Current time: 03-13-2025, 02:50 PM
The Rant/Rave Topic
(08-21-2010, 05:47 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote:
(08-21-2010, 02:49 AM)cabs Wrote: 6:42am i wonder what's for breakfast Happy

Eggs with soy sauce? Tongue

What exactly are you doing that made you stay in the office for the whole night/early morning?

Our boss suddenly asked us to finish the next version of the social network application that we are working on so that it could be deployed this weekend. Glare
Earlier this week, he told us that there was no rush with the version up and we could go at a slower pace. Then last thursday he found out what we were working/planning on for the said update and suddenly decided that it should be finished and applied asap. Glare
Ninja Ninja 
(08-21-2010, 07:20 AM)cabs Wrote: Then last thursday he found out what we were working/planning on for the said update and suddenly decided that it should be finished and applied asap. Glare

Fickle people... No no

(08-21-2010, 12:00 AM)J.E_Magog Wrote: MANDATORY. $500. For a semester? What exactly are you studying? Are you an international student?

Good thing I'm not an international student, otherwise the tuition would be tripled. The tuition for me is around $3000 per semester, and financial aids and scholarships covered $2500, so that is only $1000 out of my pocket this time. Ermm

It would be worth noting that both the expenses and earnings in the States are quite high, so things sort of balance out on their own. Still, textbook prices are going up like crazy and that is unjust.
RANT:na LSS ako dito ;__;

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Rave: convertaed my animation to avi format. now who want's to see a surprise in my thread?
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
^Ain't that some shit?

Rave: Gonna add F**K YOU to playlist... Big grin

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]

Been to a comiket today, it was both Heaven Shifty and Hell Facepalm
Ninja Ninja 
do tell about your exploits XD

O yeah I just saw

happy b-day Jack-O where ever you are!

Rave: went to a Komiket with Cabs. found yaoi


[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
bought starcraft 2 in gamestop, it came with Axe deodorant products which made me LOL.
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
nonono that's not the cabs I remember....
(08-22-2010, 10:25 PM)iraya-sama Wrote: Rave: went to a Komiket with Cabs. found yaoi

Your post could easily be misunderstood in so many ways Facepalm
For clarification: I DID NOT buy anything on that day, what I enjoyed was the scenery and not the goods LOL
Most of the doujinshi mangakas were quite cute and pretty unlike the stereotype that we know Happy

RANT: Bugs were found on the rushed up update on our program... what else do you expect... it was supposed to be a major update with LONG planning/designing and testing time Glare
Ninja Ninja 
(08-23-2010, 12:12 PM)cabs Wrote:
(08-22-2010, 10:25 PM)iraya-sama Wrote: Rave: went to a Komiket with Cabs. found yaoi

Your post could easily be misunderstood in so many ways Facepalm

seriously cabs

you dont have to be shy about it Wub

God fucking damn it. A few seconds ago, my nephew (who is less than 10 yrs old; also the guy who kicked me right there and made me suffer a day for it) just called me recently and is asking me to GIVE HIM instructions on how to download stuff on torrent. I gave my share of answers like a fucing call center agent, which ends in a total disaster when they don't have any effing torrent program on their PC. Seriously, the kid is still limited in grammar and reading. How am I gonna be able to help him? WTF.

I kept telling him to let her mom speak to me instead, but for God's sake his mom isn't coming to the phone, WTH. My nephew just acted like a spoiled brat and kept forcing me to give him more instructions until I told him that I'll need to talk to his mom since he won't be able to understand the rest of the terms I need to say about tech stuff.

Just tell him he's incapable of logical thought and that he's bothering you, and that he should stop. Or something cryptic like "kulang pa ung int stat mo" or "nub ka huy!" so his mom won't get mad at you Tongue Or keep repeating WHAARRRGARBL over and over till he hangs up.
(08-23-2010, 01:09 PM)Sforza Wrote: Just tell him he's incapable of logical thought and that he's bothering you, and that he should stop. Or something cryptic like "kulang pa ung int stat mo" or "nub ka huy!" so his mom won't get mad at you Tongue Or keep repeating WHAARRRGARBL over and over till he hangs up.

I just found out from my grandmother that my effing nephew lied to me all along, and his mom wasn't home. He isn't allowed to play games during weekdays and decided to call me instead, because his mom wouldn't help him at all (it's monday, mind you).

The excuses he did were LOL though, like breastfeeding and then taking a bath wth, which actually fooled me. Bastard kid.

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