Current time: 02-10-2025, 04:39 AM
Going Round Robin
I. Calculating the Number of Rounds to be played

NR = ((NP
'Signatures are overrated.'
Based on the last tourney attendance, we would have 120 matches if we go round robin. Going by the tourney rules of 5 minutes a match, and by your allowance of 2 minutes per round, we would end up with a 14 hour marathon of a tourney.

That means that if we want to go by around 10 PM, we'd have to start at around 8 AM. Haha ang aga. And I'm sure some people won't be able to stay that late.

The above are the optimistic figures, which is why round robin, as good as it is for us (more play!), is a logistical nightmare.

Everything would be so much better if we had like a condo somewhere which we'd use only when PACT rolls around. We won't be thinking of time, only the electric bill. Smile)

Pipe dream parin ang round robin sa PACT.
Unless people will be willing to have something like a 2-day event, a round robin is simply not feasible.

The best we can probably do is to have a format that has a losers bracket. Maybe something like this:

[Image: Bracket.jpg]

*image was borrowed from

Yeah! People who lost still get a second chance.
<!--QuoteBegin-Grimlok+August 25, 2007 04:01 pm--><div class='codebox_title'>QUOTE (Grimlok @ August 25, 2007 04:01 pm)</div><div class='codebox'><div id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Based on the last tourney attendance, we would have 120 matches if we go round robin. Going by the tourney rules of 5 minutes a match, and by your allowance of 2 minutes per round, we would end up with a 14 hour marathon of a tourney.

That means that if we want to go by around 10 PM, we'd have to start at around 8 AM. Haha ang aga. And I'm sure some people won't be able to stay that late.

The above are the optimistic figures, which is why round robin, as good as it is for us (more play!), is a logistical nightmare.

Everything would be so much better if we had like a condo somewhere which we'd use only when PACT rolls around. We won't be thinking of time, only the electric bill. Smile)

Pipe dream parin ang round robin sa PACT. [/quote:4c57121560]
And that is still at 1 round per match...
Wait till you guys hear the best 2 out of 3 calc...
Damning guys... Just plain hellish...
Why? Cause it'll at least DOUBLE the event time.
Yes guys, DOUBLE, in all caps.

But still, I'm working on gow to get this thing going by having the participants and their respective matches distributed within about 2 to 3 units...

Kaso nga lang medyo, nakakahilo yung system...
It's like braiding actually...

Like on a 3 unit event with 9 participants...
Unit : First Round Player One - Opponents -....

Unit1 : 1 - 4 - 7
Unit2 : 2 - 5 - 8
Unit3 : 3 - 6 - 9

Then, Spin...
Unit1 : 1 - 6 - 9
Unit2 : 2 - 4 - 7
Unit3 : 3 - 5 - 8

Then, Spin again...
Unit1 : 1 - 5 - 8
Unit2 : 2 - 6 - 9
Unit3 : 3 - 4 - 7

Now we managed to finish these matches...
[$] - [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
[1] - [$][_][_][4][5][6][7][8][9]
[2] - [_][$][_][4][5][6][7][8][9]
[3] - [_][_][$][4][5][6][7][8][9]
[4] - [1][2][3][$][_][_][_][_][_]
[5] - [1][2][3][_][$][_][_][_][_]
[6] - [1][2][3][_][_][$][_][_][_]
[7] - [1][2][3][_][_][_][$][_][_]
[8] - [1][2][3][_][_][_][_][$][_]
[9] - [1][2][3][_][_][_][_][_][$]

Then Turn Clockwise and repeat the first three spin patterns...
* Numbers encased in square brackets mean, they're completed
Unit1 : 3 - 2 - 1 / 3 - [9] - [8] / 3 - [6] - [5]
Unit2 : 4 - 6 - 5 / 4 - [2] - [1] / 4 - 9 - 8
Unit3 : 7 - 9 - 8 / 7 - 6 - 5 / 7 - [2] - [1]

Now we managed to finish these matches...
[$] - [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
[1] - [$][_][1][4][5][6][7][8][9]
[2] - [_][$][2][4][5][6][7][8][9]
[3] - [_][_][$][4][5][6][7][8][9]
[4] - [1][2][3][$][5][6][_][8][9]
[5] - [1][2][3][_][$][_][_][_][_]
[6] - [1][2][3][_][_][$][_][_][_]
[7] - [1][2][3][_][5][6][$][8][9]
[8] - [1][2][3][_][_][_][_][$][_]
[9] - [1][2][3][_][_][_][_][_][$]

Then Rotate and Spin and Rotate again, until we finish all the matches...

The good thing is, it will take less time...
The bad thing is, it will take us 2 people to share one tv, via split screen to have it done or... 2 or 4 more TV's , ps2's and I-Link Cables to have the fun done in less time.
'Signatures are overrated.'
pero pwede namn nating gawing "installments" nlaang pag lalaro diba ?

one part of the round robin for one event tapos to be continued nlang muna for the next event the problem for this would be the availability of time of the participants...

lol lets just take gloria hostage and ask her to make a whole week as Philippine Armored Core Enthusiast Week ....


Haha. Parang Monster Rancher style. Tongue

I get yer point because that game.
Kung siryoso talaga kayo dito, the most realistic way to make this happen is if we used at least 3 TVs and 3 PS2s tapos split-screen nalang para 3 matches can happen at the same time.

But personally, I'm against it. I'm still for my suggested bracket system.
*EDIT: Don't get me wrong. Tongue I'd love a round robin more than anything... but I simply don't think that a round robin between around 16 participants can be done in one sitting. And I don't wanna play a tournament on split screen... -_-
I agree with you. A lot.

I don't want to go Kanto-Squatter Mode with cartons and tape and go split screen.
This will take a long while to implement.
'Signatures are overrated.'
I just found a way how we could do this-

1 whole round every meet!
-- I just read CZ's post here in this thread. So yesh. It will be done in installments.

For example:
Mix fights every ac player present in the venue for the day
After him, the member next to him, then so on and go on.
Kung hindi matapos ng isang araw, eh di next meet naman.

This would be good to use for a more accurate tier list.

1 round only
No time Limit
Stricter Regulations
NO RADAR HEADS - Libre silip na kasi.
'Signatures are overrated.'
As much as this sounds good in more ways than one, scheding and re-scheding is a pain in the ass.

Not everyone can go everytime they have to. Even if they did want to.
Kaya nga who's available lang. This'd end up being like a survival challenge...
'Signatures are overrated.'
but we do need to do something for the randomness of RR attendance ... specially if the part by part round robin happens ... how about some sort of point system?

survival is also nice but what about people like Doc who are really busy people XD

This is the Idea:

That's why only those present in the meet for that day get to participate. This isn't actually but rather, a test to see how everyone's at par with everbody else. Results will be recorded of course to make sure there aren't repeats in the matchups.

For example:
4 people are present and paricipates in one meet.
a goes first and fight b, c and d

Then the next meet, there are 5 present minus participant d.

a, b and c doesn't have to have rounds with each other anymore because they've fought last meet, so they get to have rounds with e and f.

So ayun. Madali lang.

Our standard PACT Rules will work with this one...

But this time with some Add-Ons.

Core to Weapon Restrictions:
Hanger or Overboost-Hanger Cores
- Must stash a laser blade for the left hanger always, if a weapon for the left arm is equipped.
- Any weapon which could be stashed in the right hanger is optional

Energy-based Exceed Orbit Cores
- A laser blade is optional

Shell-based Exceed Orbit Cores
- Must have a laser blade equipped all the time.

Shields of any sort may not be equipped.

Why these additional rules? The matches have no time limit, which means to win it, one of the participant's AC's must have no AP.
'Signatures are overrated.'

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