Current time: 03-11-2025, 05:00 PM
(PSP) Soul Calibur Broken Destiny
[Image: Soulcalibur_Broken_Destiny.jpg]
It works on PSP Phat, you need to be running ChickHEN 5.5 GenB.

Is anyone planning on buying/playing? Let me know if ever, thanks. I just want to know if it's worth playing. Initial reviews are saying it's exactly like Soul Calibur 4.
Supposedly, it works on the slim too.

- Put Enable in Recovery menu: Advanced -> Advanced configuration -> Execute BOOT.BIN in UMD/ISO

BOOT.BIN included in the file package.

Sad thing is, I'm currently playing Dissidia (on adik mode) so I'm not interested in SC at all atm. Sad
Apparently there's a ripkit made by faceless81 so you can play the Euro version of SCBD (and the save function is working too)
There's a guide in pinoypsp about it.

Sadly, it seems that there's no story mode Sad But it makes up for being hand-held (and no frame rate drop as well) lol

Mod edit: direct link to post on pinoypsp,2092...msg1786945

EDIT: err was that legal here? lol
[Image: nines.jpg]
Just got this to work a while ago(tnx to this thread), will go test this shit after I'm through playing some other shit..
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
OT: 5.55 GenB? Is that like really new firmware? I wonder if the new AC and Eva games will work on it. D:
I tried the method listed on PinoyPSP, it works great. Even better, the CSO is only 346mb, movies included.

The game itself seems to be a (great looking) handheld version of SC4, without a lot of the customization options, story mode, and a few other things. It'll probably be useful for SC4 practice sessions. Will probably write more on it when I'm not as into Dissidia anymore.

(09-02-2009, 08:39 PM)Aruren Wrote: OT: 5.55 GenB? Is that like really new firmware? I wonder if the new AC and Eva games will work on it. D:

Yeah, it is. It's still quite unstable now when trying to run games so majority of people are sticking to m33.

The AC, Eva and Gundam games theoretically can work on PSP. I guess there's just not enough demand for someone to patch/crack them. Look how fast Soul Calibur was cracked.

They were able to make a fix for this? XD

Have to go DL it now. Now here's hoping they fix up the others. XD
I can only comfort you through your dreams. When you are wide awake, all I can do is smile and enjoy your presence.

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