Current time: 09-28-2024, 09:21 AM
AC:LR Garage Duel
Testing your ACs in PvP
If he's motivated then why not. I'm always up for some AC. Tongue
I can sub for some matches for a while rick is in the process of regaining his skill.
ah this is a match request thread right? well iv always had an AC called Spartans Roar for a long time and i posted the design to him on some other thread a long time ago when i first signed up, another member told me that the design was nothing but a paper tiger or something along those lines, i found this to be odd because i beat almost every AC and pulvy and came this [ ]close to beating zinnida in the last mission with him. but lately i have been wondering "this AC of mine, is it actually good, or shit in comparison to other designs" so i wanted one of you guys to atleast look at it and give feed back and at the most record a video and fight with it in the arena with one of your friends

here are the specs

Spartans Roar

parts tune
H11-QUEEN ECM 100%
CO6-EOS weight 100%
AO9-LEMUR2 weight 100%
CR-LH81AP weight 100%
CR-B83TP booster heat 100%
CR-G84P EN output 100%
ANANDA cooling 100%


optional parts

base R-0 G-0 B-0
aid R-30 G-30 B-30
optional R-0 G-0 B-0
detail R-200 G-0 B-0
joint R-60 G-60 B-60
pattern :camouflage

P.S thank you for reading this and if you want i could post some other designs that im including in a story im creating for ACLR
what do i fight for? i have nothing to fight for but i fight i LIVE because it is my only defiance to what ever gods may be for making my life a living hell
Who do you want to challenge? Although there are many designs by members that are still active, another heavy/middle weight should be a fair game in this match-up. You could also make a post in the design thread so we could give feedbacks on your designs.
So just use whatever against it? Sure, we can do that. RR's in agreement to not use the TP boosters when playing each other (cuz they're broken). But I guess we can overlook that. edit: As long as Mark's cool with it.
thanks a bunch i really wanna see you guys test its abilities for me. here is the fighting style to Spartans Roar that i use which seem is the best strategy with
first when the match begins bring out the grenade a bitch slap the enemy with two (or four depending on how fast the enemy AC is coming for you) and OB into the enemies face and pull out the duel M2s
stay in the enemies face lighting with the up with M2s as Spartans Roar can take about anything except 3 swings of a moon light to the face before he needs to pull out
if a opening presents it self slap them with another 2 grenades and repeat the process above Smile
i get if you dont want to do all this crap because your already fighting with a crap AC lol but thanks a bunch for everything in advance
what do i fight for? i have nothing to fight for but i fight i LIVE because it is my only defiance to what ever gods may be for making my life a living hell
Yo Spartan. it's sort of a rule nowadays that tp is not allowed for balance issues. I hope you understand.

And yea nix, I'm pretty strict on it.

So, when can we hold this? Next week maybe?
Nix pilots Spartan's Roar with the TP against AA and his AC.

Good test of skill for you Mark. Let the TP slide this time.
'Signatures are overrated.'
haha. ok fine.
I have a request!

Best of 7 with these 2:

I wanna see how you two's matches compared to LCC and mine's.
Okay noted. Will build said Acs in my garage for the matches as soon as we get a sched. Thanks mom and spartan!

Also, I think Nix will have to stick with Phil as I can't OB to save my life. Is that okay nix and mom?
I'd personally prefer if you two alternated to help even the results. OB isn't that hard! The good thing about phil collins is you don't even have to OB that much to use it to great success. Although you really want to punish that left hand nd lock.
I'd prefer that as well. But we'll see how it goes.

So for next Saturday, when Mark and I meet up for this, we have lined up
1. Spartan's AC vs whatever
2. Pin Prick vs Phil Collins
Some Pin Prick vs Phil Collins vids up on my YT channel.

We played maybe a dozen times last Friday, and odds were around 60/40 in favor of Pin Prick (with me using Phil Collins. AA had a bit more difficulty with it). Admittedly, the playstyle we're more used to tends to favor defensive/ranged ACs like Pin Prick.


Sorry, didn't save a video of your AC in action, but we did give it a try.

Frankly, it's just not good at all when up against actual people. The 98G can't be used without taking punishment as well. And the AC, even with TP and OB, just can't get in close enough to do any real damage with the dual M2s. And even if you manage to deal some damage with it, there just isn't enough ammo to finish the job.

Whose AC did you use against Spartan's?
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."

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