Current time: 12-18-2024, 02:34 PM
A new player looking for help
I know nothink!
I figured since I'm here, I might as well try getting into the Armored Core games. A friend is lending me Formula Front for the PSP, but he didn't have the manual. This is my first AC game ever.

So in short, I have no idea what I'm doing or what half the terms mean. Could any of you be so kind as to give me some tips, advice for a beginner, explain some of the terminology and lingo... If there's anything you need to know from me to give better advice, just let me know.

I'll probably want to mostly go for my usual play style, which is fast and agile movement and fast hits.

Much appreciated.
Great to see new blood coming into the fold. I suppose Formula Front is a good AC game to start with since aiming up and down is done automatically for you. Movement is something you'll eventually get the hang of after a lot of practice. Just google some match vids on youtube to see proper movements and tactics.

AC designing though will take a bit more time to learn, probably.

Some of the stuff that's a bit harder to understand:

Energy drain - the strain a particular part puts on your generator

Energy output (in the generator) - how quickly a generator can refresh your energy bar. The higher the difference between the total energy output and the total energy drain, the faster the refresh rate.

Condenser cap - how much energy is stored in a generator.

Emergency cap - that red zone in your energy bar. Essentially just condensed energy. Drains slower but also charges slower.

Calorific value - heat generated by your generator. Hot generators generally pair with cold boosters. Colder generators can go with pretty much anything.

That's it for now. Feel free to ask about anything.
Thank you very much.

Well, I'm on dial up, so youtube takes a while to load, but I'll try.

I take it energy is used primarily for boosting and weapon usage.

What is the heat stat? I'm guessing there's a gauge involved, and if it fills I overheat and can't do anything, or something like that, right?
Welcome to the Raven fold! From Monster Hunter to Armored Core... you truly are a sucker for punishment. Tongue

I'm a believer in throwing new players into the fire so that they can come to grips with the most important facets of a game down quickly, so I'd actually advise against Formula Front and will recommend you to Armored Core 3, Silent Line: Armored Core or Armored Core: Last Raven (these three are all separate titles by the way), but then again this is coming from a competitive PvP perspective - the single player tends to stagnate quickly. Also, please note that I haven't played the Formula Front series on the PSP, so I'm not sure if all of this will apply.

Mastering movement should probably be your first priority. Take time to practice boosting in the air and on the ground. Try to expend as little generator energy as possible while keeping mobile. Short taps of the boost button accomplishes this nicely.

Next, try to get acquainted to firing your weapons while moving. This necessitates keeping your lock on the targets while strafing left and right, moving forward, backward, upwards, or downwards. But you're a MH player so I think you're already accustomed to contorting your fingers in weird ways to keep enemies in the camera.

For a nice basic build which is up your playstyle, try making a lightweight machine-gunner.

Like Nix said, feel free to ask about anything. If there's one thing this place needs, it's a revival of general interest in the game, so your questions will be appreciated. Smile

EDIT: Just saw your post before mine. To answer your questions:

1. Correct, energy is used for boosting. Not all weapons will use energy when fired though, only the energy weapons will. However, all parts will require some sort of energy from the generator upon equip (this is what Nix was referring to as energy drain).

2. Heat is a stat put into the game to further control boosting, and to place a penalty on people when they get hit. The heat stat in the boosters dictates the amount of heat that they give off when used. Usually, the more powerful boosters give off more heat, and vice versa. There's a gauge for this, it's usually in the upper left (right?) of your screen. You should see it spike when you get hit, use boosters, etc.

When it fills up, it drains more energy from your generator to go back to normal (I think? Man I'm rusty). In the older games, when you overheated your AP (life) actually took a hit. I'm not sure if it does in Formula Front.
Glad to have someone who's willing to take up a lost art. While i'm not exactly all that knowledgeable as the other veterans, here's some stuff that i know.

*Two words - boost hopping. Pumping the boosters while moving sideways

*The training missions in Nine Breaker might be of some help but nothing teaches skills better than a live opponent.

*G91 (generator) + ANANDA (radiator) + VULTURE2 (booster) are your friends.

*A lightweight AC, dual-wielding rifles and machine-guns with an Exceed Orbit core can help out immensely if you're starting out.

*FCS with WS (wide & shallow) lockboxes (the targeting box with the crosshair in the middle) is good for close-to-mid-range combat. ND (narrow & deep) is used for snipers and long-range fighters, although it's harder to use.

*Different parts equal different results. No one can really give you a "best" frame to use. It's best to experiment around and see what parts seem to work best for your style. Here are some suggestions:
head - QUEEN, EYE2, EYE3, S4, DRONE...
core - 89E, 89E2, U3, UL...
arms - MACAQUE, LEMUR2, XS...
legs - 89F, COUGAR2, DINGO2, S2...

I'll add other stuff later. You might also wanna check the design threads for advice and opinions.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Energy generates faster when you're off the ground.
When you're out of energy, just keep jumping while avoiding attacks.

For legs and their functions:
Bipedal - Most versatile legs in the game. Using back mounted cannons on these make them kneel, making you a sitting duck. It's easy to boost hop on these.

Reverse Joint - These are like bipedal, but with their knees at the back and have better jumping power.

Quad - A mix of platform and jointed legs. These have good stability, but have high energy drain. Allows better mobility when using back mounted cannons because you can still walk. Back mounted cannons are disabled when you jump or boost off the ground.

Hover - A platform. These have great speed, but are very very brittle. Lands when using back mounted cannons. The only platform which doesn't get water logged.

Tank - The most basic platform. Have lesser mobility but is very durable and stable. Back mounted cannons on these mean near instant death because those can be used in motion or when off the ground. Can't equip boosters on these because they already have built-in ones which have high drain.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Thank you all for your great help.

Grim Wrote:Welcome to the Raven fold! From Monster Hunter to Armored Core... you truly are a sucker for punishment.
Don't forget God Hand, Ouendan and Chaos Legion. Gaming and romance seem to be my masochism lines.

I've a couple more questions:
  • I see two stats on the radiator: Cooling and Forced Cooling. What is the difference between the two?
  • Is the AI Capacity Stat on the head unit just how well the AI will run? Useless if I play manual?
  • The controls say Triangle is for for switching between right arm and right shoulder. What about the left side?
  • How do different radars function? How necessary are the various features and radars in general?

One last thing. There are so many different parts, I'm a little lost on which to pick first. Any suggestions on order of part application?
(10-10-2009, 10:12 AM)Jask Wrote:
  • I see two stats on the radiator: Cooling and Forced Cooling. What is the difference between the two?
  • Is the AI Capacity Stat on the head unit just how well the AI will run? Useless if I play manual?
  • The controls say Triangle is for for switching between right arm and right shoulder. What about the left side?
  • How do different radars function? How necessary are the various features and radars in general?

One last thing. There are so many different parts, I'm a little lost on which to pick first. Any suggestions on order of part application?

I'll try to answer a few of your questions this time Smile

I think it'll be more helpful to have an in game sample HUD, so:
[Image: armored-core-last-raven-20060407060555727_640w.jpg]

Cooling: The vertical bar on the left side of the screen. When you use energy, the bar goes down. It goes back up on its own when you stop. How fast it goes up; that's the cooling rate.

Forced cooling: On the bottom part of the energy bar, there's a red part. This part tends to recharge much faster. That's because the part signifies where emergency cooling comes in.

Radar: On the upper right side of the HUD, there's a radar circle. The better your radar stat is, the quicker the updates will be on enemy location. If your stat is low, expect the radar updates to be slower. Imagine playing an FPS (first person shooter) at 5 FPS (frames per second) compared to 25 FPS. It's like that. I generally ignore the radar stat. As long as there is one, it's fine. Doesn't matter if it updates slowly.

I'm not too familiar with the controls anymore, as I haven't played Formula Front in a really long time.

Construction preferences: Normally I start with the weapons I want, then I decide if I want the unit to be a biped, hover or quad. Afterwards, I decide on the speed I want and the armor/defense values.

So for me, it's hand weapons -> core -> legs -> booster/radiator -> arms/head -> everything else. I normally go for heavily armored bipeds with a powerful hand weapon combination (no blades though), with less emphasis on back weapons (unless they're quads or tanks). My style is heavily influenced by Lord Leperman's designs LOL

This is only personal preference! AC players generally have very different design biases, so I'm interested in what other members here have to say as well. Sorry I can't help with the controls question.
(10-10-2009, 10:12 AM)Jask Wrote: Thank you all for your great help.
Don't forget God Hand, Ouendan and Chaos Legion. Gaming and romance seem to be my masochism lines.

I've a couple more questions:
  • I see two stats on the radiator: Cooling and Forced Cooling. What is the difference between the two?
  • Is the AI Capacity Stat on the head unit just how well the AI will run? Useless if I play manual?
  • The controls say Triangle is for for switching between right arm and right shoulder. What about the left side?
  • How do different radars function? How necessary are the various features and radars in general?

One last thing. There are so many different parts, I'm a little lost on which to pick first. Any suggestions on order of part application?

-The normal Cooling stat kicks in once you start the game. It is the rate at which your radiator tries to remove any heat build-up in your AC from boosting or from enemy weapons fire. The radiator's Forced Cooling stat kicks in once your AC overheats, where your radiator works extra hard to bring your AC down to normal temperatures at the cost of draining energy from your energy bar (hence the Forced Cooling energy drain stat below it).

-I'm not sure about AI capacity, since I never really tinkered with the AI customization in FF.

-Triangle, in the default controls, is the weapon cycle button. The order goes starting from Right hand weapon > Left back mount > Right back mount > and Inside weapons (when using type B controls, Type A has a dedicated button for it). Your left arm weapon is assigned to a dedicated button (default is Circle), an can be activated at any time w/o having to cycle through the other primary weapons.

-For radar, the two most important stats you'll have to look for are the Radar Range and the Scanning Interval. Radar Range determines the area coverage of the radar unit, while the Scanning Interval is the rate at which the radar refreshes its data (The lower the number, the faster the scanning rate). Another hidden stat with back mounted radars is the range with their ability to zoom-in when an opponent closes the distance. Useful if you have to track opponents that constantly change distances.

Other things: The BP bazooka is godly. Big grin
Sforza got cooling a bit mixed up.

Cooling is basically the cooling that operates TO KEEP YOUR AC FROM OVERHEATING.

Forced cooling is cooling that kicks in when you are overheated TO BRING YOU BACK TO NORMAL COOLING.

There's also an Emergency Consumption stat on the radiator. This is the amount of energy the radiator needs TO ACTIVATE FORCED COOLING.

Sforza's description of forced cooling is actually the Redzone/Emergency Cap Stat on the Generator, as I described in my post above.
(10-10-2009, 11:39 AM)NiX Wrote: Sforza got cooling a bit mixed up.

Cooling is basically the cooling that operates TO KEEP YOUR AC FROM OVERHEATING.

Forced cooling is cooling that kicks in when you are overheated TO BRING YOU BACK TO NORMAL COOLING.

There's also an Emergency Consumption stat on the radiator. This is the amount of energy the radiator needs TO ACTIVATE FORCED COOLING.

Sforza's description of forced cooling is actually the Redzone/Emergency Cap Stat on the Generator, as I described in my post above.

OOPS. Yes, I did. I meant to say what Nix said but I will leave it there for the lulz LOL
I've really forgotten where some of the terms are assigned to.

My post is what happens when you switch to MH and don't play AC for a year LOL
Taken from Vesperas' guide:

Quote:Aim Adjust Time -----------------------------------------------------
Not 100% possitive, but it effects how well your arms will comply with
switching to a different target... again, not sure. Lower the better I
Found on:

Aiming Accuracy -----------------------------------------------------
This is how accurate the arms will be. This is more important with
machine guns than most other weapons.
Found on:
Non SYURA Arms

Ammo ----------------------------------------------------------------
The number of ammo the part has to offer. Keep in mind if you see the
word "dual" it means it'll take 2 ammo units, and so on...
Found on:
Anything that shoots

Ammo Price ----------------------------------------------------------
In missions, this is how much one round of ammo costs
Found in:
Shell EO Cores/Shell Weapon Arms/Shell Insides/Shell Extensions/
Shell Back Units/Shell Arm Units

Ammo Type -----------------------------------------------------------
Solid or Energy...
Solids cost money...
Energy costs... well, energy...
Found in:
Anything with damage-able ammo

AP ------------------------------------------------------------------
This is short for Armored Points. Armor points are an AC's life. Keep
in mind that High AP isn't good unless you have a high defense. The AP
of all the parts listed is added together. 6125-9999 is the lowest and
highest values.
Found on:

Attack Heat ---------------------------------------------------------
This is how much thermal stress is induced towards the enemy. Remember
to factor in your reload speed. Ignore this stat VS MTS.
Found on:
EO Cores/Weapon Arms/Offensive Inside Weapons/Relation Missile
Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units

Attack Power --------------------------------------------------------
This is how strong a weapon is. This is purely the damage of one round
of ammo. This isn't a good gauge for shotguns or bigger spread weapons.
Found on:
EO Cores/Weapon Arms/Offensive Inside Weapons/Relation Missile
Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units

Auto-Map ------------------------------------------------------------
This simply means if you head has an auto-map memory on it. If it
doesn't, hitting select will give you two feet of mapping. This is only
important in missions, especially when there are hidden/moving targets.
Found on:

Avg Capture ---------------------------------------------------------
This is the size of the lock box when the listed weapon type isn't
being uses... (Using a W&S FCS with a N&D weapon)
Found on:

Avg Lock Range ------------------------------------------------------
Same instances as capture, only this will effect actual look on range.
Found on:

Bio-Sensor ----------------------------------------------------------
This stat will determine if your head can lock on to non-robotic
organisms. Not having a Bio sensor against these enemies will render
missiles useless and everything else like rockets. This can really
make a mission VERY hard: True story.
?: thanks for telling me about the bugs
?: really appreciate it
He should of used the FAQ Tongue
Found on:

-Bio-Sensor ---------------------------------------------------------
This is the stat that will determine if your Radar can pick up bio
weapons. This isn't that important, but it's there.
Found on:
Heads/Back Unit Radars

Blade Aptitude ------------------------------------------------------
This is a number, called Energy Supply in other games... this number is
a percent of how much damage it adds or decreases from your blade
Found on:
Non-Weapon Arms

Boost Accel ---------------------------------------------------------
A new stat to Last Raven... I suppose it has to do with the rate you
reach your max speed.
Found on:
Tank-Hover Legs/Boosters/Booster Extensions

Booster Heat --------------------------------------------------------
The effect boosting will have in terms of heat. The higher, the worse
for you. Try to equip a better rad or better cooling parts to counter
this the best you can. And remember, the first boost is always the
"hottest" you'll see a difference if you boost hop or strait boost.
Found on:
Tank-Hover Legs/Boosters/Booster Extensions

Boost Interval ------------------------------------------------------
Reload time for extension boosters.
Found on:

Boost Power ---------------------------------------------------------
The higher the number, the faster you will boost with what ever it
applies to.
Found on:
Tank-Hover Legs/Boosters/Booster Extensions

Breaking Ability ----------------------------------------------------
The higher the number, the better you regain your footing after boosts
or over-boosts. The higher the number, the better you can also switch
Found on:

Calorific Value -----------------------------------------------------
This is the amount of heat your generator gives off... this is no
longer a useless stat... having a higher value means you'll overheat
a lot faster.
Found on:

Charge Drain --------------------------------------------------------
The higher the number, the faster your energy bar will deplete.
Found on:
Tank-Hover Legs/Boosters/Booster Extensions

Computer Type -------------------------------------------------------
This is how detailed or how basic a head is. It affects if you will
get data from AC units during a mission... as well as if you break or
damage an AC's parts.
Found on:

Condenser Cap -------------------------------------------------------
The higher the number, the bigger your non-red energy bar will be.
Remember, the bar is always "condensed."
Found on:

Cooling -------------------------------------------------------------
I do not know how exactly cooling works... but I do know one thing...
the higher cooling you have, the less you will over heat. Make sure you
have high cooling if you plan on using boosters or generators with high
Found on:

Discharge Heat ------------------------------------------------------
When using a part with this stat, this is how much heat you will get
from it. This is only really noticeable on a Core, however...
Found on:
Cores/SYURA/Energy Recovery Extensions/Right Arm Parrying Blades/Left
Arm Laser Blades

Def Energy ----------------------------------------------------------
This added to your energy defense. The higher the number, the less
damage you take from energy weapons.
Found on:
Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Shield Extensions/Left Arm Shields

Defense Stability ---------------------------------------------------
Higher the number, the less large fire (rockets/grenades etc) will
make you shake and screw you up.
Found on:

Def Shell -----------------------------------------------------------
This added to your shell defense. The higher the number, the less
damage you take from shell weapons.
Found on:
Heads/Cores/Arms/Legs/Shield Extensions/Left Arm Shields

ECM Level -----------------------------------------------------------
The level of disruption caused by your ECM maker.
Found on:

Effect Duration -----------------------------------------------------
The time your "product" will stay in the air, be it a decoy or an ECM.
Found on:

Emergency Cap -------------------------------------------------------
This is how big your generator's red zone is... you know, that little
red area that makes the beep noise when you go into it?
Found on:

Emergency Comsump(tion) ---------------------------------------------
When you over heat, your radiator needs to work very hard to cool you
back down... well why doesn't it do that all the time, you ask? Well,
because when it does go into "forced cooling" it will suck energy
from you. This is that stat.
Found on:

Energy Drain --------------------------------------------------------
Energy Drain is how much stress a part puts on your generator... or how
much power is needed to use the part. This almost works like weight,
the lower drain you have over all, the faster your bar recharges. This
is called your "EN Supply".
Found on:
Units/Arm Units

EN Output -----------------------------------------------------------
Instead of a generator having energy drain, it has this. Think of this
just like the weight stay. Keep your overall drain lower than this
number. The lower, the better refresh you'll have.
Found on:

EO Ammo Type --------------------------------------------------------
This tells you if the Exceed Orbit uses shell or energy rounds. Energy
rounds regen after a while.
Found on:

EO Range ------------------------------------------------------------
This is the maximum distance an EO will hit fire at.
Found on:

Firing Interval -----------------------------------------------------
This number is how fast the next round of ammo will be shot; reload.
Found on:
EO Cores/Weapon Arms/Inside Weapons/Relation/Anti Missile
Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units

Forced Cooling ------------------------------------------------------
This stat takes into place when you radiator is working hard to pump
all that heat out of you. (You know, when you overheat)
Found on:

Hanger Unit ---------------------------------------------------------
This stat tells you whether or not the Hanger feature is provided.
Found on:

Heat Insulation -----------------------------------------------------
The added bonus in your fight against heat!
Found on:
Extensions Shields/Left Arm Shields

Heat Resistance -----------------------------------------------------
This number is your heat tolerance. If your heat gauge goes higher than
this, you will over heat.
Found on:

Jump Performance ----------------------------------------------------
If the legs can jump, if so, how high/far.
Found on:

Landing Stability ---------------------------------------------------
I'm not sure if this effect either the chance of a hard langing, or
the recovery time... either way, it effects the state when you fall
down high up... try to never let this happen by boosting before you
touch the ground.
Found on:

Lock Time -----------------------------------------------------------
How long it takes to get a "double lock"... a double lock is when you
place your target in your lock box for a while... then your shoots
will lead the target, instead of just going strait. Normal Rifles,
Hand guns, Machine Guns... they don't have this... but most cannons,
Sniper rifles, bazookas, and energy weapons do.
Found on:

Lock Type -----------------------------------------------------------
This is the type of lock box you will have... Wide/Shallow > Standard
> Narrow/Deep, These rank from bigest lock box... while the opposite
when talking about range. Vertical and horizontal mean just that, a
rectanglaur box instead.
Found on:

Mag Capacity --------------------------------------------------------
Found on with some solid weapons. This is how many shoots you have
before you reload. Switching to another weapon can help avoid
Found on:
Back units/Arm Weapons

Mag Reload Time -----------------------------------------------------
The amount of time it takes to reload.
Found on:
Back units/Arm Weapons

Manufacturer --------------------------------------------------------
This tells you who makes the part. It is pointless and stupid to
actually take this stat seriously.
Found on:
Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units/Optional Parts

Max Arm Weight ------------------------------------------------------
Like legs, cores have a limit to how much they can support on there arm
area. This includes arms, arm weapons, and extensions. If you go over,
you will be less accurate.
Found on:

Max Capture ---------------------------------------------------------
The size of the lock box with the proper lock type weapons.
Found on:

Maximum Launch ------------------------------------------------------
It's not really "Max" more like just Launch... this value is the number
of missiles will fire out of your extensions each time.
Found on:

Maximum Lock --------------------------------------------------------
For regular weapons, it will be one. For missiles, it can tell you
how many lock ons you can get to launch missiles in suggession.
The stat for an FCS must be higher or equal to a missiles max lock
for it to work...
Found on:
Any weapon that can lock/FCS

Max Leg Weight ------------------------------------------------------
Just another parameter you must not go over while creating an AC. If
the total weight of all your none leg parts exceeds this, you will
be warned with a constant beep and a speed decrease. Drop used weapons
or use lighter parts. Underweight legs tend to have a better preformce
that ones that aren't...
Found on:

Max Lock Range ------------------------------------------------------
The longest range your FCS will let you lock on with, considering your
weapons lock type matches your FCS.
Found on:

Missile Lock Time ---------------------------------------------------
How fast a missile will lock on. The lower, the better.
Found on:

Missile Sensor ------------------------------------------------------
If this stat is provided, you can see missiles on your radar as purple
dots. If you need it that bad... you can equip an optional part.
Found on:
Heads/Back Unit Radars

Moving Ability ------------------------------------------------------
How fast the AC walks/slides/hovers... I wouldn't worry about this
stat too much... as you should be boosting 90%+ of the time... hovers,
it's a different story.
Found on:

Moving Drian --------------------------------------------------------
A stat that is the same as energy drain. This is in effect if you are
actually moving the legs. (Walking)
Free falling, boosting... doesn't apply to this.
Found on:

Night Vision --------------------------------------------------------
A new feature in Armored Core... in certain missions, you will be in a
dark situation. If you have a head that features Night Vision, the
screen will be in a light amplifying green tint. If you don't have
this, it may be hard to see... it's more fun this way, however Smile.
Found on:

OB Acceleration -----------------------------------------------------
A new stat found on OB cores... I suppose it has to do with the rate
you reach you max speed.
Found on:
Over boost Cores

OB Energy Drain -----------------------------------------------------
This is how fast the core will drain your energy bar. It is more
important to look at opposed to the power itself.
Found on:

OB Power ------------------------------------------------------------
This is how strong the over boost is. They are all generally fast, and
you shouldn't base a core just on this.
Found on:

Optional Slots ------------------------------------------------------
This number is the amount of slots you core has. If you want more
optional slots, equip a core with a higher number.
Found on:

Parallel Sight ------------------------------------------------------
This is the % of your lock box that gets reduced when you use a left
arm weapon.
Found on:

Price ---------------------------------------------------------------
This is the overall retail value of the part. Every part, except for
the ones you start out with, can be sold and bought again. Remember:
+A part is used once brought into battle or tuned -- Sells for -10%
+A part used in the AC test is not considered used
+Starting parts cannot be sold
If a part brakes in a mission... you must buy it back again.
Found on:
Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units/Optional Parts

Radar Function ------------------------------------------------------
Have this means you're head as radar. Not having this stat means you
are going to need a Back Unit Radar if you want working radar.
Found on:

Radar Range ---------------------------------------------------------
The higher the number, the farther your radar can pick up targets.
Found on:
Heads/Back Unit Radars

Radar Type ----------------------------------------------------------
This is the type of radar your display will have... none really matter,
but it does change the type...
Found on:
Radar back units

Range ---------------------------------------------------------------
The range of the shot or the effect of anything. High numbers = better.
Found on:
Anything that shoots or leaves a pod.

Range Rating --------------------------------------------------------
This is the length of a blade... the higher the longer. Keep in mind,
the longer, the more strike points... the higher damage. But this means
you really still should hit your target as close as possible.
Found on:
Energy Blade Weapons

Recover Energy ------------------------------------------------------
The amount of energy that will get added to your energy gauge after
one use.
Found on:
Energy Recovery Extensions

Recover Time --------------------------------------------------------
The amount of time it will take to fully give you your juice.
Found on:
Energy Recovery Extensions

Reload Amount -------------------------------------------------------
The amount of ammo you will get upon using an extension for ammo.
Found on:

Reload Interval -----------------------------------------------------
How fast you can "reload" again... a near pointless stat... even the
point... Reload Interval is the reload speed into which you will reload
your weapon...
Found on:

Reload Uses ---------------------------------------------------------
How many times you can reload...
Found on:

Scanning Interval ---------------------------------------------------
This is the amount of time it takes for the radar to refresh. The lower
the number, the faster you can see where something is... again.
Found on:
Heads/Back Units Radars

Shield Coverage -----------------------------------------------------
The area coverage of your shield... the bigger, the higher chance your
shield will reduce the damage from the shot.
Found on:
Extensions Shields/Left Arm Shields

Stability -----------------------------------------------------------
Somehow your head will balance your AC when hit... not sure why...
Found on:

Stationary Drain ----------------------------------------------------
This is the same as energy drain; put only when you aren't directly
moving your legs. (Standing still/falling/boosting)
Found on:

Targeting -----------------------------------------------------------
Can the FCS lock on to two targets with dual guns or can it lock on to
many targets with missiles?
Found on:

Tuned Accuracy ------------------------------------------------------
This is the tuned stat for accuracy. Honeslty, I don't think it's worth
tuning for as it only can go up a little.
Found on:

Tuned Boost Accel ---------------------------------------------------
Not worth it my opinion... hell I'm not even sure how this works yet...
But I still would place my bets on boost power or heat.
Found on:

Tuned Booster Heat --------------------------------------------------
The stat to tune if you are getting too hot...
Found on:

Tuned Boost Power ---------------------------------------------------
If you aren't tuning for heat, you should be tuning for this... going
faster is very important.
Found on:

Tuned Condenser Cap -------------------------------------------------
Tuning this will make your actual gauge bigger. Tune for this is you
plan to fly for longer periods of time.
Found on:

Tuned Cooling -------------------------------------------------------
This is the stat that changes when you tune for cooling. It increases a
lot, and is helpful if you don't feel like equipping the heaviest
Found on:
Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs/Radiators

Tuned ECM -----------------------------------------------------------
This is a stat that is change from tuning. Do this if you plan on going
into a mission with a very high ECM level.
Found on:

Tuned Energy --------------------------------------------------------
This is the energy defense after tuning. Tune for energy defense if you
have very little, or you are taking down a hard mission with very few
solid threats.
Found on:
Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs

Tuned EN consumption ------------------------------------------------
Tune this stat to make your rad less drainy.
Found on:

Tuned EN Output -----------------------------------------------------
Tune this stat to raise the speed your energy gauge will restore...
or if you don't have enough energy in the first place. This is more
important when you are constantly moving/boost hopping.
Found on:

Tuned Leg Weight ----------------------------------------------------
The stat for tuning max leg weight. Only use this as a lazy way to
put an AC into combat. If your AC is going to be used often, it's a
good idea never to rely on this stat. Although it can increse the
performance of your legs... turning and speed...
Found on:

Tuned Max Arm -------------------------------------------------------
A stat for tuning to hold more for your arms. This can increase by a
lot for each point, but rarely should you need to unless using dual
bazookas or heavy arms.
Found on:

Tuned Shell ---------------------------------------------------------
This is the shell defense after tuning. Tune for Shell defense if you
have very little, or you are taking down a hard mission with very few
energy threats.
Found on:
Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs

Tuned Weight --------------------------------------------------------
This is weight that is affect by Tuning. Obviously when tuning for
weight, the weight goes down... don't ask me how, it just does. Tuning
for this is wise when you are a few overweight.
Found on:
Heads/Cores/Non-Weapon Arms/Legs/Boosters/Generators/Radiators

Turning Ability -----------------------------------------------------
How fast the legs turn. Very important stat if you plan on going close
Found on:

Usage Limit ---------------------------------------------------------
The number of times you can use your extension.
Found on:
Energy Recovery Extensions

Use Interval --------------------------------------------------------
The reload speed between uses...
Found on:
Energy Recovery Extensions

Vs ECM --------------------------------------------------------------
Like weight, all your ECM values get added up. If you are in a
environment with lots of interference, then this will take into affect.
Look next to your radar where it says something like "J/m!" The number
there is the electrical level of the level you are in. If you VS ECM
isn't higher than it... your lock-ons/radar will suffer.
Found on:
Heads/FCS/Back Unit Radars

VS MG Response ------------------------------------------------------
This is how effective the missile interceptor is on the front of your
core. You can use this number to figure how good it is, or if the core
even has one!
Found on:

Wave Range ----------------------------------------------------------
The range of the wave that comes from an energy wave. All blades come
equipped with a wave automatically, just press X (or "Boost" for the
Found on:
Energy Blades

Weapon Lock ---------------------------------------------------------
The weapons locking in which to base your FCS on...
WS = Wide and Shallow; Using anything but a WS FCS would be foolish.
Standard; Really depends on your tactics (Close/long range)
ND = Narrow and Deep; Use a ND FCS... or a WS IF and only IF you love
the weapon, but need it a bit closer.
Special = An FCS hardly makes a difference in this case.
Found on:
Anything that can lock

Weight --------------------------------------------------------------
Weight is how heavy something is. The heavier you are, the slower you
will move. Remember, just because you aren't overweight, doesn't mean
you have to squeeze every last part on.
Found on:
Extensions/Back Units/Arm Units

Usage Drain ---------------------------------------------------------
This is how much energy the part takes to use.
Found in:
Energy EO Cores/Energy Weapon Arms/Energy Extensions/Energy Back
Units/Energy Arm Units

Note: If I'm not mistaken, Aim Adjust Time effects double locking time (double locking is the FCS' method of anticipating your enemies' movement and firing ahead of their direction, only applicable on weapons that have a locking function).
I would also suggest that you DON'T rely on the AI function in ACFF, you'll know your AC a lot better when you use it yourself.
EDIT: Actually, his description on Weapon lock is a bit opinionated
[Image: nines.jpg]
I think we overwhelmed Jask. Tongue

Btw, a lot of stats do work, but have no real or discernable effect on the game. Aim adjust and aiming accuracy for example don't really matter that much, though some say they do. The maximum core weight stat is pretty useless too. Etc etc.
Won't that be a bit too much for a new player? The guy might freeze up from information overload. Big grin
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
This is actually about x3 longer than the stuff needed to review for my next quiz. Blink

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