Current time: 03-13-2025, 03:09 PM
In the tradition of the General Fitness and Sneakers threads, I bring you this!

Let's talk about what to wear, from underwear to suits.

Being a geek doesn't mean dressing bad.

(Incoming shitstorm?)
hmm. What to reply =_=

...I wear what I want to Tongue

You should too LOL

Um. Don't forget to wash your clothes regularly and to wear underwear? LOL
Siguraduhin din na walang butas yung pantalon mo.
I dress to look human. LOL

tbh my fashion sense is ok. (at least my sis says so)
The only parts of my warbdrobe I insist should be branded are my shoes and jacket.

Shoes, because I need them for training and daily travel, so they better be comfy and durable.

I have a preference for Adidas running shoes - light, breathable, and easy to clean. I find Nike too "dressed up," and while I'd prefer Mizunos, they're way too freaking expensive.

Jackets, since I'm very picky with my material, and how well it breathes, or repels water. Preferably something made of Goretex.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
LOL this isn't getting anywhere. LOL So let's go on to the specifics.

First step in dressing well is getting clothes that fit right. Like getting shirts with shoulder seams that fall directly on the edge of your shoulders. Or getting pants that fit true to your waistline (or even slightly less than your true waistline for jeans since denim stretches). Getting pants that are too big for "comfort" also causes some nasty bunching up around the crotch. Not good.

Wearing baggy clothes to hide flabs just makes people look even fatter. Even the hiphop scene has moved away from baggy.

Your priorities when buying clothes should be as follows:
1. Fit
2. Quality
3. Design/Style
4. Brand

Brand should be last-priority. Someone with well-fitting brandless clothes will look much better than someone wearing ill-fitting high-end branded shit. Oh and having brands emblazoned all over you just makes you look like a billboard. Don't do it.
If our weather permitted it, I would wear jeans, sneakers and button-down shirts everyday. But since it's very hot, and I tend to sweat a lot, I stick to the t-shirts and slippers for the most part.

I like my pants in the slim fit. Not skinny, just slim.

I like square toed leather shoes. Don't really like the pointed ones.

Suits... not much experience there. Just had one my entire life, and it was custom-tailored for me.

(02-17-2010, 01:28 PM)Sforza Wrote: ...I wear what I want to Tongue

You should too LOL

Also, this. In spite of me hating the whole hipster thing, people will wear what they want. And if that's what they really wanted, they wouldn't care what I think of them. Big grin
Quote:I like square toed leather shoes. Don't really like the pointed ones.

The pointed shoes look like they squish up the wearer's toes; that can't be healthy.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]

shirt-just fit but not cant-breather-fit.

shoes-must be branded!!!!!
Dress shoes:

Don't ever wear the pointy ones. They look like elf shoes. Instead, try the more classic sleek, rounded cuts.

Aim for this shape (and even design... and brand, if you can O_O):
[Image: oxford1.jpg]

Wear them with slim-cut slacks (or dark jeans) to show off the shoe.

I promise that you'll look better than most people in the office anywhere. Might take a while to develop a taste for it though. I used to like square-toes myself. Oh and leather soles (needs to be broken in though) are preferred over rubber/plastic ones. But stick to rubber if you commute and step on a lot of water.

I've looked around pretty much everywhere and found that the best places to look for shoes within these criteria are in department stores with the Marikina brands. Everything else will cost you more than 8000.

EDIT: I know I started this. But it feels like the most bizzare RR discussion ever. LOL
There should be a disclaimer to what I said earlier. People should wear what they want only if they have at least a decent sense of aesthetics and know current fashion trends.

Simply put, some people care about how people will react to what they're wearing, and some people don't. If you're one of the people that do care (or if you're trying to impress someone), then don't insist on wearing clothes that look like you just got out of bed (or worse). Also, living in society means dressing properly for certain occasions. It's bad manners not to do so when it's explicitly requested beforehand.

Re: Pointy leather shoes. If you can carry them well, why not? Though, if you have to think about looking good while wearing them, you probably won't LOL I'm not sure if they're still fashionable now though.
And btw, the stuff I'm recommending aren't exactly "current" fashion trends. They're classic stuff that'll look good until the day we start wearing spacesuits.

Dressing should be about wearing what makes you feel good. If you wear whatever and you feel good and confident about it, then that's totally fine. Or if you don't give a shit whatsoever, that's fine too.

Pointy shoes: The pointiness is ok to a certain extent. But beyond that certain extent, it just makes your feet look disproportionately long compared to the rest of your body.
Queer Eye for teh RR.
I actually don't like how many queers dress. Here, especially. Too over-the-top, most of the time. LOL Boy Abunda is particularly offensive. LOL

RR: Destroying the geek stereotype. LOL
usually a cartoony shirt (not the douche graphic-tinsel-wear-artsy-fartsy-types) + jacket(without the over the top patterns) + not too tight/not too loose dark jeans are awesome. add some geeky glasses and you're all set to conquer the night ahahha

sneakers are fine too. boots, whatever. girls will look at the overall effect more than minute details anyway. but you really should disregard what i say because i was raised as a man. ;o;
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
I don't really give a flying fuck as to what people expect me to wear, i'll just throw on whatever's in my closet that i feel like wearing. My typical day-to-day style goes something like this:
- t-shirts with random sayings and slogans.
- flannel shirts with the sleeves rolled up.
- pants and trousers in black, gray, brown and dark blue. I haven't worn blue jeans for the better part of a decade now. I also got tired of khaki a few years back
- black Chucks with black laces, skateboard shoes from Vans or Adio.
- my favorite black hoodie.

Of course that doesn't mean that i can't dress up a bit when the occasion calls for it, like family gatherings at restaurants or clubs or the daily attire at my new job. For that, the leather slip-ons, slacks and button-down shirts are busted out. For more formal occasions, i prefer using barongs to suits.

Alas, my days of i-don't-care clothes are over, i now spend four days a week looking like your typical nine-to-five office guy. Sad

I have a funny feeling the flirt shirt will come up sometime soon in this topic. Facepalm
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