Current time: 03-14-2025, 01:45 PM
Mental Repository (M.R.)
Why not.
@ Nix : AWESOME Big grin
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
I don't know if NiX wanted to put his Robert Graves inside that thing or put it inside his butthole.
belated happy bday TS

rant: dammit too much white hair too soon XD

EDIT: also happy bday to penguin deus where ever you are XD

belated happy birthday TS ^^

rant: ps3iso and pspiso is down...where am i gonna pirate my ps2 and psp games now. theres torrents but not all of the ps2 games im looking for are there ~.~

rave: i appreciate mah-jongg now thanks to Saki wahaha
Belated happy birthday TS!
@zero-- Believe me, If there was a way I could go to Japan RIGHT NOW, I would go there to take care of iraya-sama. <:c Damn Japanese btards.

Twinskies-- Great matches during your birthday. I especially liked the gentleman fisticuffs match (Dudley/Balrog, No Jumping). Wait til you fight arcade stick Cammy. XD

...and what the hell is with this "Traceness"...? O_______O
[Image: Sig07.png]

"I love chocolate-covered Sophie." A. Nina
Competition's tomorrow na.

My arms feel so effing HEAVY

The urge to puke has finally subsided after 2 days ~_~


If anyone has free time tomorrow, it's in San Juan Elementary, roughly 1:30 pm LOL

I still have IP, Debate, Homework, song writing before I can ever even enter my room to rest >__<
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
rant: sale. event requires item mall stuff. soooooooo maaaaaaaannnnnyyyyyy transactions to check ><
Palarong Pambansa kwento time~!

So our dysfunctional Arnis family:
-My training buddy (Senior) - Aka Brother/Kuya
-My friend (Senior) - Dichie
-Me (Junior) - Daddy
-My other friend (Sophomore) - Mommy
-My adorable friend (Freshman) - Shobe

were pulled out of school at around 12:40 pm and headed to San Juan Elementary.

(Looking around their campus - I feel so effing thankful I'm enrolled in the school I'm in ._.;; )

We did some (talagang walang effort) practices on the Anyos just to recap 'em. Then we got changed

I'm fine with it smelling like...something - but why the eff doesn't the CR have LOCKS??? D:

I had to be the one doing Singles Solo Baston since the one who was supposed to do it didn't memorize everything.

Then we weighed in. I got into featherweight like my other teammate (A freshie)

The competition started at around 2:30

Singles Solo Baston was the first >_<

I blacked out near the end of the exhibition. >_____<

Then next was singles doble baston (Shobe cried, she was the one who performed)
Then Synchronized Solo then Doble...

Everything was fine until combative...

Kuya was disqualified due to her being overweight for HS competitions
Same for Mommy.
Dichie was exempted from combat since there is no other person in her weight division (Mid-Light) so she is automatically given a spot for NCR.

San Juan School took 3 spots for NCR already. And Dichie took the 4th.

There's only one spot left.

And it's for featherweight.

I had to fight Shobe.

Our coach only told us 10 minutes before the match.

Shobe cried again. She kept saying that it's a sure lose na for her...
Kuya consoled us both. I was contemplating on whether I should throw the match on purpose or not.

In the end I didn't. But before we started the match, I told her to give it her all. She got 3 consecutive points/hits, and then I got 3 consecutive points/hits. Then I switched stance then aimed EVERYTHING on her dominant arm. I won.

The referee told us to shake hands so she let her weaker arm out. I shook it then pulled her in for a hug.

So in the end of the day:
- We won Gold for Singles Doble
- We won Gold for Synchronized Solo
- We won Gold for Synchronized Doble
- Me and Dichie are going to the NCR competition on Feb
- We get to walk up on stage in school to receive our medals on First Friday Mass for the first time in our lives Big grin

-The other school got the Gold for Single Solo............. <___< ( Sorry team!)

On random side notes:
-The Sophomore that didn't make it into our Arnis team became our Choreographer, Manager and Moral Support. But since she isn't allowed to be pulled-out for the competition, we borrowed her sticks and said that she was here in spirit XD (She was the center of nearly every picture)

-I prayed WILLINGLY BY MYSELF a total of 6 times today.

-Shobe smelled of Downy Fabric Conditioner for the entire day...So I turned her into a pillow/Giant plushie and pretty much inhaled her... ( 8DDD )

-Not bad for an Arnis team that only trained for 4 days against a school who challenged them out of nowhere huh?
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Ahhh what a nice story XD

It's like Bamboo Blade but arnis!
Pretty big day for you. Congrats Nica! Smile
@ HayWire:

Seems like a lot of things happened on your day. Congrats. Kudos also for letting the girl give it her all. Big grin


I left my coffee in my dad's room when I returned his set of screwdrivers to him. After a few minutes when I got out, I had to go in again because I forgot my drink. Of course, I drank it (who the hell wouldn't). Didn't notice that it had a lot of shaved hair until it was too late. I couldn't see it too because my tumbler is colored black on the inside.
@HayWire congrats and really nice story to go with that medal XD

@ardjin Domo

(11-25-2010, 10:54 PM)ardjin Wrote: RAVE: dimples romana.... wearing see through clothes... in our house... talked to me... shit... wearing T-back.

RANT: i failed to control my little buddy while talking to her.

RAVE: she didn't notice it. hahay

You, sir, WIN.

edit: Set up hidden cameras, plox.

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