Current time: 03-14-2025, 01:20 PM
What's everyone playing now?
Grim: There's a sequel on the DS.

Rick: Remember when I showed you my game in FFXII? Still frustrated because my party macros lagged the PS2 by an insane amount, and it became unplayable.

Fox: Using a bowazon in hell mode /players 5-8 will be like trying to kill an elephant with a peashooter. I have one and I like playing her but it's just not workable.
Mother 3's fan translation is out. 2 years of work finally out for the world to enjoy.

Let the good times roll!
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Skies - can't help but like this bug rich game LOL
Ninja Ninja 
Playing Armored Core for Answer (yes i wanna spell it all out) while blazzzzzzzzzzzed!!!!! I love the game, and for me best AC game.

Edit: Feel free for anyone to add me up! I'm more of the speed demon type of but fast to kill =/
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
For me not much as of the moment, a bit of monster hunter, w8ing for starcraft 2 and kingdom hearts :birth by sleep for the psp to come out.

Hmmm as for arcade tekken 6 mostly, also play armored core but not much anymore, XD My fighting style in armored core is mostly blading XD i prefer working with something roughly medium weight AC with ob, and i never leave home without a blade XD , blader eh. XD
playing a few games at a computer shop near school

mass effect
crysis (can someone tell me where the save file can be found?)
C&C 3 cain's wraith
Warhammer 40k dawn of war soulstorm

save game management is hell thanks to the deep freeze oh well XD

still can't play LOD will have to DL the whole thing freaking old computer with no working cd drive XD

I'm playing Soulstorm as well, I just finished Tau Campaign. Breezed through it using the elite bodyguards LOL Well, except for the stronghold of Sisters of Battle and Chaos Marines, they're a pain in the @$$

I'm also playing Yggdra Union right now and planning to play Riveria (sp?) once more
[Image: nines.jpg]
SRW Z I want T-T

Playing fallout 3 since yesterday! Wandering in the wasteland while under the influence of hemp to give me (+5 Perception and INT *hehe*), is fun, shocking, awe inspiring, relaxing, depressing, and overwhelming at times. So much so that i would rather end my life than continue on with that kind of world in fallout, and that's why we must prevent that from happening. I could rant but better not so i'll end there. =D
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
Played through DMC3 these past two days, now I'll play DMC4 at Cabanatuan.

Isn't it sad, having to go far just to appreciate a game?

Because the said Cafe has 9800gt. And a massive LCD monitor to boot.
RA3 failed so much I crammed Total Annihilation Core Contingency 3.1 on my computer and I have to ask anyone wanna play online hardly anyone (me included) plays d2 much anymore.

come on come on Boxing bring on your krogoths Gentleman

starcraft and ACFA
Dead Space c/o Sforza. It plays like RE4... in SPACE! Well, that and my old school favorites, Jagged Alliance 2 ver 1.13 and Espagula, which is a very good shmup for the PS2. I'm waiting for Persona 4 to come out this December too.
bookworm adventures LOL

Started playing RA3. It kinda feels like Battle Realms meet RA with all the unit abilities.
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-Prof. Rolly Panopio, UPLB Math Division

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