Current time: 02-09-2025, 01:22 PM
Mental Repository (M.R.)
Happy New Year RR! I just discovered that Wildheart sent me boxes (That's right, like 5 boxes worth) of fireworks a few years back, and they're just sitting here in my closet. They're those big ones that light up the night, not the cheap ones that fizzle out. They're here in my house, we should make an opportunity to use them up soon.
(01-01-2014, 10:47 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: Happy New Year RR! I just discovered that Wildheart sent me boxes (That's right, like 5 boxes worth) of fireworks a few years back, and they're just sitting here in my closet. They're those big ones that light up the night, not the cheap ones that fizzle out. They're here in my house, we should make an opportunity to use them up soon.

Pyromaniac reporting for duty. Big grin
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
(01-01-2014, 10:47 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: Happy New Year RR! I just discovered that Wildheart sent me boxes (That's right, like 5 boxes worth) of fireworks a few years back, and they're just sitting here in my closet. They're those big ones that light up the night, not the cheap ones that fizzle out. They're here in my house, we should make an opportunity to use them up soon.

how about chinese new year?
We should make plans then. Fireworks aren't allowed to be used within the gated community where I live, but if someone's venue would allow us to set those boxes off for no reason at all.. We can use that as an excuse to do stuff.
Definitely somewhere near Jolly's, I assume? Or Doc's place?

Either way, basta may apoy, I'll be there. Big grin

Frustration happened and rage mode was the result, so it might take a while before I get everything operational again. Good thing I didn't break my PC. I only broke the monitor.
I get terrible headaches when I make any sudden movements all of a sudden.
just wanted to share progress of my own startup indie group ^^

for now were just focusing into comics but hopefully later on to other media forms, like game production etc etc etc ^^
rave: jogged 11km today \o/

rant: dreams don't pay bills

RAVE: but a job can \o/ (i start on monday)
one of games worked on a bit is coming about this June 2014 :3
available for PC

it was originally an Indie Game and for pc only but kickstarter campaign is a huge success and will be now available on ps3 as well

and Feb.1 anybody going to my indie's first talk?

Kungfu/WuShu lessons paying off and enjoying it XD leg flexibility improved a lot, can kick higher, can do a few more fancy looking kicks
(of course theyre mostly only for show, highly doubt will be able to use them in a real fight...cause they're hard to time...which is also why usually have sparring session's pa rin with sifu...and of course pagdating na sparring like sifu always says keep it simple, forget about looking fancy unless you can do them very easily now and well perfect time/moment to do anycase sa sparring usually we just stick with simple kicks like front, low, side, roundhouse etc) ...also yeah leg flexibility improved a lot, more flexible now than a lot of the people now sa kung fu class XD

yesterday there was a chinese festival thing in sm center point sifu wanted me to perform din daw to be honest though for this month medyo tinatamad ako so had to decline for now...bawi na lng ako next month...

actually sifu asked me around 6 times...
last week 2 times

the day before he asked again 3 times tapos yesterday he asked again XD

i thought i never see the day of someone's attitude to the point...i want to do this to the person...of course i wont do it...but the "feeling" is eeeerrrrrr
(practice martial arts/kungfu + year of the tiger)

person wanna be career as 2d artist or something

this will be long thats why encased it in spoilers

1. at first he was in engineering course so almost everyday he kept ranting at his fb how much he hated the course and mapua...

his grades werent that high

so after a few months well i guess he convinced his dad to change course to multimedia arts but in actuality he wanted to focus on 2d art...think something like a concept artist and video effects...

we (yes its not only me that is already getting annoyed with this person even his other friends in fb well started to get annoyed with him now) thought it was going to be end of his rants cause finally he got transfered to the course he wants...we were so wrong >_< he still floods from time to time his fb with rants...

2. he complains some of this classes are like 4 hours long etc

well tough luck...a normal job is usually 8-9 hours long a day that include art jobs like 3d artist, concept artist etc etc, 5 times a week...that doesnt include the possibility of overtime moments...

3. there really isnt much openings for 2d artist around here in the philippines its mostly just for game development which is already tough to get into

4. god this guy is narrow minded...i know being fan of something is fine nothing wrong with it...but if its too the point...well your narrow minded that could be a this case he's a almost all ng favorite artworks niya are ponies, favorite artists puro pony artist lng din...even almost all his artist puro ponies lng >_<

and in an art career that isnt good...cause you should be able to make artwork of anything the studio might ask.......

you have to be open minded in art....

5. he complains this and that about the seatworks his profs give him...

wtf eh paano na yan sa trabaho whether freelance or cant tell your boss/client
i dont want to do that...
then why the hell did i hire you if your not going to do what i ask or need O_O

6. this guy is addicted to singapore (i mean fine wanting to live in a certain country is fine but its to the point your not making any logic anymore...thats not good as well) to the point he rants one day he will live on his own there...
heres the thing though

he has a cousin that lives there i think few weeks ago he visited his cousin for a few days of course kasama niya parents/family niya...and then he suddenly rants "just wait till i am 18 or so i am running away to singapore and living my own there its so easy"

heres the thing maybe it felt easy cause
a. you dont have to worry about income, you still have parents that pay for all your basic needs

b. you dont have to worry about where to live cause you stayed with your cousin

c. what will be your income? the artists in Singapore are really really your current skill level...napaka layo mo pa

7. comparing someone better than you is fine...but in this person case...its not a good kind...

everytime he sees someone better than him in class even just by abit he starts crying at a corner already wanting to give up or even one time he told in fb he is going for a leave of absence wtf....

GET FUCKING OVER IT......there will always be someone better than you.....but that shouldnt stop you

heck when you start working in a studio probably half the people theyre would be better than you cause of these possible reasons

a. they have more years of experience...kaya nga sila tinawag SENIOR, LEAD etc etc
b. maybe they just have more naturally talent
c. maybe they're just more hardworking malay mo after work they practice or they do freelance stuff which is also art related or related to their main job

i mean comparing someone better than you is fine ...but if its this case you keep crying over every single moment now...this isnt good anymore and becomes counter productive

8. when your working in a studio/freelance swallow your damn pride kid, your working in a team now...revisions will happen, changes in design etc ect and thus there will be moments kailan mag overtime...

but good this guy kunting constructive critisicm...yeah...he breaks down agad >_<

paano kung kailan e revise yung buong artwork

9. god he complains about homeworks etc etc that the profs give him well makes him tired and so ...that he doesnt get to be creative/lossing inspiration

well tough luck when you start working in a studio there will moments like that...but suck it up like an adult/proffessional and get the work have deadlines to meet

10. he complains etc etc about not having time, not having resources etc etc


- you have your own computer/laptop...
back in college i had to share 1 pc with older brother, mom and younger sister...which mom usually hugged the pc so ended up using the pc late night

i had to go to college earlier than usual and home a bit later than usual to get things done cause probably late night ko na naman magagamit ung pc

INTERNET! dumb idiot...the internet is more than for games or ponies etc

go to damn art forums, be active in art proffessional webites

- circle of friends...magpaturo ka or have a lot of friends that do 2d art...I didn't have that luxury back then...i didnt have a big circle of friends that were into 2d or 3d art........

- eeer books? can borrow books you know >_<....yish.....

- most of my friend and your friends arent even an art course like they wanted, most of us dont have anatomy lessons, advance painting etc etc

even with all that yet you still complain alot about not having the resources

"i blame everything on college"
now he wants to quit college cause its not helping improve his drawing skills wtf.......
almost everyone heck even your friends that are not into visual arts...its not the damn college, skills or profs thats the problem...its your stinkin attitude thats the problem...

with all of this i dont see him lasting in the art industry...heck i dont even think as a freelancer he wont last long either

rave: getting paid to play AND write about games \o/
good lord

this guy has the worst attitude to be an artist XD

never thought id see the day id ever meet some one this immature

figuratively speaking well i find it kinda annoying since art is my the reason why i used that vid well practice martial arts kungfu/wushu and abit of arnis/boxing from twin-skies + year of the tiger so why not XD

already want to smack them or something...but yeah probably not a good idea i might break something XD

...his rants never ends LOL XD every week he has like 1-3 rant posts about...either how unfair life is, how unfair mapua is etc etc

adding to the spoiler list
1. complains he wants to live on his own at singapore...its easy and all

dng dude cant even save up measly 1800 pesos or the hell do you expect to live on your own

and now he complains about the expenses like just 1k pesos for some art materials he had to spend for man

a. at least you dont have to worry about tuition like other people.......

b. O_O wait till you get to your porforlio and such youll be spending bigger on printing and such as well XD

2. i know its frustrating you make mistake BUT FACE IT EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES! ITS PART OF LEARNING

even when i started in out, i kept making mistakes both in 3d and 2d art but kept at it, learning from my mistakes and improving

even in martial arts as much i find so easy to beat up the xavier varsity at times at sparring etc etc and be able to do a few fancy looking kicks now...

i worked hard to get to where i am now...for example the xavier varsity only kinda practices once a week on school day
I stretched every time i wake up and an hour before i sleep
i try to practice as much i can at home...everytime i make a mistake i would alway ask help/advice from sifu and heck even from Twin Skies
because well aside from art i also love martial arts and want to get really good at it
i had to earn sifu's respect...cause he can really see i really love martial arts aside from art...usually the first one in and the last one out etc etc...the amount of effort i put to get flexibility used to be not so good few months ago but now one of the more flexible people now :3 etc

but this guy good lord i dont picture him even as lasting freelancer :p

"you know what guys, i don't care anymore. I don't care if there's something wrong with the proportions or perspectives or sizes, etc. shit. I don't fucking care anymore...

just... fuck them. I'll just do what I can do and I'll consider that correct. k?
i'm done. quick sketch anthro right here."

"fucking I'm just so tired of this shit. From now on all my drawings WILL BE surreal or whatever wrong-proportioned. just AURGH, FUCKING BULLsHIT."

yes wanna be 2d artist etc...tell that to the client/studio/boss


client/studio/boss: your fired

even one of his friends is pretty much telling him to give up on an art career already cause yeah skill wise is understandble cause heck learning never ends but his attitude is the worst ive ever seen for a wanna be proffessional artist

i really have the feeling the only reason he wanted an art career was for the fame or money

from one of his friends:
If you're so pissed about art, you shouldn't even be trying to make it. All you're doing is getting tired and angry. Art IS hard. Yes, some people find it fun or easy, but they've had shit tons of practice and have even stressed themselves so much over their own mistakes and sometimes even considered giving up.

heck already got to the point most of his friends dont want to give him art advice anymore online LOL XD

cause up to now he still doesnt get its his stinking attitude thats the problem

rave: just realized that i've been churning out a minimum of 750 words a day since monday. just today i had to write 10 articles, easily over 1500 words.
rave/rant: i think i've written more words* these past four days than the whole of last year.

*in the creative writing sense. i mean short stories, opinion pieces, and stuff i usually put up on a blog.
Yo! You guys are invited to my place on Wednesday evening. Contact Rick or Mark for transportation.
(01-26-2014, 11:27 PM)NiX Wrote: Yo! You guys are invited to my place on Wednesday evening. Contact Rick or Mark for transportation.

As in this wednesday evening? I'm game!


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