Current time: 03-10-2025, 02:22 AM
God AC.
Your worst nightmare.

I just suddenly remembered this topic while making another post.

So what was this all about? Take the cheesiest, most borken parts in any AC title, and slap them together (without having to resort to OP-I or PLUS). What do you get?:

Symphony of Destruction Wrote:Alright, first off, this is a joke topic. It's here to cheer you up when Super-Tanks and Super-Heavies have got you down, and when you feel the MG/800 is a bad 'mofo. It's here to make you laugh.

It all started with this topic at ACO, and specifically these two images, which show action figures from AC2, AA, AC3, and SL, as well as the fact that parts are interchangable between all of them.

You'll note my statement in the earlier linked topic. Well, I was bored, so I decided to take it one step further. I'd like to thank Corsair for doing some values for me, and Kobel and droobies for part suggestions.

Now, without further ado, I present a beast that should haunt your nightmares (or at the very least, be drawn on paper):


Name: Godzilla
Frame: ZHD-102/ROCK / MCM-MI/008 / MAM-RE/TIN / ZLB-7744/VAT
Internal: MBT-OX/002 / LODD-BLAZER / HOY-B1000 / RMR-ICICLE / -

Red Denotes Armored Core 2
Purple Denotes Another Age
Blue Denotes Silent Line

Armor Points: 9,223
Defense, Energy (No Screens): 1,947
Defense, Energy (Screened): 2,239
Defense, Energy (Screened/Shielded): 2,644
Defense, Shell (No Screens): 2,069
Defense, Shell (Screened): 2,379
Defense, Shell (Screened/Shielded): 2,819
Energy Refresh, Moving: 7,501
Energy Refresh, Walking: 6,777
Soak, Energy (Screened): 49,814
Soak, Energy (Screened, Shielded Estimate): 75,000 - 80,000
Soak, Shell (Screened): 57,324
Soak, Shell (Screened/Shielded Estimate): 105,000 - 110,000
Speed, Ground: 356kph
Speed, Air: 276kph
Weight: 9,377


We decided it'd be best to work with PS2 titles only, since that's how the figures work, and for our sanity to only use AC3/SL optional parts. That's, hitting the shield, a combined defensive value of 5463, packing one of the most broken weapons in AC history, at the same rough speed as a fully loaded SNSK design using the NI/GULL, and with 7501 refresh while boosting, or, roughly 1.5 times the refresh of a normal design.

No missile defense, but you can soak virtually anything and everything, and ECMP will ensure that unless they've got an effective single-locker the volleys will be coming fairly small, letting you take your sweet time to dodge or go through them.

Did I mention, it's a perfect fit?

Hope this gives you a few hearty laughs and eases your troubles.

There's more:

Quote:Just because I'm that much of a nut, I decided to add in AC1 series parts. It got a whole lot scarier in the process:


Name: Godzilla 2
Frame: ZHD-102/ROCK / MCM-MI/008 / MAM-RE/TIN / ZLB-7744/VAT
Internal: B-T000 / PLS-SRA02 / HOY-B1000 / RGI-KD99 / CWI-DD-30
External: BEX-AA00 / WX-S800-GF / WX-S800-GF / WA-FINGER / KSS-SS/707A

Green Denotes Project Phantasma
Orange Denotes Master of Arena
Red Denotes Armored Core 2
Purple Denotes Another Age
Blue Denotes Silent Line

Armor Points: 9,223
Defense, Energy (No Screens): 1,947
Defense, Energy (Screened): 2,239
Defense, Energy (Screened/Shielded): 2,644
Defense, Shell (No Screens): 2,069
Defense, Shell (Screened): 2,379
Defense, Shell (Screened/Shielded): 2,819
Energy Refresh, Moving: 7,412
Energy Refresh, Walking: 6,733
Soak, Energy (Screened): 49,814
Soak, Energy (Screened, Shielded Estimate): 75,000 - 80,000
Soak, Shell (Screened): 57,324
Soak, Shell (Screened/Shielded Estimate): 105,000 - 110,000
Speed, Ground: 360+kph
Speed, Air: 280+kph
Weight: 9,214


Let me piece together just how scary this is since a large number of you may be unfamiliar with the parts.

Take the frame of the last machine, and add the PP FINGER, with 250 damage per shot, and 3,000 rounds, and the "V Missiles of Death" from the AC1 series, which shot off 6 missiles at a time (1120 Attack Power each, 60 missiles). The total killpower of this machine now equals 817,200, all of it shell, but enough to kill itself over around seven times.

It also now has the KD99 and the DD-30, CLPU, and the two stabilizer options from MoA, making it highly resistant to heat, missiles, and stun of any kind.

The funniest part are the boosters, which are a lighter, more wasteful, and more powerful FLEET. Their output is 23,400, which is beyond SL's capabilities to actually have, since booster performance is capped at 22,000, but since this would be some evil boss-type, he can ignore those rules. To try and give a reasonable idea I used the WAKE and OX/002, and then just added a "+" symbol. I'd postulate around 375kph for ground speed.

And just to tickle your brain, imagine how fast it moves when you drop the S800-GF after it's 10 shots are up (it weighs 1110 for the record).

Not a stylish perfect fit anymore, but what'cha gonna do?

There you have it folks, probably one of the sickest machines possible using parts from all the AC Games. Hope my fellow series veterans get some kicks out of the older parts.

He goes a bit further by making the WORST possible AC ever:

Quote:Well, I'm not sure it's the worst thing ever but it's pretty bad. I call it Bombardier because, well, it bombs. Literally and figuratively.


Name: Bombardier
Internal: B-P320 / RATOR / KGP-ZSV / RPS-MER/SA / CWI-FM-30
External: MEST-MX/CROW / WM-X10 / ZRS-554/EW / - / -
Optional:: OP-S-SCR / OP-E/SCR / SP-CIR-K

Orange Denotes Master of Arena
Red Denotes Armored Core 2
Purple Denotes Another Age
Blue Denotes Silent Line

Armor Points: 8,045
Defense, Energy (No Screens): 1,192
Defense, Energy (Screens): 1,371
Defense, Shell (No Screens): 1,231
Defense, Shell (Screens): 1,416
Energy Refresh, Walking: 1,040
Energy Refresh, Moving: 2,290
Soak, Energy (Screens): 22,270
Soak, Shell (Screens): 23,461
Speed, Ground: 215kph
Speed, Air: 167kph
Weight: 8,157


B-P320 are a worse version of the EBT-GE, which are a worse version of the CBT-00-UN1.

RATOR is basically the ND-2 from AC3 and the ELENA from AC2 only more expensive. Gotta jack up that AC Rating!

ZSV was chosen simply for its energy supply, though it'll take a very long time to charge because of the slow refresh.

MER/SA is the same as the RIX-CR10 only with poorer cooling.

FM-30, the floating mines, are a joke as ever.

The CROW has been nerfed to where it's of little point to use.

554/EW is like the CRU-A10 only worse in every way.

X10 gets my vote for the worst back unit ever. It's very heavy (939kg), has only 10 shots, and they're contact bomblets.

So, basically, the thing is slow, heavy, poorly armored, and replies entirely on close-range weaponry. It's still usable, nothing was selected to intentionally hamper its performance by non-usage, it just can't do squat. It's about 5kg underweight as well.

That's my bid for the worst machine, based on some of your input and my own.

Hope it inspires as many laughs as the two Godzilla brothers.

After which they made another GOD AC under a different philosophy:

Quote:I was bouncing some ideas back and forth with Kobel the other night and we both agreed this was pretty nasty.


Name: Featherweight
Frame: MHD-MM/003 / MCM-MI/008 / AN-25 / CLL-HUSEO
Internal: B-T000 / TRYX-QUAD / HOY-B1000 / RIX-CR10 / -
External: - / - / CWM-BM60-1 / WA-RF/E / LS-99-MOONLIGHT
Optionals: OP-S-SCR / OP-E/SCR / OP-E/CND / OP-CLPU / SP-DEhf / SP-E+ / SP-EH / SP-ABS / SP-ABS/Re

Orange Denotes Master of Arena
Red Denotes Armored Core 2
Gray Denotes Armored Core 3
Blue Denotes Silent Line

Armor Points: 8,385
Defense, Energy (No Screens): 1,476
Defense, Energy (Screened): 1,697
Defense, Shell (No Screens): 1,556
Defense, Shell (Screened): 1,789
Energy Refresh, Moving: 9,021
Energy Refresh, Walking: 7,302
Soak, Energy (Screened): 25,940
Soak, Shell (Screened): 30,256
Speed, Ground: 534+kph
Speed, Air: 414+kph
Weight: 5,478


Yet another strange multi-game creation!

I don't really trust the AC builder for giving reliable soak values anymore, and don't really have the time to cross-check my results. Still, it has respectable armor, and astounding refresh (9021 while boosting). Speed is probably somewhere around 550kph on the ground while going full tilt.

Anybody who thinks the HADRO are broken or even unbalanced has to go back to the AC1 series and check out the AN-25 and the AN-K1. AN-K1 are more similar to the MACH, except for Energy Defense, which is like 200 points higher. Both have nearly 200 to 300 more AP than the HADRO.

Anyway, as to the AC itself, with AC1 series super-energy optionals, you're doing 4370 damage per shot with the RF/E. Ten shots and it's gone, leaving you with the AC1 MOONLIGHT and the BM60-1. If the RF/E didn't kill it, MOONLIGHT swipes will, and if it's a tank you can just bombard it from a distance. Failing that, you can just run like hell, since your boosters and OB are quite capable of putting a lot of distance between you and the other guy.

These were created back during the days of SL, which is pretty outdated by today's standards. Now I challenge you and everyone here in RR, to make an AC greater than this. With the advent of new more cheesier parts from NX-LR, we can make an even more ridiculous AC than the ones posted. I'm thinking of adding the NB BP in the mix as well as the HP and such, but we can go further by adding ECMs.
I'm not exactly sure as to these ACs performance (don't know all the parts from AA and SL), but I imagine these must be just head-scratchers to face against, throwing everything you have against it and managing only minimal damage.

I'd throw in my Cheesebot for NB, I'll post it up later.
To put into perspective, a typical ORDER mid in AC3 and SL running FLEETs goes around 375 kph, its damage soak potential is around 30K for both energy and shell weapons. EN refresh for the more typical efficient parts goes at 6K.

The Godzilla designs presented runs just as fast, but has x3-4 survivability and have a virtually unavoidable mid-range weapon. Basically, an ultra heavy with the speed and turn rate of a midweight, and enough accurate firepower to kill anything three times over.

However, translating all those numbers into NX-LR would be very difficult, due to the revamped defense system and the additional booster heat stat makes them somewhat incompatible. Though the weapons are definitely still worth looking at.
Kill it!! kill it with Fire!! these are broken!!
"Stand tall, shake the Heavens"

Back of case of "Xenogears"
I like the fantasy builds, but a good old fashioned GOMAP or GO-SHUT is always fun to try to build in LR.
God AC should look like this I think...

Head: EYE3
Core: UA
Arms: LEMUR2

Radiator: ANANDA
Booster: TP

Weapons: Choose from the overkills... H3, HP, Pixie3, Shade, R3, RS (Sniper RIfle), etc...
[Image: t98sig.png]
You Cougar2 Freak. Tongue
I'll wait for Serene to post his ideas. LOL
Lionaheart: " You Cougar2 Freak. Tongue"

Not my fault. FROM's fault. COUGAR2 is god anyways, (MORE DEFENSE TAHN DINGO2!!!) And better stability.
[Image: t98sig.png]
hahahahaha. of course it's your fault, you chose it. Tongue

But that's okay. It is actually a remake of that one set from AC2. so it's all good.

Well... god light weights are harder to find... (Maybe not...)
[Image: t98sig.png]
I'll take a standard AC with a PP FINGER over that anyday

You mean God Finger not Poser Finger lol.
LR with TP legal is pretty much all lights actually.

lotus or G91
screens, l+, codon, golgi, histon
(12-07-2009, 08:03 AM)DarkFury Wrote: You mean God Finger not Poser Finger lol.

PP Finger IS God Finger Ahaha~
'Signatures are overrated.'

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