Current time: 02-16-2025, 08:19 PM
Ace Combat 7
PS4 exclusive

What we know for sure is the title is a PS4 exclusive, and will make use of the planned VR headset for the PS4. I can almost confirm that it takes place in Strangereal once again thanks to this lovely little tweet.

From the trailer, we can also see the emblems of the aircraft. The F-22 is sporting an OSEA emblem, and the Flanker has a Euresia emblem... So, possible OSEA-Euresia conflict?
Strangereal time!!
And almost three years later:
Was that Stonehenge?!
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
It certainly looks like it! It also seems that it may be released for PC and XBox One in addition to PS4!
Love the ost tho. Back to the usual.
i hope my laptop is good enough to run this XD
I think it's on Unreal, which is sooorta optimized. Cross fingers that it can!!!!
So this turned out to be very good! As in it's a proper Ace Combat game, familiar to everyone who has played the first game up to 6 and Infinity. The mechanics are similar, while the new changes still revolve around the flight mechanics of the previous games (no DFM thank goodness).

Just not a fan of DLC aircraft being DLC. I know it's the trend, but every single mainline AC game had all aircraft unlockable without a paywall.

Anyway, this gives me hope that maybe Armored Core can make a comeback and be a good game as well.
Ace7 is definitely one of the best titles they have released in a while. Certainly a good comeback from the clusterfuck that was the last game. HAHAHAH
Oh if you need your flying fix once more, Project Wingman is releasing on 1 Dec 2020. Sophie

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