Current time: 09-27-2024, 09:18 PM
smile more ^^

i had a dream similar to Shin's a few weeks back. i cant recall most of it, but what i remember was that it was a date, and i was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. i also felt she knew this and was just waiting for me to ask her. the strange thing was, at one point her presence felt like someone i knew from college, then near the end, she looked like someone i knew in highschool.
So basically it means you should start making moves? LOL
(11-14-2011, 11:45 AM)Shintetsu Wrote: So basically it means you should start making moves? LOL

are you talking to me or spartan? coz i agree, if spartan's crush made that comment, he should start making moves or smiling more when his crush is around XD
Just you man. Seeds don't plant themselves into trees Smile
(11-14-2011, 09:47 PM)Shintetsu Wrote: Seeds don't plant themselves into trees Smile

i dont get this.

anyway, the college girl who i was reminded of, she's already married and living in Japan. the highschool girl i saw in the dream, she already has a fiance last i checked.
I had the most fucked up dream last night. I was dreaming that I was watching a show about Giant Zombies and a serial killer robot.

Two of my favorite mecha series combined into one series, and that offspring turned out to be called "Macross: Despair" In my dream I was watching the end of the first, and then supposedly the latest episode. I forgot the details of the first episode, but I remember it being entirely depressing.

The supposed latest episode though, majorly fucked up. Basically an entire base is being invaded by zombie Zentradies... Yeah, giant zombies. Defenders were just people in jeeps, and destroids, but the Zentradi Zombies were nigh unstoppable. Most fucked up of them all? They were all wearing giant versions of Federation uniforms from Gundam, allegedly they were part of some Zentradi rehabilitation program from decades ago (from Space War I maybe?).

Anyway, while the base is being overrun, there is a serial killer on the loose in form of a very spiky version of Char's Z'gok, who's inside the base and killing off the people, civilians, military personnel, and whoever. Essentially he's like one of them slasher movie bad guys, but he's a fucking robot.

Just when I woke up, I was wondering if the entire show was part of Macross' 30th anniversary program, and how I wish it was true.
I have too many that I can't even accurately archive them. But I'll always remember the "Panther that pounced me out of a dream" dream.
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
Forgot we had this thread XD

This one I got when I had a migraine a while back.

At first I was piloting the Alt Eisen Riese along with the other SRW pilots with their respective units, then suddenly, everything went black. When the dream started up again I became a pilot of some sort of Gundam-esque real robot, and me and my squad were trying to get out of the base we were pinned down in. Just as we all reached the exit, the dream looped, back to the beginning when we were pinned down. This went on for a while until I woke up with a killer headache that felt like my skull was being split in two. I got some ice and put it on my head then tried to go back to sleep. The dream shifted to a medieval setting with knights and wizards and shiz, but this was while I was still awake, so I was probably hallucinating because of the migraine. Then it flits back and forth from medieval times and back to my previous dream with the mechs and whatnot.

The headache was still killing me, so I took a Biogesic. As I was finally about to fall asleep, the dreams merged and it became mechs with magic and guns and lasers. Woke up the next day haggard and feeling like I finished a 50 episode season of some sort of mecha-fantasy-sci-fi show XD
Well guys last night an old dream came back to haunt me. It involves finding a dead body of a family friend, camping in a remote forest in a windmill for some reason, a shotgun, and a killer man bunny (not a costume). It came after us when we heard it roar then it ripped off the door and then I shot it before it got to biting me.
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
I just dreamed of being in a town full of children with leprosy, and they're all slowly dying. So I just wandered around with them and always asked why there were floating chess pieces in the sky, while nobody replied. I wasn't seemingly affected by the disease too, given how I don't even think I was a biological being as well, iirc.

And no this has nothing to do with Ricky-Rick.
I had a nice dream.

It started with me coming from a trip with a bunch of men, which later found out are my cousins and uncles. We stopped in front of a house, which three families seem to share since vegetables at the back of the mini=bus we were on were divided into three.

I sounded nervous when I suggested something like 'just trade the string beans for the squash since you were complaing about it during the trip' or something. Dinner came and only a few were there to eat. Afterwards, like my usual real-world self, I took care of the plates even when I was told that they have a maid. The faucet was damaged and we had to change the stopper.

Later on, the maid came in to get the dishes. She was pretty small, up to my shoulders with black waist length hair. For some reason, I hugged her, but she didn't struggle or complain. The grandfather then came in. I stopped what I was doing and went to him.
He told me she's already used to me and my habits and she's a newt mute. He wondered why I don't remember.

During our conversation, I asked him about my real-world grand father and told him: 'what would happen if I tell you that in another reality, I'm his grandson?'. His answer was surprising: "So, he managed to actually discover an alternate reality?". Cousins came in and he stopped our conversasion there, telling me that even if the other guys look like bums, they work in the same field as my real-world grandfather and we shouldn't talk about things like that there.

The maid was waving at me, as if telling me to come to her. Then I woke up.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Its been a while since I had a dream I remember, but I finally got one and it was awesome!

It starts out in a hospital, and from the looks of it, the place was recently flooded. I was in the place helping out with repair and cleanup. The thing was that the mood in the place pretty positive, everyone was chatting it up and asically walked with a smile on their faces. My guess was that things turned out fine for them, and nothing to serious happened during the disaster. The last thing I remembered there was looking at the pediatric wing of the school (I don't know why I know .. I just do) and saw that it was really clean (glittering even). For some reason I didn't like it that much.

So I changed the channel.

I began flipping through the channels which I noticed was pretty much foreign channels. ( Channels 58 and up on sky cable from the looks of it) The only thing to point out would be the channel showing some robot anime scene I can't recognize. But I do recognize the background music playing, it was Dancougar, But after a short while I began to channel surf again, then I stopped,

I found myself inside a house (didn't look like mine much) attending a party. Nothing noteworthy there, so much so that I decided to leave. Once outside and near the street, I commented to myself how bored I was. That was when two guys with miniguns came walking towards me and they looked tired. They didn't say anything, all they did was collapse infront of me and promptly died.
I moved towards one of them and grabbed one of the miniguns, that was when things got interesting.

Two xenomorphs came rushing towards me from down the street, strangely they stayed in the middle of the street in clear line of sight and they were really far away. I guessed this was the tutorial section. So I promptly mowed them down with the minigun, afterwhich I rushed back into the house.

Immediately I stopped at the doors, slightly wondering wtf I saw inside. It was like I was at MoA, the inside was ridiculously spacious. And from the doors came a flood of people screaming and fleeing towards the door I was at. Right then and there two thoughs came to me. First was that I was not getting trampled, my guess was that luggging a minigun automatically gives you trample protection or something. Secondly was that I don't rememeber there being that many people in the part. I just basically shrugged and said "sabi ni direct".

After a short while the flood of people trickled down and on the trailing edge I saw the xenomorphs who were chasing everyone, getting fended off by a couple of guards from Half Life (shrug). When one of them fell down on his back, and was about to get shredded by a bounding xenomorph, that was when I joined the party. I sprayed the whole area with bullets and was able to take down the xenomorphs, and help the two guards to get out (friendly fire OFF?). Once back on the street, I first went to the two guys I saw earlier and took the ammo bag thingie off the back of the other guy.

I then took the ammo bag off my back and pushed them together. A small port opened on both bags and ammo began transferring from one bag to the other. All the while I remember moving along, getting up a flight of stairs, and entering a building.

Inside I was met by a good number of soldiers that looked like members of S.T.A.R.S. from their uniforms, and there was a lot of them. They were everywhere inside the house and were basically just lounging around in there, and none seems to be minding me. This obviously confused me, specially considering the xenomorph invasion that was going on, That changed when I opened a door to the outside.

What greeted me was some poor smuck about to get his face eaten by a xeno. Unfortunately what went through my head at the time was "Oh, so thats where they are!", so I wasn't able to save the guy. I at least was able to avenge him with my minigun. Things went back to hell and all the S.T.A.R.S. guys and gals started scrambling and in general get slaughtered by the invading xenos. Well that was until the brotherhood of steel showed up.

After a short battle that I can't seem to remember properly the scene changed. I was now viewing the scene from a top down perspective. What I saw was a guy in power armor running along a place that looked like it was a VR training room from MGS. All the while I was narrating the (exaggerated) capabilities of the power armor, with the guy demonstrating it as we go. While I forgot the specifics I remember him jumping up what seemed like a 30 foot wall, and then proceeded to go do a ninja jumping on roofs bit.

What came next was a narrative coming from me of what seemed like the mission of of the brotherhood. Then came a battle scene on what looked like a delapitated highway where on one side was a whole bunch of what looked like sentry robots from Fallout 3 but their upper bodies was pyramid shaped, these I strangely knew where from the Enclace. On the other side was an army of BoS soldiers in power armor. After a short staring contest they went about shooting the shit out of each other.

The scene then changed back to a 1st person perspective, with me back to back with two BoS soldiers on a street. More specifically the street outside my house, and there we waited for we knew that a horde of xenomorphs was about to storm our position. And after the obligatory gust of wind (no tumbleweed =( ... ) there they came coming from all directions. Guns blazing the three of use was able to hold of the tide, but things after that was fuzzy.

I remember suddenly being in a tunnel running for my life, the reason for that was I rememeber just planting a bomb that among other things would do something to the xenomorphs to make them fight each other. While I do not remember an explosion I do remember the the big shutter doors suddenly ( an in a very cliche manner) began closing one at a time. The last thing I remember before waking up was the sight of two waves of xenos charging each other, only to be obscured by the closing of the shutter door.

I am still wondering how I got this dream, or set of dreams to be exact. Before I slept I was reading some pony fanfic I got interested in. Then after I stopped I suddenly rememebr the song "colors of the wind" and was basically LSSing till I fell asleep. Stranger still was that there was no connection between what I was just reading and Pocahontas. And there was the strange lack of ponies in my dreams to content with as well, taht would have been nice *sob*. Don't remember ever getting a dream with ponies ... maybe someday XD.

This could be an awesome short story, now imagine if Rainbow Dash Rainboomed the horde of Xenos and then the next thing you know, you're killing sentries and Xenos left-and-right while riding Rainbow Dash and then parachuting into the Xenos nest with some high explosive and a jetpack.
[Image: 213920.gif?v=1]
"It's snowing women." -Tsukika.
There are two things that I will always laugh at: "Yuno F***ing Gasai" and something else.
As of late, my desire to remember my dreams seems to keep getting fulfilled. I had a series of short dreams (or one really wtf worthy one)

This involved, but may not be limited to; a flood (which I guess was pretty a obvious one), a half assed alien sighting, a road trip with both families on the mother and father, a fair bit of walking, some secret agent lady trying to steal a special camera (which I forgot what was special about it right after I woke up), and a pit filled with snakes that burst from the hole to chase me (after eating Wanda Sykes who came out of nowhere).

I still wonder why most of my dreams are so confusing.


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