Current time: 03-14-2025, 01:49 PM
Mental Repository (M.R.)
(11-19-2010, 12:23 PM)atdsutm Wrote: @Shin and Mark

Haha, wp troll. I don't think he has played enough Scout to see how easy he is to counter. Do not feed the troll na lang LOL he also posts obvious nonsense.

Scout is a well-balanced niche hero imo. He deserves his name, and is a powerful hero for his role. Compared to other invis semi-carries.
(11-20-2010, 11:41 AM)Grim Wrote:
(11-19-2010, 11:39 PM)ardjin Wrote: we've been texting after i left the party. may 'goodnight' pa bago kami tumigil. ganda nya!
Ang lakas mo talaga, Master!

Holy shit, Ardjin is now a synonym to awesome for me! Woot
Spent 3 hours training/practicing in school...

Rant: It rained - I got soaked -__-
Rant: I'll be going home late for 3 days -___-
Rant: some of the skin on my right foot/sole peeled -__-

5 days till the competition.
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
creppy train man story D:

went to Cabs' house froa sleepover!!!!
it was pretty late with me riding the train to his house.

i was pretty excited and i was hurrying because we were plannign to watch scary movies. when i entered the train to go to Shin-Osaka, i felt pretty lucky because i got a seat while the train was pretty packed. Since i could only remember minimum kanji i was a bit nervous because i decided that since i alredy went to his house 3 times, i wanted to try going there without a map. when the train stopped, i would look across the aisle to peek at the signs going by. this was when i nocticed this middle-aged, fat and sweaty man in the seat in front of me. he had his legs spread and his fly open. i tried to ignore him because i thought he only forgot to zip up. after a few starions i noticed that he was deliberately spreading his legs everytime i tried to look at the signs. D: i decided to all out ignore him and i fel grateful that the my side of the seats were all full. on the second to the last station from cabs' house my seatmate left. i thought nothing of it until the man suddenly stood up and sat next to me. i was like ' OMG WTFUUUUUUUUUU----!' and then he made this creepy thoathy perverted giggling. he opened his legs so i gripped the railing next to me and sqeezed myself as far as i could go. but the man opened his legs more and he started scratching/rubbing his thighs higher and higher to his crotch and then he leaned in and said ' ne, nee-chan, nee-chan' over and over trying to get my attention--all the while still rubbing his thighs. there was an american girl sitting in teh seat in front of me and i guess she realized my uncomfortableness because i was making faces that clearly said 'OH MY GOD SAVE ME'. but before the man could do anything more the train announced that it was already in the station that i needed to go down on. i lept up and ran to the door. when i glanced back at the man he was all out glaring at me and his eyes were all red and shit was so scary i ran from the platform to teh first exit i found because he started to follow me D: i was so flustered i got lost in the train station because i exited the wrong area. i had to call Cabs to come fetch me but before he found me i calmed down enough to ask a station master where i should go. we met up near the entrance of the station.

we later concluded he got attracted to me because i was wearing these fashion goggles on my head. the one that looks exactly like the loli vampire from bakemonogatari was wearing. i mean, i watched the series but it was totally far from my mind when i got these goggles--i just thougth they were kinda cool XDD
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
(11-21-2010, 10:32 PM)iraya-sama Wrote: creppy train man story D:

went to Cabs' house froa sleepover!!!!
it was pretty late with me riding the train to his house.

i was pretty excited and i was hurrying because we were plannign to watch scary movies. when i entered the train to go to Shin-Osaka, i felt pretty lucky because i got a seat while the train was pretty packed. Since i could only remember minimum kanji i was a bit nervous because i decided that since i alredy went to his house 3 times, i wanted to try going there without a map. when the train stopped, i would look across the aisle to peek at the signs going by. this was when i nocticed this middle-aged, fat and sweaty man in the seat in front of me. he had his legs spread and his fly open. i tried to ignore him because i thought he only forgot to zip up. after a few starions i noticed that he was deliberately spreading his legs everytime i tried to look at the signs. D: i decided to all out ignore him and i fel grateful that the my side of the seats were all full. on the second to the last station from cabs' house my seatmate left. i thought nothing of it until the man suddenly stood up and sat next to me. i was like ' OMG WTFUUUUUUUUUU----!' and then he made this creepy thoathy perverted giggling. he opened his legs so i gripped the railing next to me and sqeezed myself as far as i could go. but the man opened his legs more and he started scratching/rubbing his thighs higher and higher to his crotch and then he leaned in and said ' ne, nee-chan, nee-chan' over and over trying to get my attention--all the while still rubbing his thighs. there was an american girl sitting in teh seat in front of me and i guess she realized my uncomfortableness because i was making faces that clearly said 'OH MY GOD SAVE ME'. but before the man could do anything more the train announced that it was already in the station that i needed to go down on. i lept up and ran to the door. when i glanced back at the man he was all out glaring at me and his eyes were all red and shit was so scary i ran from the platform to teh first exit i found because he started to follow me D: i was so flustered i got lost in the train station because i exited the wrong area. i had to call Cabs to come fetch me but before he found me i calmed down enough to ask a station master where i should go. we met up near the entrance of the station.

we later concluded he got attracted to me because i was wearing these fashion goggles on my head. the one that looks exactly like the loli vampire from bakemonogatari was wearing. i mean, i watched the series but it was totally far from my mind when i got these goggles--i just thougth they were kinda cool XDD

Oh, you must train in the art of... well, martial arts. Big grin

Wonder how Cabs is doing these days though. Ermm
Damn, Hannah, you're racking up (no pun intended. Promise. Sad) these creepy stories. I'll assume this dude's an otaku. =/
(11-22-2010, 12:30 AM)NiX Wrote: Damn, Hannah, you're racking up (no pun intended. Promise. Sad) these creepy stories. I'll assume this dude's an otaku. =/

oh i have a lot of stories that i didn't post here. hmmm like that one time i thought those things will only happen at night, happened during my lunch break.. so creepy D: and that man with the big black party van following me and waiting outise the store i hid in and asking if i had the time --which to my experience would be translated to let's have a paid date with sex! D: WUT there's a lot more but it happens constantly so sometimes i forget. i really should start tallying them just to see how many i rake up Big grin
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
does iraya-sama have pics online somewhere? XD

rant: sooooooooooooooooo maaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeettttttttttsssssssssssssssss
rave: tomorrow is my rest day

Hmm, have you thought of investing in a taser?

Rave: Had my birthday yesterday, the roast pork and cream of potato soup I prepared came out just perfect Smile
Rant: Oh noes! My calories!

Rave: SF4 with ACTUAL PEOPLEZ (Trace, specifically)!!!!
Rave: It's official - I'm sticking with Dudley.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
@iraya better yet a cattle prod!

@zero_kanipan: Im not sure why your asking but I don't think this is the right time to ask ><

but yeah investing some time in self defense training would be good way to go.

A really really really bright flashlight/laser pointer works pretty much like a pepper spray :T
Or bring an umbrella (not the portable one) with you all the time XD


My feet hurt so effing bad .___.

My sparring partner had to go somewhere during lunch so I had to spar against a Sophomore BEAR (she's big, she's strong, and she's always wearing a panda hoodie) roughly the same size and speed as her...xept she hit a lot harder and was more aggressive .___.

My left arm (MY DRAWING ARM) took more than 5 direct hits from the (unusually heavy) padded stick .____.

Oh btw:

Strength comparison...

The Panda is stronger than my sparring partner...

My sparring partner is stronger than TS >___<

(Tho TS can do precision shots a lot faster and all that XD;; )
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
@ Zero: i have tumbler

with teh self defense talk-- i dunno. im afraid id damage my right arm--you know that's what i earn with, right? im mightily afraid of breaking anything D:

maybe a pepperspray or a tazer will do XD or one of those police whistles/ potable alams. imma look for one
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
* Imagines Twin-Skies post a bunch of deadly WWII German weapons in response to her for other ideas. *
I vote the tazer over the pepper spray as its more effective ... of course with a cattle prod its assured to work XD.

I would suggest a heavy duty maglight, which you could use either to blind these people should they approach you at night, or as a baton/club. But maybe not since injury is a concern here... Poke
One thing remains; GET DAT TRACENESS TO JAPAN. The hero must protect the heroine.


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