Current time: 07-03-2024, 08:32 AM
Where did your nick come from?
a character from hunter x hunter
[Image: hisuka.jpg]
The forum god can change it for you.
hmm... I missed this thread...

forum god Worship

Azuriel = azrael + azure
Azrael = Angel of death
Azure = Blue/Sky blue...

I remember explaining my nickname a couple of times... but I forgot to tell it's history...

well... my nickname represents my characteristics... simple...

I was researching abt. angels because I'm very fond of them... then I got azure from no where... well... I like the color blue and I like diff. languages

my real name though is "Aldous" it means "Wisdom" (I forgot what language... it's just either latin or hebrew...)


The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
Kung Azrael + Azure, bakit hindi Azurael? LOL
kasi kpg "azurael" ang ginamit ko parang wlang originality... parang dinagdag ko nalang ung "U" sa "Azrael"
tska mas common ung mga angels na "iel" ung dulo... LOL

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
Hahah ok you've made your point. LOL
my nickname comes from what else.....


since im a diehard SRW fan LOL
This explains it,

the one in the middle? Thats because im Number one!
[Image: THEBEST.jpg]
Why does the Panda have his name? It actually started out as his DotA nick, and then he began to use it for forums, too. Smile

'Panda' is the affectionate nickname his (mostly female) comrades gave him.

As for the 'Evil' prefix, it usually changes depending on his mood during DotA games (Sleepy Panda, Drowsy Panda, etc) but for forums, it's just 'Evil Panda'.

Big grin
I saw my old answer from a few years/pages back. It doesn't make sense to me anymore.

I like the name HayWire. Coz...well...I'm not exactly the sanest person in real life >w>
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
(05-01-2012, 05:37 PM)HayWire Wrote: I saw my old answer from a few years/pages back. It doesn't make sense to me anymore.

I like the name HayWire. Coz...well...I'm not exactly the sanest person in real life >w>


I'm prone to panic and one of the wacky guys everywhere I go to.
Ironic isn't it?
'Signatures are overrated.'
My name is based of the star (as you guys would have guessed) cuz it's cool and it was also the name of a badass ship in a gamecube game called Gotcha Force. (Seizure inducing fun with that game) The one fourty part comes from my assumption that 139 other people had this name so it became my staple name. And because 7 is a lucky number, so if it's 70 then multiplied by 2 then I get 20 times more luck. Just do the math.

As for my pride and joy Blood Falcon, well that name came up one day when I was playing AC3 Portable and I needed a badass name for my AC. Then I thought it would be a good idea to steal the name of the main bad guy from Contra and slap on my AC (This also affected my palette choice as well). It really worked for me and it still does. But upon further research I found out that the guys name is Red Falcon not Blood Falcon. Blood Falcon actually came from F-Zero. Tankman was a substitute name for my tank when megatron was just too stupid and cliche.

Correction: It did also come from Contra. It was a terrorist organization in Contra Shattered Soldier lead by Lance Bean.
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
guys, Mt. Iraya
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
I have received a couple of personal messages from some forum goers asking me about the name I am using and how it is pronounced. Skreija is a Norse-sounding name, derived from the Norse Goddess of War, Freyja. However, that name isn't an actual Norse name. It's just something I came up with when I was thinking of a name for the half-elven Barbarian (who later took a prestige class and became a Slayer) I was using in a friend's Dungeons & Dragons campaign.

As for the pronunciation, it is the same as the source name. Since Norse is basically a Germanic-dreived language, the "J" is pronounced as a "Y" and the "I" sound is skipped, so instead of saying "Skray-jah", you say it as ""Skre-yah".

And no, my character is not a drow or dark elf like that damned Drizzt faggot. I'll post the backstory of my half-breed someday if there's an actual D&D thread buried somewhere in these boards.
zero_kanipan is broken into two parts, the zero and the kanipan

zero: by itself is nothing, but gains it's place and value when with other numbers. whenever it leads, the value of the whole gets worse (decimals). i thought of this name back during a rather depressing period in high school.

kanipan: taken from the show hatsumei-boy kanipan (gadget boy kanipan). he's a kid inventor who spends his day inventing things so his C Class inventor license will be bumped to a higher class. his inventions always have major flaws which dont get him the promotion, but always ends up saving the day. i liked the cheerfulness of the character, his perseverance, and how he still helps everyone despite his flaws and problems.

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