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Personality tests
<p><em>Your result for The What Kind of Christian are You Test...</em></p><h4>the Conservative</h4><p>You scored 37 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="500" height="381" /></p><div>Your theology is orthodox, mostly (you occasionally overemphasize one aspect or another). You believe in the supremacy of Christianity, but you don't preach hate. Your motto is "Love the sinner, hate the sin." You are conservative on social values too, although you believe in helping the poor and the oppressed. Gay people make you kind of nervous. You secretly enjoy watching "Sex and the City" but you feel bad about it.

Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)</div><p><a href="">Take The What Kind of Christian are You Test</a> at <a href="">OkCupid</a></p>

Ooookaaaay~ wtf...
^That was my goody goody side... for the "screw this test" side.

<p><em>Your result for The What Kind of Christian are You Test...</em></p><h4>a Spongite Christian</h4><p>You scored 19 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="215" height="300" /></p><div>You identify strongly with people like John Shelby Spong. You may consider yourself to be a "non-theist." You are connected in some way with Christianity, either by church membership or simply by self identification, but your theology is entirely heterodox. You believe in helping people and you claim to believe in God, but you insist on defining what that means for you.

Jesus loves you! (But, you know, not in that way)</div><p><a href="">Take The What Kind of Christian are You Test</a> at <a href="">OkCupid</a></p>

Quote: Q: Who was Jesus Christ? (was... lol)
A:Just some dude with funny hair. But man, is he ever ripped in the pictures!

Aww~ I don't like the results. =_=

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
im a viking pilot

I'm a Firebat.

Firebat Din.
'Signatures are overrated.'
fox should also get a firebat or his pyromaniac cred's gonna take a dive! LOL


Well, whaddaya know. LOL
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
well congratz LOL

but still why are you all firebats?
Im a lonely ghost XD

Firebat Tongue
(06-21-2010, 11:15 PM)clonezero Wrote: well congratz LOL

but still why are you all firebats?
Im a lonely ghost XD

Ayaw mo nun? Special ka.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Lonely emo Ghosts always go alone and nuke places.
well at least we don't go cutting ourselves think of us as emotional vampires on a grander scale LOL

Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving

ESFPs live in the moment, experiencing life to the fullest. They enjoy people, as well as material comforts. Rarely allowing conventions to interfere with their lives, they find creative ways to meet human needs. ESFPs are excellent team players, focused on completing the task at hand with maximum fun and minimum discord. Active types, they find pleasure in new experiences. ESFPs learn more by doing than by studying or reading, and so they tend to rush into things, learning by interacting with their environment. They usually dislike theory and written explanations. Observant, practical, realistic, and specific, ESFPs make decisions according to their own personal standards. They use their Feeling judgment internally to identify and empathize with others.

Last time I was an INFP. o_o?
web browser fail. sony shit browser
was curious about the starcraft 2 test.
starcraft 2. i might buy a desktop instead since i'm gonna be rooted here for quite some time.
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
(07-08-2010, 06:07 PM)Shintetsu Wrote: ESFP
Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving

ESFPs live in the moment, experiencing life to the fullest. They enjoy people, as well as material comforts. Rarely allowing conventions to interfere with their lives, they find creative ways to meet human needs. ESFPs are excellent team players, focused on completing the task at hand with maximum fun and minimum discord. Active types, they find pleasure in new experiences. ESFPs learn more by doing than by studying or reading, and so they tend to rush into things, learning by interacting with their environment. They usually dislike theory and written explanations. Observant, practical, realistic, and specific, ESFPs make decisions according to their own personal standards. They use their Feeling judgment internally to identify and empathize with others.

Last time I was an INFP. o_o?

Sometimes the aspects aren't as pronounced. For example, you could have strong FP tendencies while having no distinct introvert/extroverted and sensing/intuitive behavior.

I just took that test again and flipped back into an INTJ. It changes every few months between INTP and J LOL
Well, yeah, it would change if you had a change in attitude/environment. I'm curious as to how you flip between P and J. Bipolar? LOL jk

Since my pace of life shifted to classes and friends, I (sort of) turned into an ES from an IN. I dropped the "creepy loner dude" persona LOL

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