Current time: 02-10-2025, 02:55 PM
The MANGA Thread
At the very least, Utsuki does have pretty good taste in games. LOL
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Currently reading Saint Young Men. It's just a slice-of-life piece about two young men sharing an apartment in modern-day Japan, going through the trials and tribulations of life like earning money, finding relationships and doing ordinary mundane things like going to a convenience store and facing the jam-packed trains at the start of another workweek.

The catch:
The two guys are Buddha and Jesus, on vacation in the real world. Bonus points for Jesus having an awesome sense of humor and looking strangely like Johnny Depp. LOL
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
(02-08-2012, 01:13 PM)Fox Wrote: Currently reading Saint Young Men. It's just a slice-of-life piece about two young men sharing an apartment in modern-day Japan, going through the trials and tribulations of life like earning money, finding relationships and doing ordinary mundane things like going to a convenience store and facing the jam-packed trains at the start of another workweek.

The catch:
The two guys are Buddha and Jesus, on vacation in the real world. Bonus points for Jesus having an awesome sense of humor and looking strangely like Johnny Depp. LOL

Wow this is interesting! This will be the first manga I'll read in a LONG time.
Well last nite I was looking up a depressing manga (If the love ones can get me to cry y not the traumatizing depressing ones) and one the kept popping up was a manga called Battle Royal (older generation of manga as you can tell w/ the art style)...I wouldn't recommend this if you don't have the stomach for this; like what 6 characters die in the first volume. So far I'm not even fazed by it to me honest. The crap that happens in this manga is what happens to the world everyday (w/ the exception of the worst lottery ever and the game leading to it)

Just so no one misunderstands I don't not think that we humans are just bad I see good in the world. Hell I'm the kind that's self-sacrificing for others and expect's just I choose not to give turn a blind eye for the crap people do everyday

Edit:Another thing I do not think there are people who are more F'ed up than others we are all F'ed up. Now what makes us different is do we embrace it and screw w/ others or do we try to better ourselves
Raven name: Rexzo
AC name: Propagation, Melancholy, & Gotterdammerung (Soon: Omni Seraph)
AC type:MW Bipedal or MW Reverse Joint (either way)
Favored weapons: Rifles, Machine Guns, Hand Guns, Micro Missiles, and Laser Blades
Attack Style: Either Aggressive or Backpedaling

Being born with angel wings (Propagation)
Rose after fallen from paradise (Depression) (Melancholy)
Accepted my inner devil for if I fought; I would have ultimately lost (Gotterdammerung)

Having undergone these trials I've have become an Omnious Seraph

"I'm a Mercenary, I'm used to betrayal...
But power is all that matters now...
In the end, Human arrogance will eventually usher in our own downfall... -Genobee"\

Mindlessly killing is something everyone can do; however, only a few think and efficiently complete the task at hand
Reading Flame of Recca. REALLY REALLY good manga compared to the shitfest that was the anime.


I LOL'd IRL. heh.
In case some guys are waiting for an update, Zeonic has completed GW:EW GotD's second volume.
And was released a day after Christmas LAST YEAR [obviously not this year's... Wahoho].
'Signatures are overrated.'
Can't believe I'm saying this, but HxH has been sucking for the past few chapters. It's a bit aimless right now. LOL Or maybe it's just a big change for me coming from all the high-tension chapters in the past few months.
Just read Gunslinger Girl ch96.

There goes Triela. And I was hoping she at least survives a little longer.
Well, It' not like readers didn't see it coming.
Damn you Yu Aida.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Rejoice Atdsutm and MJting! The darkness has consumed me and liking it!
'Signatures are overrated.'
(06-02-2012, 09:07 AM)Serene Wrote: Just read Gunslinger Girl ch96.

There goes Triela. And I was hoping she at least survives a little longer.
Well, It' not like readers didn't see it coming.
Damn you Yu Aida.

i dont think i could read gunslinger girl...the anime was so sad i literaly cried after every episode of the first season, the 2nd was ...too difrent for me to care for ~_~
[Image: SaikaDarkmoon.png]
Then just read the manga because it's better than both. You could just skip the volumes season 1 was taken [very loyal] from.
Season 2 was good in my opinion, animation quality aside.

The manga is really good. I don't regret reading and waiting for chapters.


Now I know what I missed. DAMN. Dat Censorship.
'Signatures are overrated.'
@latest chapter of Gantz


(09-26-2012, 05:30 PM)clonezero Wrote: @latest chapter of Gantz

Huh. Hoped for the best, still got the worst.
not enough gore

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