Current time: 09-28-2024, 12:53 AM
Does anyone have a Fiio E7 portable amp? My friend is looking for one and I myself wanted to try it out
I'm pretty sure Jake has one.
Sir jake, if you're wiling to sell it, hit me up Big grin
(07-30-2012, 10:39 PM)R.Leonhardt Wrote: Sir jake, if you're wiling to sell it, hit me up Big grin

I only have a Headamp Pico and an ibasso d-zero at the moment. If you're going to get a Fiio though, I'd suggest the newer E17. The DAC is better, it accepts more input and has channel balance and tone controls. It doesn't sound as good as the top portable amps but its amazingly versatile for the price. If you want something a bit more high end, the newest version of the Leckerton UHA-6 is like the E17 but with better sound quality though no tone controls.

@goat: What about a Fiio E11? It's a warm sounding portable that you can get for a really good price these days used. Theres one on sale sa headphiles for like 1.8k. If you want a desktop amp though, anything with tubes is recommended since the dt880 is on the detailed and neutral side. The little dot amps are good value but only available online.
I'm currently using digiZoid ZO2 and a really ugly EHP-O2 . Both are dying as they fall a lot so yeah, I might pick up the ones you recommended. I also have a FiiO E5 but I think they're shit. But my friend is the one whose looking for an E7, used might I add as he only have a small budget for it
(07-31-2012, 10:52 AM)R.Leonhardt Wrote: I'm currently using digiZoid ZO2 and a really ugly EHP-O2 . Both are dying as they fall a lot so yeah, I might pick up the ones you recommended. I also have a FiiO E5 but I think they're shit. But my friend is the one whose looking for an E7, used might I add as he only have a small budget for it

The O2 is pretty good isn't it? It's just pretty big and doesn't get along well with some headphones. Which one are you using now?

I think the D-zero and Fiio E10 are both better than the E7, and they cost about the same I think. The E7 definitely hasn't aged well. I don't know if it's Fiio to blame because they put out new products every few months which are incremental upgrades of each other. I'd rather just see them take their time and actually release something that's a clear upgrade.
Yeah they do, just really ugly looking and just not that portable. The DigiZoid on the other hand is pretty neat, small,compact and stylish at the expense of a little bit of power. I use SRH-440, my dad's AHD2000 and most of the time, Beats pro on these amps.

E10 is cheaper. I didn't wanna buy it coz it was cheaper and it might indicate less power. But if you say they're better then I'll give them a shot =)
I just got the O2 from JDS labs to replace my Little Dot tube amp. I figured since I'm never going to go back to regular dynamics and stick to planar magnetics, I might as well get an amp that has adequate damping factor for them.

I must say I like the way the O2 handles the HE-400.. or rather, doesn't handle the HE-400. It lets the HE-400 do all the talking. The clarity and instrument separation is great-- possibly a little of an upgrade from the Little Dot on the instrument separation front, definitely some on the clarity front.
(08-01-2012, 09:45 AM)your mom Wrote: I just got the O2 from JDS labs to replace my Little Dot tube amp. I figured since I'm never going to go back to regular dynamics and stick to planar magnetics, I might as well get an amp that has adequate damping factor for them.

I must say I like the way the O2 handles the HE-400.. or rather, doesn't handle the HE-400. It lets the HE-400 do all the talking. The clarity and instrument separation is great-- possibly a little of an upgrade from the Little Dot on the instrument separation front, definitely some on the clarity front.

I think it's more about finding which amp suits your tastes and headphones the best. Personally, I prefer the Little Dot I+ over the O2 for all my headphones. With OPA2107 and Voshkod 6ZH1P tubes they have a similar sound signature but the mids are slightly warmer on the LD amp. I also think the O2 could afford to tone down its treble a little bit given that most headphones are tuned with a treble tilt as of late. The same observations might not apply to your LD since I think your model is an OTL pure tube output design while the I+ is basically solid state with tube buffer. The O2 is great though! It's my default headphone amp for meets. I can trust it not to be colored so I can concentrate on the differences between the gear I want to audition.
Can anyone help me with this:

I'm transferring my music to my android phone in .wav format(since the phone's stock player can't read apple lossless) and for some reason it's always labeled as Unknown artist. I put in folders( Music>Artist>Album>song name) but it only recognizes the album. Please help coz I really can't stand unorganized library >_<
(08-01-2012, 02:28 PM)R.Leonhardt Wrote: Can anyone help me with this:

I'm transferring my music to my android phone in .wav format(since the phone's stock player can't read apple lossless) and for some reason it's always labeled as Unknown artist. I put in folders( Music>Artist>Album>song name) but it only recognizes the album. Please help coz I really can't stand unorganized library >_<

I'm not familiar with how Android reads music files, but what about converting the files to FLAC or mp4 vbr instead? For mp4, I find that 256kbps vbr and up is identical to lossless on portables.
Normally, I use FLACs or Apple lossless but the phone couldn't read them. As far as I can tell, it can only read .aac, .amr, .ogg, .mp3 and .wav.

Sometimes there isn't much difference but there are times that I can really tell that 256 isn't enough. Damn, I even bought a 32g sd to house all those Flacs or aiff I have
The O2's neutral treble is fine for me, because I use headphones with neutral treble in the first place. No audiophile treble spikes for me. The HE-400 has a good treble spike, but it's well beyond the usual 8-10kzh emphasis you see on most audiophile headphones.
downloaded and ASIO driver for winXP and the plugin for Foobar and WMP. for WMP i've encountered no issues when playing files. however, on Foobar some songs now have some crackling/dust and scratches kind of interference. im guessing this has something to do with the buffers. but which one?
(08-12-2012, 12:59 AM)zero_kanipan Wrote: downloaded and ASIO driver for winXP and the plugin for Foobar and WMP. for WMP i've encountered no issues when playing files. however, on Foobar some songs now have some crackling/dust and scratches kind of interference. im guessing this has something to do with the buffers. but which one?

I think foobar has a buffer size option in the output options menu. Just make it bigger.
Personally I like using winamp as my secondary player. It has a good asio plugin.

Oh you could try using WASAPI (like ASIO) too, but your hardware has to support it

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