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Ok, thanks for the inputs Leperman and yes its C9BE2 for the core part
Put into mind you what guys posted and heres what i come up with:
Head: CR-HB1S4
Core: C9BE2
Legs: DINGO2
Booster: GULL
Generator: G84P
Radiator: ANANDA
Inside: NONE
Extension: JIKYOH
Back Unit R: RA
Back Unit L: WB73MV
Arm Unit R: SHADE
Arm Unit L: M2
Arm Unit R Hanger: NONE
Arm Unit L Hanger: NONE
head (weight 10)
the rest cooling 10
booster (booster heat 10)
generator (energy output 10)
ananda (cooling 10)
I find this set up very comfortable than what i usually felt before,very effective from mid-range to close combat. Practiced using the dual guns and it really pays off
never been much of a close combat fighter before until now
Tried this with Daemon,Zinaida and the rank #2 in the arena and it works great. Doesnt have any problem with the other AI in the arena so far.
Change or Suggest any parts you find that doesnt seem to fit in my set up, you may have notice i tuned and chose the parts for the energy weapon that i use.
I dont have the EYE3 yet so i think im gonna do the mission for this reward.
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02-15-2010, 11:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2010, 11:33 AM by medusa0.)
Your BGR (Booster Generator Radiator) combo is interesting; the GULL is a VERY hot booster coupled with the relatively high calorific value of the G84P and the moderate cooling of the ANANDA radiator. I understand that you want the high refresh of the generator for your energy weapon, but you might want something that doesn't overheat as quickly.
Otherwise your AC looks good as a "light" middleweight, now try to take on the AIs in versus mode (Instead of loading your saved file on startup, goto the other option.). The "S" AIs in this mode are PLOW, and should provide some good challenge for you.
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02-15-2010, 12:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2010, 12:22 PM by NiX.)
First of all, do not bother with the letter-grading system. It's absolutely useless. Just look at plain numbers and actual field usability.
Your frame is fine. But try to tune better. Don't just slap everything on weight or cooling. For the average G91+Vulture2+Ananda or LOTUS+GULL+Ananda AC without Overboost, 15,000-cooling is enough. If you're already at ~15,000 cooling, devote the rest to defense.
Note though that your current booster-generator-radiator combo is EXTREMELY hot.
There are 4 things that affect INTERNAL heat:
1. Frame cooling (head, core, arms, legs)
2. Booster heat
3. Radiator cooling
4. Calorific Value of your Generator. (basically how hot your generator runs)
Consider G91 as your medium-heat generator. Everything below it is cold and everything above it is hot.
And you'll notice that there's cooling and forced cooling. Cooling keeps you from overheating while forced cooling is what returns you to normal cooling when you do overheat.
Also note that every core has a maximum heat threshold (i forgot the name of the stat). This just means that some cores overheat sooner than others.
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G84P really isn't that high for calorific value, 15.2k cooling is acceptable lower limit for running that gen.
are both good set ups.
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Good to know you're starting to find a playstyle that might suit you best. From the looks of things, you've got the basic idea on designing ACs and you have a solid foundation on how you'll be making your future designs. :p The frame you presented has a good balance of mobility and defense with good EN drain and cooling. Just a few more things to cover on your new design.
One thing you should learn early on is the letter grading system is unreliable and is not conclusive of an AC's performance. The system itself is based on numerical equations that doesn't factor in many important stats (ATK just computes your total potential kill power regardless of weapon lock type or accuracy, while MOB just takes into account your top speed w/o noting acceleration and heat for example). ACs ought to be bench marked by how well it performs for you, and the numbers are there to help, but the letter grading system is just flawed to the point that it gives a false benchmark on how ACs perform.
I personally find the G84P to be a little too hot for the GULL with the ANANDA, at least from my experience. You can prolly control your range easily thanks to the high EN refresh, but I don't know how far anyone can pull that off until the heat generated catches up with the design when under pressure from an opponent. The combination might work fine if you like to stay at stand-off ranges, but given the close combat orientation of your weapons, you might be better off with less hotter and risky generator/booster combination. Maybe downgrade to the G91 for a cooler overall temperature and a bigger redzone buffer in case you overheat, or go for the VULTURE2 with your current setup. :p
With regards to your missile system, I can vouch for the MV for its usefulness, and its prolly among the best missile systems to use against player opponents. Its flight trajectory and homing ability hits better when opponents are farther, allowing you to limit the distance an opponent can control his range, which is important in gun-duels. However, I don't really trust the JIKYOH too much, because their flight pattern is a little shorter than the MVs and seems to have lesser homing ability, but I haven't tested them extensively to make something conclusive. :p
The SHADE is an overall good choice for a primary weapon. EN damage, good DPS, and accurate. The 93RL is a close, shell-based substitute if you're looking for one. As it stands in LR, the M2's shot grouping is too wide even by machine gun standards, making it impossible to land significant and consistent hits on an AC sized opponent beyond 100m. Try giving the NIX a try for a more accurate shot grouping or maybe the SYLPH if you can let the low ammo count slide. Handguns also work surprisingly well as left arm weapons, the 69H and the 01HP are among the best you'll find for their accuracy and damage rate, give them a try instead of an MG and see if you like them. I usually get over the ammo issue by equipping a hanger capable core and putting a 2nd handgun underneath my primary handgun. If you want more range, go for a left arm rifle like the R3, which should complement the SHADE easily in mid-range.
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02-15-2010, 12:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2010, 12:41 PM by NiX.)
But he's pairing it with GULL. Even G91+GULL is already hot. We're not talking about Vulture2 here. -_-
Obviously 84P+V2+Ananda or even Magnolia+V2+Ananda is workable.
(02-15-2010, 12:31 PM)DarkFury Wrote: G84P really isn't that high for calorific value, 15.2k cooling is acceptable lower limit for running that gen.
are both good set ups.
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02-15-2010, 02:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2010, 02:46 PM by enjoyincubus.)
ok, thanks for the replies
before anything else i read through this Gens/Rads 101
thought i could make my own combination that suits my set up,it seems i misunderstood the concept behind the cooling part, or even the booster,generator and radiator combo
i used 84P generator for high energy output (overall energy of an AC)
GULL for the booster power and for the charge drain (more speed when boosting but with less energy consumed)
reason for most tuned on cooling is to cover the heat generated
tuned weight to prevent overweight
Basically what i was aiming is to have a high energy as i can,boost as fast as i can without draining too much energy and refresh energy as fast as i can. Its the reason for my set up on booster,generator and radiator combo plus the cooling tunes.
As Leperman mentioned, the set up is to survive stand-off, going toe-to-toe without an early problem of energy consumption but at the same time an average performance overall.
Ok to clear things up:
1.When your booster,generator radiator combo is very hot, this affects how your energy is drained right? the hotter the faster your energy is drained
2. Cooling of 15k+ (15,460 to be exact on my cooling) doesnt even cover for the heat my Booster,generator and radiator combo?
You guys have been so much help, just feel free to say anything or suggest anything, I wont be offended. Im here for your insights  Hopefully im not getting annoying though
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02-15-2010, 03:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-15-2010, 03:32 PM by NiX.)
No, under NORMAL COOLING, heat has absolutely nothing to do with your energy bar. But if you run into overheat, the radiator will start sucking energy from your bar.
I understand what you want to achieve, but let me tell you right now that it's almost impossible.
G91, for example, runs colder than G84P. But even G91 is too hot for GULL. For GULL to run on G91+ANANDA WITHOUT SELF-HEATING, you need 16,400 cooling.
Others though, will tell you that G91+GULL is doable with even less cooling. It most definitely is. But your heat will spike every time you tap your booster. And when you get shot while boosting, you're fried. It's doable but unnecessarily risky.
I don't necessarily recommend it for midweights, but try FUDOH(7,3,0) or (0,0,10) + GULL + ANANDA only a really low-drain frame if you really enjoy flying for a long time.
There are more elegant setups like B81+KONGOH+Ananda, but they tend to be too specialized.
But really, a midweight with ~4000 energy supply on G91+V2+Ananda is more than enough for most purposes.
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ok,well try the combos you suggested
another thing,how do you know which stat to tune in a part?
what are the other things to consider?
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Tuning is actually pretty simple.
Take a look at a part's stats. Look at the extremes. Heavy weight, low defense, low cooling, etc. The lower the stat, the better it tunes.
Heavyweight frame parts lose A LOT of weight when you invest points into them. Conversely, lightweight parts will hardly get lighter. But these lightweight parts usually gain a lot from defense tunes whereas heavyweight parts don't.
Last note: There are 4 tuning levels. The first 3 tunes net you the best gains. 4 to 6 is usually still pretty good. 7-9 usually doesn't get you much anymore unless that stat for that part is extremely low. And the 10th tune is usually completely useless. You just have to test and see what gives you the best bang for your buck.
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ok thanks for that info
regarding the booster,generator combo you suggested the FUDOH + GULL + Ananda seems to be ok. I dont know if its just me but tested it with the A.I BIPEDAL - S in versus mode, the one with the weapon that causes the bar below the AP to increase when you get hit. I can seem to survive with 2 to 3 consecutive hits on his weapon without consuming all energy bar. Same effect goes for G91 + Vulture2 + Ananda combo. But cant say the same for LOTUS + GULL + Ananda combo.
Now i know what you guys meant when you say my combo was extremely hot(84P + GULL + Ananda). Its the energy bar below the AP that increases when boosting
As for B81 + KONGOH + Ananda, havent tested it yet since i dont have the KONGOH part. So i think im gonna go with G91 + Vulture2 + Ananda combo.
Im not really sure about my head part though, if theres any better alternative than the one i currently use please say so, for the EYE3 i still havent get the chance to do the mission, as right now im only testing my set up.
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That "energy bar" under your AP is your heat gauge. The more that fills up, the closer you are to overheating. And like I said, when you overheat, the radiator's forced cooling kicks and begins to suck energy directly from your generator. Not cool (no pun intended).
TR-Liger was shooting you with the GLL mini grenade launcher. If you can get hit by two consecutive grenades while boosting without overheating, you'll know you have a well-cooled AC.
S2 and S4 heads are good for their stability and balanced stats.
Note booster tuning though. For GULL, you'll want to invest almost all of your points into heat reduction. 10 if you're paranoid (0,0,0,10). 7 on heat and 3 on acceleration if you're feeling confident (0,0,3,7).
VULTURE2 can be tuned pretty much however you want for as long as you spread out the points. Something like 5-boost power, 5-heat reduction (0,5,0,5). Or 4-boost power, 3-acceleration, 3 heat reduction (0,4,3,3), etc.
Note the tuning notations. I'll recommend tunes in that notation from now on.
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I know what he was talking about NIX, and i was suggesting 2 alternates set ups, if that's okay.
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02-16-2010, 09:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-16-2010, 09:42 AM by NiX.)
Yup, it's okay!
G84P+Vulture2, as Darkfury mentioned, is an alternative to G91+V2. 84P provides more energy but is heavier and has less capacity. 84P can be tuned to something like (6,0,4) or (5,0,5) or (4,0,6). The tricky thing about G84P though is that it has a very small redzone, which, if you're not careful, will put you in the charging state. In most instances, G91+V2 is preferred.
Another thing to note is that there are only 2 factors affecting the rate at which your energy goes down when you boost:
1. Booster's charge drain
2. Total energy capacity of the generator (EC optional adds to this)
Energy supply only affects how quickly your energy bar gets refilled.
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ok guys, all is good
G91 + V2 + Ananda is probably the most standard set up
I think i'll play with FUDOH + GULL (0,0,3,7) + Ananda for a little while and well see what happens. Doesnt seem to have any energy consumption problem so far.
As for the weapon changed M2 for Nix as Leperman suggested and will probably try the R3 too
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