Current time: 09-27-2024, 10:16 PM
Dragon's Dogma
Raffy has been suddenly turned into a sexy elf with blue hair by Jake. LOL

Anyway, I skipped a number of quests, so I'm going to NG+. Herp derp berp (yeah i skipped that quina quest too. headed straight to the cap'n and never came back).

I'll just go get the other armors on NG+.
Oh, god! Whats next?
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
Jaaaaaaaaake! Change your pawn's name to something else that isn't Raffy, Rafaela, or anything involving paidedman! I swear, this is all of Raffy's fault.

It randomly keeps disappearing throughout any battle without any notification.


Oh, and how do you guys make bow users attack? They almost never use their bows. -__-

It seems that hiring archers with daggers are the only thing to keep them attacking at all times, be it bow or not. Sometimes I need to use another archer with Hildr when it comes to hurrdurr sniping. My magician is a pain in the ass. LOL

Edit 2:

You know, all these times, I didn't know that Hildr was a fighter all along. Blink

Edit: Nevermind, suddenly updated. Became a strider. LOL

Haha been refining her stats.. I usually run around with an all bow party.. Works really well against Ur-Dragon since Mages, sorcs usually cast under Ur-Dragon which is a bad bad idea to do. I also tried bringing Rafaela along and she just ran around looking for stuffs.. LOL
Yeah I've been doing runs against Ur-Dragon with my pawns only doing the damage. I pretty much became some sort of waterboy (a mage/cleric doesn't put it, as they need magic than items to cure the party). Just being able to damage it will still net you some rewards won't it?

I just need 1 more revival stone and I should be off to the final part of the post-game quest. Then NG+ for the quests I missed and then get back to the Everfall after, well everything again.
So far yeah, thats what I noticed. I dont know how much damage you need though. When I fight him, I usually do it for 2 hours or so..
WTF?!??!? no seriously What the Freaking Fuck?!?!?

(06-09-2012, 05:02 PM)clonezero Wrote: WTF?!??!? no seriously What the Freaking Fuck?!?!?

Want pics? XD XD XD
The one on the right. I can't do a close-up view because Raffy tends to shy away from the camera (apparently they hate close-up shots; they get out of the camera's way).

[Image: Au8YyAlCIAArz6S.jpg:large]


[Image: Au8YNTiCQAAmkNu.jpg:large]

Still no close-up picture though.

Who's that other nice chix? LOL
why? D=

LOL Oh Raffy.
So today, I lent Rick my copy of DD so that I'll be able to study more since it was getting too addicting LOL

I edited my pawn to prioritize protecting the arisen as #1, then to scout ahead as #2. No more random gathering. If you play like me (which means running far ahead of the party and getting caught in enemy mobs a lot), then this change will help a lot Smile I'm sure casters will like her more now too. Sadly(?) her name is still Rafaela LOL

With the ur-dragon online system btw, you get a 10 min or so grace period after someone kills it to "kill" it too and get the kill rewards. So its better to join in when the dragon's almost dead I guess.
To add, Ive also heard that running away/dying/hiding will regen its health.
Wait, so how does it get 'recorded' if it works that way then? Blink

Suddenly I've also had an influx of users who used my pawn yesterday. Strange to see them rating my pawn with 4-5 stars, when all it does is fucking stand in the middle of a warzone and spam heal unnecessarily. Had to throw it off a cliff out of frustration on one of my playthroughs when I got tired of always lifting it to 'escape' from an enemy. Maybe I should consider the Wisdom Chair. %$%$!$$#^

Oh, and what do you guys get when your pawn returns from dying? None? >_<

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