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Something Strange is About in the AC Universe
Discoveries, theories, and evidence abound! What could White_Rain be thinking?
(01-29-2014, 06:04 PM)R.Leonhardt Wrote: Don't be so quick to judge. Just because it's not popular outside of japan doesn't mean they didn't put effort on strategy. Their only aim was to be big IN JAPAN, the publishers are the ones who handle the international version. Which might I add; the publishers are the ones who made the box art. Unlike recent games, most of the box arts are different from each version. Seriously, again, people like you should do your homework more.

FROM and their publishers are different companies. FROM's only aim is for the japanese market, which is currently roughly twice the size of the active players in the international version. Do you know why? It's because their Marketing strategy work there! That guessing game that don't work on you? Well, they've done it on almost all the series, and it appears people there love it. Otherwise, they would have stopped.

As for Publishers, they are the ones in charge of MARKETING it outside of Japan. They have the rights to create their own version of the game's box art as long as it can appeal to their region. These publishers, have never given much effort to support the game and its fans. Few at least tried to reach out but inevitably, seemingly, lost interest. Why do I know they have different Artworks? Well, that's because I bought both versions most of the time before ACV. The difference in release dates for JP and INT version is around 3 months. For my case, I couldn't wait 3 months for the english version, so I went ahead with the japanese version. The worst artwork for the INT version so far is the AC4. They made it look like an arcade whereas the Japanese version was darker and made it look like the game was tragic. That alone tells a lot about their approach. FROM targets teens and above while most publishers target just Teens. That has a lot of impact on strategies.

Now stick to all your theories and shit but don't ever mess with what FROM had to say. When they say it's official, you don't get a say on the matter. They made the game, and when they decided to reboot, they get a reboot. Players merely explore the world FROM made, which is Armored core. They may change their views of that world but may not alter the realities of that world.

Whoa, whoa, jeezum, man, simmer down! I'm not saying FROM never said anything, and I'm not saying they said any different. All I was even stating in the post was that what they say and the box art in question are highly conflicting and it's giving me a headache. The unnecessary attitude might also give me a headache. Never did I try to offend anybody, never did I try to anger anybody. Opinions are opinions, lack of knowledge is lack of nowledge, it isn't a big deal ESPECIALLY because I wasn't saying I was completely right to begin with, so don't jump on people like that just because they think differently from you on a few things or don't know as many things and stick with what they're sure of. It's human nature to not know and to stick to our guns on what we DO or THINK WE DO know. You're doing it right now, except more "DO know" and not "THINK YOU DO know", so really, we're guilty of the same thing, nothing more and nothing less. Excuse me for being human. Jesus, we're all supposed to be friends here, aren't we?

Aaaaaanyway, that aside, now you make mention that the publisher makes the box art here. Could have sworn it was the developer. But now that you dawned that on me, I see where the confusion stemmed: Agetec. As for marketing, all the same: Agetec was lousy. Sega? Lousy. Ubisoft? Lousy. Namco-Bandai? Not seeing any promotion so far outside of Japan, so until I start seeing that, in my mind they're lousy too.

And when it comes to box art differences in different cultures, I've known that was happening. I've seen the differences in the PS1 Armored Core cases, the differences in the Crash Bandicoot cases for PS1, etc. etc. So, aside from what you believe, I DO know a few things, but that's okay, you never knew I knew, so I'm not gonna go apeshit over you not knowing which things I knew and didn't know already. Whether or not it is your fault you didn't know isn't of any importance, because despite how angry you got and how bad you tried to belittle me here, I still have respect for you, because I understand people have their moments of being so angry, they can't control themselves that easily. Why you got so angry, I don't exactly know, but that isn't my concern. I can understand you got angry, but that's no reason nor excuse to lash out at other people like that, just because they think or believe differently and are adamant in their beliefs - being headstrong in these kinds of efforts is what I myself was raised to be like due to an abusive friend who was much more adamant and much more insulting about it. I kinda got used to it after a while, so I still am today.

I wonder why it is that I anger people without even trying? Eh, not gonna get down on myself because of it - it's not like I WANTED to make people mad.

If you're still angry, Leo, and are planning on replying, I'd advise you take some time to cool down and let your mind be at ease before you do so.

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RE: Something Strange is About in the AC Universe - by White_Rain - 01-29-2014, 07:53 PM

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