Current time: 02-02-2025, 05:51 PM
- It's not easy to take down an iron mountain.
Two weeks after the past meet and I suddenly remembered about this thread.

We tested the design extensively during the meet at Sforza's place.

As the name suggests, he's tough. To the point that Nix decided to ignore him to save ammo and focus on my much lighter teammate, allowing me to strike them with the verts and torps. My mistake was I didn't focus on Nix and our team ended up losing.

Something I've noticed is that bazookas are the best way to go on this build. Anything with a good rate of fire like the RL and similar rifles only end up missing more that the mighty BP and other bazookas. In a way, it could be because I'm going against faster builds and a weapon with accuracy rather than firing rate is much better. Instead of spamming, it's better to strike with well placed and well timed shots. I have the durability to do it anyway, so why not?

The only issue here is the generator's charging time. Even with the Lotus and even with the high surplus, it just doesn't seem to work. I'm planning on trying out my staple ground combat internals, which is Kongoh [1-6-3] + Linden [Output] + V2 [Heat/Accel].
It's hot as it looks, but the charge time is great because of the Kongoh's already high output and is improved with the Linden's tune and the baconing is well backed up by the Linden's massive forced cooling. I will run out of energy, and when I heat up, but all I can do when that happens is trust my setup.
'Signatures are overrated.'
RL shouldn't be missing more than BP, it's a more accurate gun. In 2v2 you'd probably want BP anyways.

I really don't see a reason to run anything over G91.
(06-20-2011, 07:44 AM)your mom Wrote: RL shouldn't be missing more than BP, it's a more accurate gun. In 2v2 you'd probably want BP anyways.

I really don't see a reason to run anything over G91.

G91 is good. I like it as well. But when comes to recharge, I'll go for Kongoh. Well, it recharges faster because, 1. it has a small condenser capacity and 2. because of its output's relation to its condenser, it recovers real quick. Those are the two things G91 does not have. But Kongoh has, 3. crazy high calorific value, which means I'll take in more heat. But even if he overheats, with Linden's great forced cooling and low drain, he'd recharge in no time.

Compared to the usual G91 + Ananda setup, when out of energy, Iron Mountain'll end up being a sitting duck much longer by more or less than 8 seconds because of its condenser capacity. The Lotus is sort of an in-between in this build and doesn't work as well as the two because, yes, it has a low calorific value and good recharge, but the thing is, it's still too slow for me.

I haven't tried my idea yet on this build yet, but of course I want to try it out first.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Well with G91+Ananda, you shouldn't be bottoming out an starving for energy to begin with, unless your energy management is down the drain. Realistically there's no reason for a design like that to need a generator more than Lotus, which should make you go faster anyways because it's lighter. If you're too heavy and in need of massive bar to maintain range control, then G91 does that while Kongoh doesn't.

I don't know why Linden would be a good choice. I've experimented with the whole Linden thing on high calorific generators (what aco dubbed backdoor cooling years back) and it was less than practical in practice. Even though the Linden meant you didn't lose much energy while overheating, being constantly put into overheat meant you had overall less energy than what you would if you had a setup that never overheated in the first place.

I know about backdoor cooling since I was from ACO and it's exactly what I want to try on him. I find it useful for units tough enough to take the punishment and a big HELL NO! on mids and lights since their AP are usually not that high, especially with the ones we use here.

I don't care much about speed since I time my dodges, not as well as Leperman or Nix or everybody else on top of PACT food chain, but I suffice.
In fact, I find it easier to dodge with heavies because they feel heavy on the controls. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

Besides, the punishment's fine with me since I'm an 'M', quite ironic that my handle name starts with an 'S'.

Back to the topic, I'll try it out first. I usually go for setups that make me comfortable. If Kongoh + Linden doesn't work, I'll stick to G91 + Ananda.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Time for the obvious/popular answer.

RA2 or R2 or Shade


Tune it enough to get it underweight. I don't know what the 2v2 rules are regards to weight/hangars with UA so I left hangars out since the speed increases a bunch. If it's allowed just changeing out R3 for HP and putting handguns in the hangs does wonders.

Now it's pretty clear that you're going for a bulky heavy style with big weapons, but I'm posting this for the sake of communicating what best accomplishes the style you're going for in a competitive 2v2 setting. And yes I know you'll probably not use the bot as it's basically the most used heavy ST core frame on the planet aside from U4 hangar bots. I'd even prefer it faster but this is about as heavy as you can go while still being good.

Your AC is too slow. It's supposed to be, but does it have to be? The main things holding it back are AP legs, longhorn, and centaur. The reason to use centaur is to create a threat big enough to have your opponent focus on it more than you usually would with weaker missiles. The reason why you would want this is to herd them in a predictable way so you can set up big damage. Zooks are good for this but you will seldom get into this situation due to how heavy the AC is, so you'd have to coordinate with your partner beforehand to have them play a rush style build and look out for your missiles as a cue. Honestly though, you can accomplish this more reliably with regular old verts as they hit more. The same goes for harpy. The idea is that they'll either avoid harpy by boosting in a linear direction or get hit by them some to avoid your partner. Verts are a bit trickier to have work consistently for herding, but still do OK. The big deal with running harpy+verts is how fast you dump weight/drain with harpy. Rifles just work best on any UA AC imo, especially since we're trying to keep weight low while keeping ammo/accuracy high.

I'll agree with TM that you should be able to manage drain on this. RMG+centaur sucks some en up but longhorn/UA more than makes up for it. If it really becomes a problem just going GULL/lotus is enough.

Assuming you keep the frame the same i'd do the change to suiten with no hang like TM said. Volute2 has very limited uses. Single wields with missiles are generally where you want Miroku or Monju. UA gives a high heat breakpoint so you can easily get away with vult2/hazel/lotus with a couple heat tunes on v2. Throwing on eye3 to cover for stability/def and using marishi/R+ like in the design above is a good idea with hazel too. Freeing up weight helps man.
Fuck protoss.
AC: IronMountain

YH13-LONGHORN - 0-9-0-1-0
CR-C83-UA - 0-7-0-3-0
CR-A89AG - 0-7-3-0-0
CR-LH81AP - 0-6-1-1-2

B03-VULTURE2 - 0-5-5-0
CR-G91 - 0-10-0
R02-HAZEL2 - 0-10-0



000 045 180
125 125 125
025 025 050
025 025 050 000 200 000
125 125 125

I decided to go with Vulture+G91+Hazel2. It works.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Yo serene,

the only reason for F69 is if you want to run a large lockbox, single-wield with one or more ND weapons. else, use COWRY for single wield large lockbox, or LIMPET for dual (LIMPET is great, i don't know why people don't use it more? it could use just about 50 more range on each of it's ST, SP, and ND's and it would be godly imho)

also, you should try B3, as it is the second most accurate and lightest zook.
There's no reason to use be using HAZEL2 instead of ANANDA.
(09-16-2011, 01:30 AM)adiyel Wrote: Yo serene,

the only reason for F69 is if you want to run a large lockbox, single-wield with one or more ND weapons. else, use COWRY for single wield large lockbox, or LIMPET for dual (LIMPET is great, i don't know why people don't use it more? it could use just about 50 more range on each of it's ST, SP, and ND's and it would be godly imho)

also, you should try B3, as it is the second most accurate and lightest zook.

Check the spoiler tag. It has the modified Iron Mountain in it.

I use Monju most of the time out of preference and sometimes Fugen if I want to really just spam my missiles and die afterwards [which is like, all the time].

I love the B3. It's great as is. BP works too but is too heavy to move.

Hazel2's just a bit lighter, but Ananda still works best for the build.
'Signatures are overrated.'

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