Current time: 02-10-2025, 07:26 AM
Space Ninja F2P co-op game
The grenades don't explode till you detonate them with your aim button. Kinda annoying when you fire then accidentally press the aim button out of habit then you die because of it.. Anyway, I've been experimenting around and I've found out that it doesn't damage allies, just you and your enemies. So weird.. But at least I can now go around super jumping and bombing the area without the worry of friendly fire =)

Anyway, bought a new sidearm because it looks cool. Can the Sicarus be lethal in mid to high level enemies?
I tried to remod my galatine for lolz and...
[Image: 291378DD3902A617DC84326F7D0D5584E1ED2115]
and this
[Image: 11CC0A3D1BDD1A74C99A51873AAA130736D50B64]

I guess it really OHKO everything XD

oh and I haven't used any forma on it yet Big grin
I know associate the sound of the mitter saw blades to the word "screwed".

I now intend to make one, I just need to level my weapons and I can solo farm illiad for it!

(02-15-2014, 04:10 AM)R.Leonhardt Wrote: The grenades don't explode till you detonate them with your aim button. Kinda annoying when you fire then accidentally press the aim button out of habit then you die because of it.. Anyway, I've been experimenting around and I've found out that it doesn't damage allies, just you and your enemies. So weird.. But at least I can now go around super jumping and bombing the area without the worry of friendly fire =)

Anyway, bought a new sidearm because it looks cool. Can the Sicarus be lethal in mid to high level enemies?

Get the Sicarus Prime instead. 10x better than Sicarus. Tysis is surprisingly good.

All the rage with Valkyr

[Image: Warframe0041_zpsb1d8a3ba.png~original]
I'm strugling which mods to put on my excalibur. To make room for blind rage and narrow minded, i have to remove either vitality or redirections which boost my shield and health to 700 and 620 respectively. I could remove both and use vigor instead but sometimes it just aint enough '___'
lol Shojo Frame!

[Image: warframe___shojo_frames_by_yuikami_da-d76yurt.jpg]
I don't know why but I find it fitting that the most destructive frame is the one with the bubbly personality. LOL

LOL Nova.
[Image: 21.jpg]
Holy fucking shit, I finally crafted my very own Glaive Prime! I made the statement simple.

Because this is the raw version.

******* *************** *** ** * ******* ***** ******* ******** ********* I finally ******* found that stupid ******* *** Glaive Prime Blade after a few ******* keys!

Censors aside, I've had enough of those motherfucking Latron Prime Receivers and Dakra fucking blades! Fuck those! Fuck my keyboard for not responding properly to my fingers when I needed to use skills. And a special FUCK YOU to my CTRL button for not responding properly and for literally being fucking a pain in the pinky in the process.

And thank god we kinda bailed out asap when we got the blade! Because I had an electricity fluctuation right after with a big risk of getting disconnected. I don't know why, but it's like I'm being trolled everywhere. The mark of Mark has touched me.

And that Nova is scarier than Stalker.
trinity parts built. just need the credits and i can build the actual warframe. thanks for the help gathering the materials ^^
btw, what's a good weapon loadout for trinity?
To build her levels up, just use any weapon you're comfortable with. You can't really do much with her until she's on the higher levels. From there you can take advantage of her skills and pick a weapon load out that matches with them.
Wtf!? around 10 t2 mobile def and 10 t3 def, no sicarus parts!!!? Damn it!!
(02-19-2014, 10:49 AM)R.Leonhardt Wrote: Wtf!? around 10 t2 mobile def and 10 t3 def, no sicarus parts!!!? Damn it!!

Hey, I got around 20 Paris Prime strings from T2 cap, and not a single Orthos Prime Blade... And I need 2 of those.
Well someone kinda forgot something..

[Image: Warframe0047_zpse56dfafe.png~original]
Yeah I had like, about 10-15 parts for latron, frost prime head, and dakra. Plus some potatoes and R5 cores. LOL

@ HH: Now we just need to look for Stalker. He can also appear headless. XD

Other than that, I've always found the Orokin Void beautiful. I wonder who designed it. So I just took some screenshots while looking for Orthos Prime Blades with Rick and Jiro.

[Image: Warframe0116.png]

[Image: Warframe0111.png]

[Image: Warframe0119.png]

[Image: Warframe0113.png]

[Image: Warframe0109.png]

[Image: Warframe0123.png]

[Image: Warframe0128.png]

[Image: Warframe0120.png]

[Image: Warframe0135.png]

[Image: Warframe0133.png]

And yes, I'm using a Rhino. Now shut up.

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