Current time: 09-26-2024, 12:31 PM
The Rant/Rave Topic
@nix: jake is pretty good with nihonggo. mine is holding up ok.
After 2 weeks of massive physical and repetitive work...


... and twice as mobile as before.

Tae nga lang, Celeron sya. and it's a Toshiba kaya malamang Celeron na sya forever.

Dami mo pala talaga mami-miss kapag matagal ka hindi naka-online.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Welcome back, tsongski. If you detest your current job, why not try applying at mine. At least, it's gonna be your mouth that'll do most of the work this time. LOL
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Hey Serene~! XD

Durn. I really wanted to go to Japan too. <:3 Someday, It'll be my turn to go and spend money there... Hopefully, It'll also be with other RR members too.Clapping

sort of rant: Iraya-sama had to go back to her province to spend the holiday with her family. Solo mode on RE5 for me againg.

Rave: intarweb? In my computer? Thanks to Ricky-rick, Foxy-fox, and Marky-mark, It is now possible! LOL
[Image: Sig07.png]

"I love chocolate-covered Sophie." A. Nina
Have fun in Japan Mr. Mark and Jake! and while your there can ya find my friend there sum japanese booty, he's been dead stuck in work all this timeTongue.

Some more update with whats keeping me busy:

Got to let go 2 of my branch last year, due to poor sales during no school days. It's all good if your not making money and not paying rent, but that's not clearly the case here.. What I'm doing now is picking up the remnants and combining all my resources to one super shop. We're curently renovating the more roomier place we're moving into(just in front of my 1st branch). Hopefully all will be up and running this May(Hopefully).. In the end, my branch in the market/residential area was the most profitable of all my branches.

In other shop news, one of my reliable employee's going home for good. I'm currently looking for a replacement for her. Damn training newbies again..
This is also a punishment for you.
You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever,
you won't be able to live as yourself.
You will sacrifice all your happiness for the world.. Eternally..
(Last words to Zero - Lelouch Vi Britania)
I'm free I'm free!

It's not that I detest my job. It's just that I don't have one to detest.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Jake and Mark have a nice time there in Japan and cherish the memories!

Jobet: oki lang yan alam mo naman ung sabi nung kanta ng coke diba?

"Always look at the bright side of life!"

(coke nga ba un oh para sa isang brand ng beer ... ewan XD)

Spoke with my Boss today... Please prepare for a possible wall of text.

Boss: (Sits on a chair beside me) About your letter... I have read it.

Me: Yeah?

Boss: Are you sure about leaving?

Me: You're kidding, right?

Boss: What do you want me to do?

Me: What can you possibly offer me to convince me to stay and work for your company?

Boss: What you mean? I gave you many opportunities!

Me: *Facepalm* Here we go... What kind of opportunities do you mean, exactly? The fact that my performance is only based on a constantly increasing renewal percentage I cannot obtain, and you saying that I am "exempt" from it Is not an opportunity; It's an excuse to make me feel guilty, and I'm tired of it.

I've worked for you for five years. I've rarely been absent, and hardly been late for work. I've never gone on vacation, but on the rare chance I did want to go on vacation, to Japan, even... I was denied of it. The reason? The Japanese Embassy didn't want to put a stamp on my passport because I was working for an "unstable" company... Your company. I had everything ready, mind you. Saving up at least one hundred thousand pesos is not an easy task but I did it, even after you LOWERED my salary.

Nowadays, I've been suffering from back pains, slight fever and an upset stomach. The reason for that? Your new policy does not allow me to even stay home until I fully recover. Only one sick leave per month? Once a month max? What kind of policy is that? Now, regarding my recent poor performance...

Boss: You don't call your students!

Me: I'm sorry? Didn't you hear what I said earlier? I WAS SICK. Have you ever tried calling up and talking to people for five hours straight while you're suffering from a bad back, a fever, and stomach problems? No? Well, I went through that and what thanks do I get? A slap on the shoulder by my supervisor to wake me up and to be told "Why you not call your students!?" That was not very considerate, and was totally not motivating.

Boss: ....

Me: I asked for a copy of my contract with this company and a copy of the personnel policies specifically related to my sick and vacation leave and I never received anything. I don't even know if I'm getting my other benefits. Way to take care of your employees. The only reason I'm still here is because that document I signed that doesn't even resemble a contract requires me to stay for thirty days until the date of my resignation...

Now, I ask you again: What can you possibly offer me to convince me to stay and work for your company? Oh, and please make it quick because I have to call up a student in five minutes.

Boss: .... (Quietly stands up and leaves the room)

Me: .... Time to post that in RR! LOL
[Image: Sig07.png]

"I love chocolate-covered Sophie." A. Nina
Boss fight owned!!!

I congratulate you for winning your fight against the man! LOL

and yes staying under does conditions is just plain wrong good for you trace!

may you be even more awesome in your future endeavors! (and don't forget to add more sophie pics to them!)

[Image: Bravo_clap1.gif]
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
[Image: prawnage.jpg]
Magnificent! Simply magnificent! Now that's what i call sticking it to the man!
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."

Random Rant:

Whatever the freaking crap they did to DeviantArt...I don't like it. In fact... I HATE IT.

[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
April fools joke lang nila yan. I got the wolf boy.

oh yeah.. I forgot about the April fools virus.. Do they still spread those? xP

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]

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