Current time: 02-02-2025, 03:41 AM
LR: Modifying ACLR
stats not seen in-game, and other useful not-so well know info
Firstly, changing ETTIN's projectile color is as easy as swapping its projectile with that of the ORC...

I have good news and bad news. First, the bad. I initially wanted to have a vid up before the week was up, but my project has been delayed...

...The good news is why its been delayed. Initially, I couldn't make heads of tails of about four Dwords of code for each weapon. I had always recognized 69R as the first ATK stat block, but as it turns out, those four Dwords that started 69R's data block actually ended the generic CAMS' data block! I was always reading the previous weapon's range/behavior/velocity section as belonging to the current! Now, I'm sure that I can now modify things I never before thought to be possible, like:

-velocity (!)
-projectile stray (a def plus for MG's)
-missile mobilty (hi act)
-increase stealth aspect (perhaps, still iffy)

With the discovery of the true first ATK stat data, I also plan on reinventing the way CAMS works slightly so as to even out the edge between Crest and Mirage cores, as well as improve missile viability in a cannon-accessible environment (more details later).

I may not reply for a while since I have to redo all my WinHex bookmarks...!
(11-07-2010, 10:43 AM)adiyel Wrote: Firstly, changing ETTIN's projectile color is as easy as swapping its projectile with that of the ORC...

I have good news and bad news. First, the bad. I initially wanted to have a vid up before the week was up, but my project has been delayed...

...The good news is why its been delayed. Initially, I couldn't make heads of tails of about four Dwords of code for each weapon. I had always recognized 69R as the first ATK stat block, but as it turns out, those four Dwords that started 69R's data block actually ended the generic CAMS' data block! I was always reading the previous weapon's range/behavior/velocity section as belonging to the current! Now, I'm sure that I can now modify things I never before thought to be possible, like:

-velocity (!)
-projectile stray (a def plus for MG's)
-missile mobilty (hi act)
-increase stealth aspect (perhaps, still iffy)

With the discovery of the true first ATK stat data, I also plan on reinventing the way CAMS works slightly so as to even out the edge between Crest and Mirage cores, as well as improve missile viability in a cannon-accessible environment (more details later).

I may not reply for a while since I have to redo all my WinHex bookmarks...!

wait, can you list how many things you can change on the parts?

and can you improve the anti aliasing of the game (as good as AC3)
Are there any stats for Parts breaking?
I have this thing about having my own lingo for everthing. Whatever anti alias is, I can probably do it...

Also, the are part break values; the higher the number, the easier the break. I could make it so that hovers don't break at all...

Lastly, 90-95 percent of anything you can think of stat/performance related I can change.
(11-11-2010, 12:54 PM)adiyel Wrote: I have this thing about having my own lingo for everthing. Whatever anti alias is, I can probably do it...

Lr is too pixelated, compare to AC3SL where you can see the parts clearly in detail
(11-11-2010, 12:54 PM)adiyel Wrote: Also, the are part break values; the higher the number, the easier the break. I could make it so that hovers don't break at all...

So parts have their own breaking stats. I thought breaking was entirely based on the AP & Def stats.

Yo Adiyel can you tell us a bit about the part-break stats of the more popular frame parts like EYE3, S2, DINGO2, COUGAR2, PANTHER, etc etc? Like if they're higher or lower than average. EYE3 for one seems to break really easily.
I'm in the middle of designing some stuff, but I'll go to the PC and check a few out for you...

Be aware though, the rate at which your parts break is just as much effected by your play-style as the value...for instance, if you run a ground game like G Faust, unless you're getting MG'd or SG'd, you usually don't have to worry about broken legs; if your getting DFA'd then your head is more likely to break; if you're a hover, since you are always classified as being airborne, your legs will ALWAYS break Tongue
Yeah, I figured that position would factor in too. Like how heads seem to break the fastest on tanks.

Oh, so that's why hovers always blow up. =/
Check the chart on page 1 for some part break values.
Wow, DINGO2 and EYE3 are sturdier than perceived. And LOL at UA.

What is sting head's durability? I always used it on my tank cause it for some reason just never broke, even though it seems like it would. That and it provided a dope radar.
stats on other legs? since they are the most important onces especially for hovers.
lol that confirms it ua is borken!!

question: do different weapons have unique stat breaking rating just like how those parts have hidden stats. or they are just determined via total damage?

it would also be fine is most rifles have similar stats and only different in their weights this might be also applied to other weapons such as MGs, laser/dual laser rifles, shotguns, hand GLs etc......., but i dont know how will you make niche weapons such as echidnas, yasha, chimera, lupus (WArms) and other unique weapon viable.

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