag game design/3d animation for film

funny thing these batchmates were the types that didn't push much effort nung CSB days

to be honest i want to do it if it happens

XD i would just tell them contact mo na lng informatics LOL XD

oh how times have changed

if it does happen

I WILL GIVE YOU DAMN HARD TIME!!! LIKE WHAT I HAD GO THROUGH YOU THINK I HAD A DAMN EASY TIME!!! WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!...oh well nah just kidding i wont do it of course, and give everyone the same fair treatment...and be nice :3...will try at least

and if it does happen maging students ko batchmates ko etc...

the moment they enter the classroom...

"Welcome to my world...*evil smile*"
My PS3's wireless is dead. For real. Sad Sad Sad
rave: found a copy of Victorious Boxers 2 Fighting Spirit for the PS2 by chance while getting some ID pix developed.
rave: downloaded lots of pix (around 900mb+) of hot asian models at work XD

rant: i dont like my new haircut. stylist took too much off. >.<
Mother dear "anay" are not a type of ant and Andoks is not as good as Baliwag, the difference lies in the gravy! Domo

Rant: removing ant colonies is not fun.

It's freezing in most of my classrooms Sad
Cadet Officer Applicants are not allowed to wear jackets Sad
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Where are these classrooms? I must feel the shivering cold.
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
Rave: Thesis is done, sda animation festival finished(weeks ago... I think), waiting for grad, caught up on sleep, submitted stuff for some animation festival competitions.

Rant: Kinda annoying having to explain what I'm doing in school everytime I go back to SDA now. Invalid IDs and whatnot. Ah well. Not a big problem methinks :/
Rave: got an email
3 more possible



from indie game design


finally things are more less moving along...with informatics

1. so partly teaching the subjects i am familiar

its funny how life turn-outs...

so supposively teaching partly game design...when i didn't even come from a game design course XD

2. getting freelance gigs a lot more often, finally in the right industry and the job iv'e always wanted to do

3. all those conventions is finally paying off...aside from having going to to conventions to have fun, there was another reason why i liked going to build connections XD

4. EXM games q1 2013 XD first official game worked on LOL XD sorry no trailer for this game
were still building the 3d models


listening to

this song


made me cry a bit


relatedi told my self

i am not going to cry

anymore >_< :facepaw:

just got a text back from digital dodge...looks like no go...oh well thats how life is on to the next clients
and i guess this is what they meant by ABS-CBN etc being magulo with things and such...looks like project is a no go


all thats missing now is that confirmation from the studio i applied for if i passed...

i swear if that happens, i won't be able probably hold it back anymore if i have to cry
everyday I find myself twitching and sneezing (mostly sneezing though)
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
Rant: Consistent quality is a higher priority to variety.

rant: my dog got trampled by a mother deer this morning, jacked up her front right paw, but she's doing fine right now. No serious injuries. ...poor Cassie
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
Rave: another online freelance long term project

for another indie game studio in the states

roughly 15 dollars or so per texture...doesn't sound like much? but here's the thing i can get the texture done in probably half a day if no interruptions so 15 dollars per day...times lets say 5 times a week if this was a normal job

and these are just low poly models roughly less than 1k tri polygons

so its coming out roughly 15k or so a month if translated into peso...hmmm hindi pa kasama ung classes sa informatics when they start...

another point 15 dollars is just start-up later on i can charge higher when i get better and get more known

the catch is its just freelance work so i can do it at home with no worries of having to go to a physical location

since the models are already made i just need to texture them

and yeah art style needed to be similar or same as Torchlight...i was scared at first since Torchlight is an official game

surprisingly i passed XD LOL

i didn't expect i improved that much already i guess all that hardship is paying off

and tamang tama lng un timing i needed more practice in texturing anyways

also after this have roughly 2-3 more online clients supposively lined up but had to email them

sorry may nauna na XD till next time

plus i love the reaction of the online client when i passed and when he asked a few questions where'd i learn game design as in what school

when i told him...are you kidding there wasn't any game design schools during my time...i had to learn on my own...i had a really hard time obviously because i had to learn on my own

no one else in the family line was into 3d animation/game design that much so i had to relly mostly on myself so you can imagine how many arguements already had with mom and dad every time when it comes to that subject...yish

then i like what the client told me when i passed the job test

"you know its usually those who didn't come from a game design/animation school that make it far in the industry since they learned through hardship what it takes to make in the i have a feeling you'll go far kid...and i still call you kid cause even though your 20+ i am still a lot older than you...and congratulations you got the job for this long term freelance project and if we ever need help again for future projects"

slight rand: so got a bit of the update aww so they still need to talk to production head XD but so far the contact person and other heads for this indie studio was impressed daw with the output and manage to finish 1 day before the deadline

i told them i will get it done by thursday

finishes the texturing by wednesday afternoon XD

i usually give myself 1-2 days before deadline in case something happens
rave: officemates love the new speakers.
rant: i still feel sad inside when i remember i couldve gotten said speakers for a lot less.

rant: i still feel i look gay with my new haircut.
rave?: one of my coworkers said i look like i got made-over by the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy crew. minus the wardrobe change.
rave?: the reason the hairdresser took a lot off was to prep my hair so it would look better when it grows long again. apparently, the reason why my hair was a mess before was because i grew it straight from being bald. hair is layered now.
rave: some people say it actually looks good/fine on me. i did notice security guards don't search and frisk me that much now compared to when i had long hair and a beard XD

rant: sprained my right wrist last night (family trying to kill each other and shit).
rant: so much for this weeks drawing plans. or gaming. or typing with more than two fingers.
rave: letting the trainee handle ticketing work today. i get to rest my wrist, and he gets used to our work.
rave: father went back abroad to work. im not required to hand over as much of my salary like before.

rant: Johnny air took nearly four weeks to get the gift delivered.
rave: she really liked the nyanko-sensei plush doll (character from an anime she loves) i gave her.
rave: her friends seem to be ok with me. one of them actually told me i should go ask her out.
rant: i dunno why im hesitating and not doing exactly just that.
(10-04-2012, 10:37 AM)zero_kanipan Wrote: rant: i still feel i look gay with my new haircut.
rave?: one of my coworkers said i look like i got made-over by the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy crew. minus the wardrobe change.
rave?: the reason the hairdresser took a lot off was to prep my hair so it would look better when it grows long again. apparently, the reason why my hair was a mess before was because i grew it straight from being bald. hair is layered now.
rave: some people say it actually looks good/fine on me. i did notice security guards don't search and frisk me that much now compared to when i had long hair and a beard XD

You'll become pare #2 in a few months Big grin
Rave: New laptop ordered online just arrived through JAC. It's not broken. P24k savings from the local retail price. LOL

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