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'Signatures are overrated.'
i learned that they have fan made characters based off of armored core 4 answer characters on gelbooru, then they have hentai of those characters,................... than they have those few disturbing pictures of a masculine naked man with last raven's foxeys head on the body to resemble jak O..............

i can never look at jack O again
what do i fight for? i have nothing to fight for but i fight i LIVE because it is my only defiance to what ever gods may be for making my life a living hell
if it exists, there is porn of it. Smile
@NiX i dont have a problem with it its just out of all things in this big blue fucked up world i would never thought that someone would make armored core hentai then make a jack O hentai
what do i fight for? i have nothing to fight for but i fight i LIVE because it is my only defiance to what ever gods may be for making my life a living hell
(08-05-2011, 04:45 PM)spartansgestugatenso Wrote: @NiX i dont have a problem with it its just out of all things in this big blue fucked up world i would never thought that someone would make armored core hentai then make a jack O hentai

Wel, with a name like Jack-O, he was kinda asking for it. Tongue
MLP:FiM beat Avengers: Earths Mightiest by a landslide in top cartoons of 2011/2010


Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawk Eye etc got beaten by Ponies XD

As long as Twilight Saga doesn't beat Avengers in the future, I'm happy with Twilight Sparkle beating Captain America :|
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
correction by
dancing,singing, crazy, OC, anxiety issue, crazy, random, insane...yeah i can use a lot more words XD little ponies...and bronys XD

maybe if they turned avengers into musical that might work XD LOL XD
(08-05-2011, 02:05 AM)spartansgestugatenso Wrote: i learned that they have fan made characters based off of armored core 4 answer characters on gelbooru, then they have hentai of those characters,................... than they have those few disturbing pictures of a masculine naked man with last raven's foxeys head on the body to resemble jak O..............

i can never look at jack O again

Dig deeper and you'll find that pic of Evangel with an erection. It's pretty well drawn too...

(08-06-2011, 12:17 PM)RoninFang Wrote: MLP:FiM beat Avengers: Earths Mightiest by a landslide in top cartoons of 2011/2010


Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawk Eye etc got beaten by Ponies XD


But My Little Pony is extremely well-animated. Better than most I've seen in a long time, actually. Smile
"But My Little Pony is extremely well-animated. Better than most I've seen in a long time, actually"

i know i tried flash before in college and believe its time consuming and ain't easy if you really want fluid animation especially when you start getting to more complex motions even if its a simple cartoon

every minor detail is taken into account...for example most cartoons would just use roughly 3-4 in between frames or so for a head turn which results into a very choppy crude look heck most of the time you would even just have the head static and just put the mouth and eyes on a different layer and animate them separately
...resulting in probably seeing just stiff talking heads (which you are probably better off reading a comic if that's the case)

every facial animation is fully animated...i rarely see this done in 2d cartoons, usually only in movies

or just swaying certain parts of the character to save on time and cost of production but results in obvious repitions and such

sure there are still some repiitions but its only a few and not that heavy as compared to most cartoons

as for background in most cases backgrounds are just static or usually just buildings/structures in the background again to save on money and time but resulting in errr..."empty" but if there is a characters in the background there just there, parang wallpaper lng sila

in mlp:fim its a totally different even if the characters will just be in the background for a pretty long air time >_< their still moving and their actually doing something that helps fortify the story better

the animation is beautiful its fluid, clean halatang they worked hard on it even the smallest details

there are no sudden jumps, halts, jitters and such theoretically speaking everything flows smoothly

like one of the bronie fans in youtube said: "its like...Disney like quality animation...especially when they break into a song number that sounds catchy or really good and actually helps progress the story..."

great >_< i explained the points clearly cant help i love animation/movies/games dang >_< gusto ko tuloy na talaga mag start un sa Toon City tuloy...kunting na lng tiis na lng XD

it actually made me cry on the inside, it made me miss the good old days of Disney, Ducktales, Darkwing Duck, Batman, etc, when cartoons /animations shown in the T.V. were still very well made...kinda reminded me a way of what it was like a kid back then

to sum it pretty much my reaction is something like this

i just hope the will maintain the quality all the way i want more than a season 2 XD

stumbled across it while hopping around the various "asksomepony" tumblr pages. clicked it and it took me a few seconds to realize what was on it ._.
thank god its a sunday and no one is behind me here at the office, else i'll never hear the end of it ><

there's also which thankfully is work safe, well atleast, what ive seen from it so far.
MLP:FiM needs its own thread...
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
I can visualize teh future that RR's skin and homepage will be filled with ponies. You see that blue mech at the upper right corner of the screen? It's going to be replaced by a blue pony!

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