Current time: 02-10-2025, 05:20 AM
AC (PvP) Match Videos
Basically, if you have any videos of AC tournaments or high level play that you've seen on the internet, post their links here. No posting of videos against the AI, sorry.

If the vids exist on your hard drive, upload them on <a href='' target='_blank'>YouTube</a> so that we can all see them.

I hope for this thread to become a compendium of sorts on the type of approaches to the game which are worth emulating and learning from. Also, try putting in some sort of formatting when your lists get long, to keep everything neat and organized.

Oh, and put the stuff you find in links, so that's it's easier for everyone.

----- Master of California 2 Videos
I'll list the people to watch out for in this collection later. On second thought, scratch that. All of them are worth watching lol. Master of California 3 Videos
Same here.
i'm a big fan of Booyaka's AC fights, found here:

i fight him at a friends house every weekend or so and he's really good. i can beat him if i get lucky, but he usually wins.
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /></a>
I'm uploading fight vids recorded from saved replays. Please excuse the poor quality since I'm just recording them off a digital camera from the TV.

Please check my youtube account:

Enjoy, and I hope people can learn from them Big grin
I've got a fairly wide collection of ACMA vids. They're on Google Video so I'll look them up real quick and get the links back here. There's a whole lot of them so it's a pretty good find.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
I just finished uploading 2 vids from a Japanese SL tourney.

Check them out here:
Master of California 3:

PACT 1 playlist:

Here's a link to videos of me playing Last Raven.

Credit goes to Lord Leperman of course for recording and uploading most of the vids.
Not entirely sure of the caliber of these guys as I have not watched every single one yet (which makes this link a bit questionable for now). But for those curious enough, the Lost Field is an AC forum for the Hong Kong community.
wat da! meron pa lng ac vids dito all along! nobayan!
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
reviewing the videos ... I need all the help I can get...

I'm finally going to use those Japanese match vids Rick burned for me a long time ago... they'll be on my Youtube account.
LCC's YouTube profile. Dude recently started putting up some GOOOOD matches of Another Age.
Did they suddenly start playing AA again? Where the hell did all these AA videos suddenly come from? Hahaha

Arsenaltengu just put up some pretty good KAI match vids quite recently.
The lost Master of California IV vids, care of Penguin Deus.

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