Current time: 02-13-2025, 02:13 AM
What makes Anime/Anime-ish game/jrpgs different?
was talking a bit to my indie group about my future game ideas

one of them requires a more comical style like Borderlands or Sly Cooper
the other one is a homage/shout out to Anime/JRPGS

told my lead writer for my indie group long term i will have to find another writer...its not he's a bad writer thing is
His writting style works for our current indie project which is entitled Last One's and long term he might be busy with Last One's

but pointed out...he isn't used to writting style required for my other future game ideas...but yeah he kept insisting he still wants to do the story for all future fine i asked him to write something that sounds like an Anime or JRPG like Wild Arms, Breath of fire etc...

but all he can write was random school girl or school boy...then hentai...

me: see thats the thing your not used to writing something that feels like an Anime...Anime isnt all about school boys, school girls or Hentai...sure that is shown a lot...but isnt all about many JRPG's have you played?

lead writer in my indie team: Final Fantasy 7 only

me: Facepaw thats another thing youve only played 1 JRPG throughout your entire life... you dont watch anime that often either...and assume Anime/JRPG is all about school girl/school boy thing and hentai/sex ...thats why i cant trust you with the other future game projects i had in mind...

*at least he understood my point why i cant trust him with my other future game ideas...its not that he is a bad writer...but "writting style" and he isnt familiar with anime nor played a lot of JRPGS*

anyways i just told him/indie team in advance for other long term/future projects i will need to find another writer...

maybe he should read this hahahaha
(10-24-2014, 09:35 AM)zero_kanipan Wrote: maybe he should read this hahahaha
*Vacuums list into box*
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.

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