Current time: 09-21-2024, 08:46 AM
What's everyone playing now?
Private servers are everywhere.

Anyway, you won't have to worry much about botting in Valkyrie anymore, there are MERCENARIES for rent. They're like, legal bots for 20kZ each!

I've seen them in action, though I feel too lazy to start doing RO again.
Upon completeing my DL of FF Disidia(English), I've been playin this wen I get the tym. Oh, and Blazeblue as well. Got my ass handed to me in a golden platter by the Hemperor, those battles might've been perfect if wer'nt for the slight lag(PLDT and Globe should go fuck themselves)..
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
FF dissidia un dba?

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
Thanks to my Brother my Loli Golf Fantasy Game (Pangya) has been swapped in for Dissidia English ver.

I have to admit it's quite fun though getting used to the seemingly fast engine is another thing. I end up getting killed a lot by things that are like 10 lvs higher than me (Currently Lv 8, Warrior of Light). Some attacks are huge, fast, and gaurd break. wtf.
im playing an extremely girly game for girls in the DS called Cookie Shop DS. It's strangely addicting even though you're playing a cute pink dog cooking cakes and stuff. @__@ there aren't even any zombie characters, much less shooting things...but still...recipeeeeeees!
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
Finished Pangya, the epilogue will make you want to do nasty things to your PSP. It's quite possible to get all birdies and pars and then still lose the matches, and it's in Deep Inferno. I didn't want to waste my time on stupid game design anymore, so I used one cheat which was "unlock all clubs". It made the game more fair and I was able to finish it without grinding.

I like the characters though. Cecilia looks like Sophie and Arin... is... <3
I like using Pipinand Lola too.

I'm just starting with Dissidia, though I have played the Japanese version.
Dissidia is the shiz. Playing it now LOL

Even the MH guys that don't really like fighting games are playing it.

The interesting thing is the number of rewards you get from the game by playing it, and the number of customizable options that are available to tweak each character.

Think Armored Core; where you can tune each unit to your liking by removing some weapons to make it faster, or to add armor, or extensions -- Dissidia is like that, but with less weaponry.

If any of you are planning to pick it up, odds are you'll probably choose one or two characters and stick to them for good, because it takes a lot of time to properly get used to the nuances of your character.
Final Fantasy VII.

Nope, not Crisis Core, the original FFVII on the PS1.

Yep, you heard me right. I'm playing a game that is more than a decade old now. I did start playing the game back in late '98 and was halfway through to completion when this certain other game came along and made me forget all about it.

I think that other game was called "Project Phantasma" or something like that. Tongue

Now, i'll make sure to see this all the way to the end!
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
(08-31-2009, 07:33 AM)Sforza Wrote: Dissidia is the shiz. Playing it now LOL

Even the MH guys that don't really like fighting games are playing it.

The interesting thing is the number of rewards you get from the game by playing it, and the number of customizable options that are available to tweak each character.

Think Armored Core; where you can tune each unit to your liking by removing some weapons to make it faster, or to add armor, or extensions -- Dissidia is like that, but with less weaponry.

If any of you are planning to pick it up, odds are you'll probably choose one or two characters and stick to them for good, because it takes a lot of time to properly get used to the nuances of your character.

AGREED!! Dissidia rocks.. specially when it is in english.. LOL

always playing against my blockmates.. and.. there is this slow motion thingy when you chase (the one with the X button thing.. XD) it's like in naruto (ps2 etc.) where you need to press a button repeatedly.. both players dodge.. the one with the right timing loses.. love that part.. LOL

CECIL looks a lot cooler now.. RoflRoflRofl

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
I stopped playing PSP games for Persona 4, woooooooh, it's gonna be a long year again.
[Image: nines.jpg]
now playing OP7 from e-games ph.. since most members of my clan in exteel is in-active.. aand.. It's kinda boring playing the same thing over and over again.. (updates are too slow.. clan system's still not up..)

custom sniper... love it.. DomoDomoDomo

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
Mag Grand Chase ka naman, next week may Viken na. I know Nerese'll like the scythe on Ryan.

Also tried Prototype. Kewl story, though gameplay reminds me heavily of Spider-Man lol. And it's a pain to play on keyboard. Much better off played with a PS-2 controller.
currently playing, Cod4, Gradius V, God hand....
(08-25-2009, 03:01 PM)Sforza Wrote: Finished Pangya, the epilogue will make you want to do nasty things to your PSP. It's quite possible to get all birdies and pars and then still lose the matches, and it's in Deep Inferno. I didn't want to waste my time on stupid game design anymore, so I used one cheat which was "unlock all clubs". It made the game more fair and I was able to finish it without grinding.

Actually you can finish the epilogue if you're very confident that you can pull off combination shots (like Tomahawk/Spike/Cobra + Powerspin/Powercurve). Doing these allows you to land an Eagle or an Albatross once every few rounds, which the AI can only do once in a blue moon.
Playing PSU again. I don't know. I suddenly missed it.

Downloading Disgaea 2 now. Now that I am happy with my Disgaea 1 save, I can move on to the sequel! XD


Dang. It needs 5.55 firmware. XD
I can only comfort you through your dreams. When you are wide awake, all I can do is smile and enjoy your presence.

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