Current time: 03-14-2025, 01:50 PM
Mental Repository (M.R.)
I was in Bread Talk last night. Beside me was this kid who took bites out of 2 different types of bread that were on display, then he put them back. The mom who was nearby saw what was happening, then left the store without buying anything even though people were staring at her already.

People like that don't deserve to breed.
(11-04-2011, 01:30 PM)Sforza Wrote: I was in Bread Talk last night. Beside me was this kid who took bites out of 2 different types of bread that were on display, then he put them back. The mom who was nearby saw what was happening, then left the store without buying anything even though people were staring at her already.

People like that don't deserve to breed.

I've also seen how much bread they just toss into the trash at the end of the day. 2000% disheartening. Sad
Location? Big grin
Braces are off Big grin

Retainers are on the 19th. Can't on the 12th since it's my friend's debut. (and her parents are my dentists >_> )
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
And they don't donate their leftover breads? Ermm

Returned Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire (Target in Sight). Would have kept it if the enemies are on the same term as you are, but AIs cheat as always...

First persistent snow of the season, time to get my shovel out.
rant: so i brought the earphones i repaired to work. i plug it in and theres that sparky sound. i think the cat5 cables are too stiff and the commute did a number on it (tight bag is tight). it still works tho. im also hoping the sparking sound is an issue with the jack, and not with the contacts.
(11-06-2011, 12:27 AM)medusa0 Wrote: And they don't donate their leftover breads? Ermm

I know that it's the same or worse in US restaurants. =P
Today felt like a heck lot a waste of time XD...

why is the people with all the money are the ones that don't know how to spend it and those without are the ones that do know how to spend it...><...reality is surely twisted :<

Grandmother's Bday today so to celebrate went all the way to Tagaytay for a simple spent roughly 6 hours travel time (going to Tagaytay and going back home) to eat lunch for roughly 40 minutes...

food is just so-so honestly...pretty much typical Filipino that can be found in any restaurant...we didn't even order or eat anything exotic or so...i really don't see the point of traveling all the way to Tagaytay if your just going to order the same thing you eat in Manila....

It would have made more sense after lunch if probably spend a bit of time at a resort, maybe spend some time doing outside activities, a near by zoo/beach some sort of activity area or some sort of family activity which can't be found in manila at least that way gas money, time and such wouldn't be a waste

heck grandmother/family didn't even bother buying a cheap souvenir or something that can only be found in Tagaytay or so XD

oh well grandmother's bday pagbigyan na lng but still today seem so pointless >_<

also hmmm yeah Haywire's right i feel different after exercising for roughly 2-3 weeks so far...XD not as hungry as before, feel kinda more energetic meh either way will be needing the stamina when overtimes start kicking in...though when i started exercising back in high school days it was the other way around i was lot more hungry than usual
(11-06-2011, 09:19 PM)RoninFang Wrote: why is the people with all the money are the ones that don't know how to spend it and those without are the ones that do know how to spend it...><...reality is surely twisted :<

I don't know about that. Roll eyes

And some would say that family time isn't ever really a waste of time. Happy
(11-07-2011, 12:04 AM)NiX Wrote:
(11-06-2011, 09:19 PM)RoninFang Wrote: why is the people with all the money are the ones that don't know how to spend it and those without are the ones that do know how to spend it...><...reality is surely twisted :<

I don't know about that. Roll eyes

And some would say that family time isn't ever really a waste of time. Happy

Depends on the family, pare. LOL
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
(11-07-2011, 09:40 AM)Fox Wrote: Depends on the family, pare. LOL


LOL I'm not saying it's never a waste of time. Just putting a bit of balanced perspective. LOL
DWTL Anniversary ko today Clapping

Ima go get a candle or something later
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
I realized that I often stutter while speaking nowadays, what the fuck is happening to me щ(゚Д゚щ)
You need to speak to more humans.

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