Current time: 01-30-2025, 09:07 PM
Encyclopedia Republika
I'm not tired of AC! I just dunno if I have the zest to write whole wikis about it though. I can provide info... but not whole paragraphs. >_<
NiX Wrote:I can provide info... but not whole paragraphs. >_<

That's fine. A little info everyday makes an entire article eventually. Plus we already have lots of numbers, figures and calculations from around the net to copy paste.

I'll try to have the thing up by tomorrow or this weekend. The wiki engine used by Wikipedia seems too resource intensive.
See why we really need to make this encyclopedia republika.

See what they keep on putting up in wikipedia.
[Image: neofagbullshit.jpg]
Neo factory what???
Just in time! The technical setup is done, but the real work is just about to begin.

Also, nevermind the skin for now - I'll change it later.

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