Current time: 09-28-2024, 01:30 AM
What the hell are you working on?
The work in progress thread
No, I was saying that the fig in the pics almost looks like a cell-shaded cartoon or something. Tongue

How do jobless bums fund such an operation? Let me in on the secret. LOL
One word - backpay. LOL
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
If you keep working at that rate you'll soon have enough models to circle your entire room LOL
IIRC his kits really have almost circled his entire room. LOL
(12-10-2009, 09:23 AM)J.E_Magog Wrote: If you keep working at that rate you'll soon have enough models to circle your entire room LOL

They already do.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Untrue. The west and south walls of my room are untouched by plamos.. because those walls are occupied by the bed and closets. LOL

The Kampfer's done and i'm still down with the gunpla-mania sickness. This time i'm working on another Zeon suit, the Zaku-II FZ.
[Image: ZakuFZwallpaper.jpg]

Green armor parts and some internals painted plus the MMP-80 machinegun.
[Image: ZakuFZarmorinternalspainted.jpg]

Dark green armor parts and the heat hawk.
[Image: ZakuFZarmorexternalspainted.jpg]

Boosters, cockpit hatch and some hand grenades covered in a sea of red paint.
[Image: ZakuFZgrenadeboosterspainted.jpg]

Close-up of the heat hawk's first coating of silver paint.
[Image: ZakuFZheathawk.jpg]

I don't think these are gonna dry up anytime soon though, as the weather's getting colder and it's been drizzling for most of the morning. Glare
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Silver paint! Want!Shock

Nice, slightly rare kit you got thar, Fox!Clapping
[Image: Sig07.png]

"I love chocolate-covered Sophie." A. Nina
Is that the Zaku with the slightly flatter head? I feel like getting that one, and the Geara Doga.

And btw, you guys wanna trade recast scratchbuilt parts, kung sakaling nakagawa na tayo ng madami?
Hmmm, haven't really compared this one's head to the regular Zaku II but this is the one with two option for heads - you get a regular head and the one that looks like a WWII German Stahlhelm.

Trace knows how to recast parts and Serene's scratchbuilt some stuff for me already. I've been looking for someone to scratch up an SR head for me so i guess trading these puppies is a good idea. How do we send the parts to each other though?

Damn, if this was only like Front Mission III, where you could recieve weapons and parts through the net.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
If only 3D printing is available locally we can simply model the parts in 3D then exchange files LOL

Its better if we send them in a set of maybe 3 or more parts rather than sending them individually. And let's not put any time pressure on this, just send them when enough numbers are ready.
I'll send copies of these if they ever get done. The RLA is pretty heavy. Heavier than the B2 & KRSWLOL
[Image: sddfhdfgghg.jpg]
Damn, that RLA looks really sweet. IIRC, you also made an M2 from some parts of the dual-gatling gun backmounts before, right? That's something i'd like to mount on one of my units.

I'll talk to Trace and Serene about this proposition then. Happy
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
I am in awe with your RLA. Does it have a detachable magazine Big grin? Yeah I can imagine it being heavy as the thick block on its center isn't hollow, but damn that's excellent craftsmanship right there.
Maybe I should break the RLA in several pieces, then hollow out some of the heavier parts.
My first attempt at the M2 was not successful, but i'm still considering making another one.
Zaku-II FZ is done and on display now. Moving on to a custom-colored version of the Xeku Eins. I'm thinking of doing it silver with trim in either white or midnight blue, with details in dark gray and red. Still haven't painted the weapons and internals so only the armor parts will hafta do for now.

[Image: xekueinsbox.jpg]

Armor parts in two coats of silver. The first coat was thick enough to cover most of the parts and the second coat was just there to even out the coverage.
[Image: xekueinsarmorpainted.jpg]

Trim parts and the ammo drums for the heavy machinegun primed in white. I'll probably just leave the ammo drums white but i'm still unsure of what color i'm going for on the trim.
[Image: xekueinsinternalsprimed.jpg]

Partially-built head without the crest/sensors on the front.
[Image: xekueinsheadpainted.jpg]
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
I see four counts of awesome in this thread since the last time I posted. Woot

I've been thinking about that 3D printing you've mentioned before, J.E. Makes me wish I had the tech to make it a reality. Only things I've made for my ACs here is a single ROC-4 that's unfinished, off-scale, and wrongly-proportioned... Fox and Serene have seen it. Facepalm

Any tips on how to make awesome scratchbuilt parts/weapons? Specific tools that you use to measure the size/scale of the weapon?

@Fox- Ahhh XEKUEINS. Been a long time since I last assembled mine. That baby right there is worth every cent for its sheer size alone. ^__^

EDIT: Oh yeah! What do you plan to do with the XEKUEINS monoeye? When I last assembled mine, I noticed it only had an ugly sticker to make up for it. Will you consider modding it a bit to give it a decent monoeye?

Something like this:

and this:
[Image: Sig07.png]

"I love chocolate-covered Sophie." A. Nina

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