Current time: 03-10-2025, 02:17 AM
... is EVERYONE on DOS :<?

So ronery nao, ah well XD
I'm in WIZ. My bro's in DOS(Technically~ that's me letting my bro get pwned... I mean...pilot my alt account XD )

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]

-__________________- My winrate was 85% -____________-

Also Zero Saber, Zero Saber Girl and Ouka Kamuro are in the Rt Shop -_____-


The clan emblem editor:
[Image: 003-1.jpg]

...Looks like an AC emblem editor >____<

(Took awhile before I could make a clan, you have to reach a certain rank before you can buy the ticket)

Long Live Gunji..... (>-.-)>
I'd call it something RR related but I'm not Grim LOL
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
well Grim won't probably mind you holding RR's banner up high where ever you go.

(12-24-2010, 08:29 AM)HayWire Wrote:

-__________________- My winrate was 85% -____________-

Also Zero Saber, Zero Saber Girl and Ouka Kamuro are in the Rt Shop -_____-


The clan emblem editor:
[Image: 003-1.jpg]

...Looks like an AC emblem editor >____<

(Took awhile before I could make a clan, you have to reach a certain rank before you can buy the ticket)

Long Live Gunji..... (>-.-)>
I'd call it something RR related but I'm not Grim LOL

noticed the import image button up there. does it allow for bmp imports? make a Sophie emblem ^^
It's like the polygon editor.. You can't use an emblem if the file size exceeds limit or the dimensions are too big for an emblem.

Visited the shop earlier. Everything is RT based. (Thankfully I got the mechas I need in open beta)
Bad thing is.... I can't get parts for my mecha. D: (Like Izuna boosters etc.)

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
i have yet to actually play this game T-T my character is still in the tutorial. holidays are so annoyingly busy ~.~
Nearly everything turned into Rt, I have no more motivation to play the game -.-;;;;;
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
RT? sorry but what does that mean?

EDIT: went to the website and yeah so much for F2P XP

stop playing this and play MH3!!!

awwww...and i was just clearing my schedule to play it

hmm..back to lineage 2 private servers i guess
Note to self: Ask about how to use Clickandbuy or Paypal at local metrobank branch
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Many fun updates shave been issued now. Too bad I cant play anymore.
I always base my bots on ACs.
[Image: 221918_217017848328331_100000603537747_7...4932_n.jpg]

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