Current time: 09-28-2024, 08:28 AM
Blu-Ray vs HD DVD!
So Jack Tretton was right all along. Always a late-bloomer. @_@
Did someone say porn?,2704,2247577,00.asp

Even the porn industry is unsure of how to position itself in this format war.
A bit late but another HD-DVD exclusive company, Universal Studios, has its obligation to support HD-DVD expired.

Wow, and Paramount seems to be able to opt-out of its HD DVD contract at any time. Article says that when it does, it'll effectively end the format war.

Oh and the postponed conference Nix posted about a while back seems to have been completely canceled now. Haha poor HD-DVD.
Hahah looks like HD DVD is going the way of betamax.

Anyways, Bill Gates said in an interview that he really isn't concerned about which current format comes out on top, as the true format of the future is the internet.


Here's a good article regarding this whole fiasco.


Sony says no to porn on Blu Ray.

What's funny is that analysts say that the reason Betamax lost to VHS (though betamax was technologically superior) is because Sony didn't support the adult industry. Repeat of history?
HD-DVD is dead.

Buy your PS3s now, folks.
HD-DVD, Blu Ray... same thing, not much of a difference except for the fact they are in different formats of each other. Microsoft is pushing for HD-DVD. however there have been reports that HD-DVD is making a come back.
Well the only thing that's going for HD DVD is its cheaper price.
Sony wins as usual,a late bloomer
Hahah you shouldn't praise Sony like it were some divine corporation.

They've had their fair share or screw-ups like Betamax. Their televisions are no longer what they used to be, as Samsung has already overtaken them in that department. Their mobile phone business isn't the greatest either. And so on.
Sony's biggest screw-up ever:

Walkman -> Discman -> Ipod?!

Bye HD-DVD. I never knew you.
But let's face it guys, aside from what your PS3s and 360s play, do really care about either Blu Ray or HD DVD?
only now i somewhat care because it affects to console formats

unlike before betamax vs VHS
Actually, it doesn't really affect the consoles as much as you may think.

And in any case, it has been said that it won't take too much tweaking to get the 360 to start using Blu-Ray as well.

In some interviews, Bill Gates practically said that winning this format war wasn't such a big priority because he believes anyway that the internet will be the medium that will pretty much kill off optical discs.

Anyways, what I was talking about was HD DVD and Blu-Ray movies. Do you folks even care about either?

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