Current time: 02-13-2025, 02:00 AM
Ace Combat Infinity
Yay fighter planes!
Oooooh man. Storyline is my jam ;~;
Is it out yet?

Try taking a look, It may be in Asia PSN, not sure about EU or US tho.
(05-28-2014, 04:01 PM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: Try taking a look, It may be in Asia PSN, not sure about EU or US tho.

It's up on the US psn, dling it now and would probably be able to play it by tomorrow.

Getting it now too. Looks like SP missions still use up fuel Sad There's a marketplace item that allows you to play SP missions as much as you want for $19.99 USD. Might be worth it if the entire campaign is really good.

ARGH! Why now of all times of when my PS3 is acting like an antisocial bitch! It won't even connect to the internet!
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
It's basically like the demo but you now understand what everyone is saying and tinkering with the options can change the voiceover to japanese which is nice.

Focusing on ground targets is what people should do for their first few missions as the AI of fighters (specially any fighter plane that's tagged as a SP target).

IMO people should avoid the F-16c as it doesn't seem to lead anywhere in aircraft tech tree. I recommend waiting until you unlock the Mirage before you do any serious dogfighting.

Keep track of the challenges as a lot of them award fuel which you will need if you want a chance of getting the adfx-01 MORGAN, and so you get more game time in general.

Kill steals will happen, but stay your rage if it was killed by a teammate. Admittedly this is not that consoling when it was a named sp target you were pursuing.

People who would be able to master the gun in dog fighting will be king.

And to anybody who has played it: Have you guys seen were in the tech tree the su-47 is?

(05-29-2014, 05:17 PM)clonezero Wrote: And to anybody who has played it: Have you guys seen were in the tech tree the su-47 is?

Strangely, I haven't. There's the 25 at the bottom of the tree, then there's the 35 around the top right, but from there it goes straight to the T-50 already.

I hope not.

Oh and my advice about the f-16 was wrong it apparently leads to the american fighter plane tech tree. I'm still not buying it.

More rants:

Seeing the Morgan's stats immediately tells you it sucks balls, its special weapons are not redeeming that sucky stat chart any time soon.

Pick at most 2-3 paths you want to upgrade because you'll barely have enough money to get upgrades and shit.

Barring the extra fuel you can do 3 missions every 12 hours ... wew.Chair

Anyways revision on my previous statement

The Morgan is mediocre but is cheap so if you plan on saving up your money for something higher up or want to get a lot up mods first then go with teh morgan and just keep modding it so it's usable in the missions

and why aren't more people playing this?

If there is one unit in ac:i worthy of being featured in a 4koma comic it's that f*kn tank in the tokyo mission! You know that one, the one hiding in the middle of a forest if skyscrapers. Screw that tank and its tendency to eat up time because its so hard to get to!


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