Current time: 11-21-2024, 08:54 PM
SL - Darude
Words you can hear
AC: Darude mk. II

[Image: darude.png]

Head: CHD-04-YIV

Boosters: CBT-FLEET
Generator: CGP-ROZ
Radiator: RMR-SA44 
Inside: MWI-DD/10 
Extension: -

Back Unit Right: MWM-S42/6
Back Unit Left: CRU-A10
Arm Unit Right: CWG-MG-500
Arm Unit Left: KWG-HZL50 

Optional Parts:

SECTOR legs are hands down my favourite lightweights in the game (barring WIZ). I have always been a lover of the turn speed stat, and these are king of the castle in the world of bipeds. May be a marginal increase over HADRO, but I notice it. Also allows to kit out a bit more versus the HADRO load cap. Rest of the frame is standard from me, and I am aware of the alternatives; YIV/A10 could probably be something like SKEYEYE and some different arms or something... REX arms are super functional close quarters though and for the sake of being niche, they work. You'd have to be pretty desperate to overlook RAY's option slot advantage.

Ended up equipping the FLEET to max out speed and get all the boost colours nice and matched up. DD/20 overweight by two units. Could switch FCS (you can get perfect weight) or head to SKYEYE (preferred) if you wanted more deeks.
MG-500 is a beast outside of 800, which is blacklisted. Originally built around the  GRSL-20, subsequently playing with the howitzer I became quite fond of it. Missiles there just because they fit and can be spammed. Pair up nicely with the FCS.

Darude mk. I
Swapped parts:
I still haven't gotten back to playing Silent Line yet, we're kinda focused on trying out the viability of Last Raven Portable PVP on emulator at the moment. So my memory of the stats on this one is very hazy.

But it looks like I made a very similar AC to yours in the LR era with the same tenet: flank, flank, flank.
Hey, there's a name I haven't seen in while. Nice to see someone still playing SL. The build looks really fast. No weight cap left for MG800?
Ha yeah, SL is always going to be my go to. I never got used to NX-LR to enjoy them casually for as long as I can lose myself in SL.

I was lead to believe the 800 was banned from competitive, and while I never actually get to play competitive so it shouldn't matter, I have always steered clear of using it.

Just updated the original post/build though. For all the years I played SL I never really messed about with howitzers. Default howie is legitimately fun to throw around. Kinda defeats the purpose of building around GRSL-20, but oh well  Rofl

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