Current time: 02-09-2025, 11:59 AM
AC3: Silent Line Jousters' Guide
*Note before reading* If you find anything innacurate in this guide, please tell me so I can fix it!!!! Thanks Big grin



I. Opening Comments
________A. The Golden Rule.
________B. What is Jousting?

II. The 4 Different Types Of Jousters
________A. Heavy (Pure) Jouster
________B. Multi-Jouster
________C. Light Jouster
________________1. OB Type
________________2. OB-less Type
________D. OB Blader

III. Tools of the Trade
_________A. Some Good Jousting Parts
________________1. Frame Parts
________________2. Weapon Parts
_________B. Which parts work well together
________________1. Frame Building Tips
________________2. RA, LA, and Back Mounted Weapon Combos
_________C. Jousting Maneuvers and Tactics
________________1. Head-On OB Jousting
________________2. OB Flanking (Curving)
________________3. Circle of Doom (CoD)
________________4. In-Fighting
________________5. Blading

IV. How to build your own AC Jousting Unit
_________A. Which Jouster type is best for you?
________________1. Building from the ground up
________________2. Important things to remember when building your Jouster
________________3. FAQ's (can't forget these...)
_________B. Sample Jousting ACs from some expert builders

V. Closing Comments
_________A. Thanks for reading and a shout out!!
_________B. Quick Reference (if you don't understand something like HW)
_________C. AC Site Listings (where I usually hang out)

I. Opening Comments

A. The Golden Rule:

Before I begin, I want to tell you the Golden Rule of AC building: "What may work for others may not work for you". Keep this in mind while you read through this guide; its based on MY perspective and experience with building and piloting "Joust" themed ACs. Go out there and try building your OWN AC using your OWN ideas, then spread your ideas with other builders to expand your horizons. I have found that this is the way to go if you want to learn how to build an effective AC and become an expert builder.

B. What is Jousting?

Jousting has its roots back in Medieval times. Basically, two knights would challenge each other to a dual, called a "joust". Each knight would mount a horse, clad in armor, would use lance (long, sword like weapon) and to try and knock the other opponent off of their horse. They did this by charging toward their opponent at full speed on the horse, getting enough force to knock them off. So, how does this apply to AC? With the introduction of the OB Core in AC2, pilots were able to boost in their opponents face at very high speeds, and unleash vast amounts of firepower. This artform (as I like to call it) was greatly enhanced with the introduction of the Turn Booster Extensions in AC2:AA, which introduced the maneuver called "Flanking" or "OB Curving". As jousting evolved in AC3, the conventional jouster did also. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Jousting, how to build and effective jouster that suits your piloting styles, and how to effectively perform jousting maneuvers.

II. The 4 Different Types of Jousters

A. The Heavy (a.k.a. Pure) Jouster

First off, I'll talk about the most recognizable and probably most used type of AC Jouster: the Heavy or Pure Jouster. Pure jousters can range from just about any AC frame type (LW, MW, HW, SHW bipeds, RJ's, Quads, Tanks, and Hovers), but the defining principle that
*Heh, the whole guide wouldn't fit on one page.*

V. Closing Comments

A. Thanks for reading and a shout out!!

I would like to thank all of those dedicated Ravens out there who took the time to read this guide. I would also like to personnaly thank LaserLight, Demon, and Brian for contributing their jousting ACs to this guide (thanks guys Big grin). I would also like to thanks all those who run the AC boards, sites, and to those who created this wonderful game (thanks!!). And I would like to thank all the people who indirectly and directly got me into the game and into the AC community (thanks everyone!!).

B. Quick Reference

SLW- "Super Light Weight". These AC are ultra light and super fast.

LW- "Light Weight". They are a little bit heavier than SLWs, but are still very fast.

MW- "Middle or Mid weight". Anything and everything between a SLW, LW, HW, ans SHW.

HW- "Heavy Weight". They are slow, but they have lots of defense and lots of room for weapons.

SHW- "Super Heavy Weight". Usually above the 10000 weight units mark, they include GO MAPS and other super heavy ACs.

OD- "Output Down", or in other words, overheat.

AP/D- "Armor Points/Defense", usually used together if the stats are either good or bad on both the AP/D to save typing space.

AC- "Armored Core". Can refer to the game and the AC unit.

OWH- "One Hit Wonder" tactic. See my AC, the One Hit Wonder for an explaination Big grin.

OB- "Overboost". Function on a core that lets the pilot travel at extreme speeds for a short period of time.

EO- "Exceed Oribit". Function on core that lets the pilot do extra damage with built in weapons.

SS & SSS- "Solid Shield" and "Side Solid Shield" respectivly.

LA- "Left Arm"

RA- "Right Arm"

GO MAP-Maximum AP AC

HI ACT-High Accuracy Missles

SL, AC3, AC2:AA, AC2, AC1:MoA, AC1TongueP, AC1:
SL=Silent Line (newest game)
AC3=Armored Core 3
AC2:AA=Armored Core 2: Another Age
AC2=Armored Core 2
AC1:MoA=Armored Core 1: Master of the Arena
AC1TongueP=Armroed Core 1: Project Phantasma
AC1=Armored Core 1

C. AC Site Listings

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
The Game-Hits board; goto the Armored Corner section

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
This is the AC team that I'm currently with; its run by LaserLight

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
The Ravens' Nest Board

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>?
The East Coast Alliance; if you live on the east coast then check this place out

If you have a question, email me at -or- find me on AIM, screename is Pyromechadon -or- you can find me at any one of the AC boards that I mentioned above.


2004 Brett Harrell

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