Current time: 02-16-2025, 11:29 PM
LR: Modifying ACLR
stats not seen in-game, and other useful not-so well know info
since your all's mom is requestin' it, as is a many of you, i decided that weekly i'll add the break values for a whole part category (one week heads, another cores, so on...)

...'cept i think legs will have to be broken into two parts as there are so many. should i even include arms as they darn near NEVER get broken (and even more so, the HW arms)?
We've seen arms break. Really funny results too. I guess you could add them last I guess.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Thanks a lot!
heads are done, check the first page
nice!!!!!, ive updated the part list with this!!!!
is it just me or ac on last raven look better before the weapons are equipped...
Your death sentence is to die by the hands of my anger. My anger is relentless, you can run but its worthless and the furious angels will bring you back to me with your head on a pike for the world to see as I rip you to shredds with my wings of destruction....
(07-30-2011, 01:45 AM)Int3ll3r1337 Wrote: is it just me or ac on last raven look better before the weapons are equipped...

we are not talking about appearances here
whoa there thats kinda rude sir...i was just making a comment i do realise this part of the forum is reserved for aclr discussion of parts... anyways i need help with getting tunes or something for the lemur and 92s3... i just cant seem to get the energy or weight leveled
Your death sentence is to die by the hands of my anger. My anger is relentless, you can run but its worthless and the furious angels will bring you back to me with your head on a pike for the world to see as I rip you to shredds with my wings of destruction....
cores are done. check page 1
nice, thanks for the update!!

U5 is really bad lol.

but yeah break values for cores doesnt matter much.
yeah, legs for most AC's is the only real important break stat (but not for hovers, as they ALWAYS break in short order). for tanks it's the head.

the only time the break stat for the core is important is when you're running an OB
Thank you for the extremely valuable info. Your work's always appreciated. Smile
alright guys, i know i'm behind, but later today i plan on getting caught up by listing the stats for ALL bipeds - mid, light and heavy.

btw, NiX, you change your av more than anyone i've ever known of...
thanks for the update adiyel,
alright, since i was slow on the last few updates, i went ahead and listed ALL of the broken stats for frame parts. also, as a small bonus, the AMS ranges are up...

it's interesting to note that the longer ranged AMS tend to be way better than the short ones. in actuality, AMS' can fire off about 12 times (!) per second, and require no EN because they are not flagged as being "en weapons," and also have 500 ammo (which conveniently never has the opportunity to run out)

...i've actually found out how to flag it where they have EN costs, fire off slower, and have a usage limit

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