Current time: 09-25-2024, 04:35 AM
The Rant/Rave Topic
PLDT is having hiccups again. Bano na nga ng connection, naaaksidente pa. Potek.

Rant: I'm currently in the middle of nowhere. Definitely a NEET now, I dissed school again. Tagal na sigurong tapos enrollment.

Definitely in a relationship, but technically not. A few months ago, I said I would be engaging into that religion, but didn't continue because I still question its origins. Then I went emo-shit and pulled myself into the shithole that I'm into now. If I'm still undecided about this religion shit before the next year ends, it's over between us.

Fuck everything. Everything isn't going well for me. Unless I do something about it, which I hardly ever manage to do.

What the fuck have I been doing these past years? I'm already 19, but I'm nowhere near being able to support myself.

Me-teru no Kimochi remake? Oh noes. Facepalm
it's'll figure things out. it's those shitty times that we hate experiencing that often leads us to interesting paths which have gems in the end. Easier said than done, i's just too simple for me to say this but usually shit turns out ok.

Herbs did that to me, now i am in a blurry & smokey course towards the unknown attractor pulling me from the future. Don't think about age, rather, think about experience, appreciate the shitty times and those moments that make you truly alive. Be true to yourself first, and when you do, usually things fall into place.

Find something that motivates you, a dream than you can keep chasing, or a mystery that you continue to unravel....supporting yourself isn't the end goal in life but it is definitely part of it. Whenever i have a problem, i just imagined what my future self would feel after solving the problem *i assume i will* and yea, it turns out fine in the end, sometimes i over worry but usually things work out and somtimes it just scares those typical movie plots that go "yey YEY YEY!!!!!!!!!!!......BAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW then YEY!!!!!! in the end" <<<<< ummm lol what? >>>> but yea, best of luck and sending you good vibes later....maybe Jake would send you some too! =D
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
One thing i know is that there are no right or wrong decisions when it comes to life itself, it's how you face the consequences of those decisions that are important. That's a little something to think about.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Could being true to myself also mean being more inconsiderate? The result of me doing that would be creating a consequence from a consequence. The first being the consequence of taking something beyond my ability too far, then the consequence of being inconsiderate, and thinking for myself alone.

Well, she said something for good measure, since she knows that I over-think about stuff.

"Magbasa ka muna ng Manga."

She can be point-blank at times, but she still means well. *sigh*.. Yeah, love and all, but can I handle the responsibility of having to undertake the religion as well? Can I be strong enough to hold my sanity in while doing that? Trying to force her to look the other way is futile.

Or do I just stop because I might have just brought this way past the point where it should have stopped? I can't find the answer now, the coming year might hold something for me to go with.

I know no one else of whom I can talk to about this, and I'm obviously not supposed to be posting about this here, but I could use all the help I can get.
Dude, if it you think it's worth it, then go with it, whatever the religion. That isn't a huge hurdle. Religion is irrelevant. Religion is just stuff that society imposes upon us. But it's you and her that's important to you right? Just commit to it or give it up altogether and move on with your lives.
^ what nix said. Religion isn't really a necessity. and if thats a problem as early as now, then you'll just be facing the same problems in the future. be yourself man, don't force yourself to conform to something you're not comfortable with-it goes against you own persona.

Lastly, based from your initial post regarding that. DO something abt your prob man, it doesnt really hurt to do so. I for one have been in my share of big-ass problems from july till aug 24, which was ironically my birthday. Not everything was fixed, but i at least reduced the damage of the others.

I hope you don't take it the wrong way, pero un nga, I think it's for your own good.
make sure what you decide is for your benefit and not because it is from some other opinion or POV
Thanks for the heads-up and advice, guys.

I got what all of you said, but I'm still speechless. I'm all for doing something about this, but I guess I should think things through a few times over before I finally decide on what to do.

I can't be completely selfish about this because what I decide doesn't just affect my life, it also affects hers. I also can't be completely selfless about this because, well.. the other way around.

In a nutshell, the choices are, my own sake or hers? For additional understanding, her religion is something she can't let go of. What would happen if you remove a person's faith system? =/

As for school, lazy me. I'll do something about that 'cause that's just me Tongue

Well, that's 'nuff of that, but I'll be happy to take more food for thought. Again, thanks guys Smile
this is one of those days I thank my tito for the 4-5 foot elevation on our house ... poor neighbors XD

Fuck! Water outside our house is knee-high already! If it continues to rain this hard it'll be coming inside our house.
Goddamnit! The water's coming into my room, not from the ceiling or the eaves but from a juncture between the wall and the floor. That's the sucky thing when your room is located at the corner of the house. The water just keeps seeping in and won't stop until this rain lets up. I've already slipped twice and got KO'ed after my head connected with the wall. Even the fething internet connection doesn't work. I'm using my cellphone as a modem to type this right now.

And to think that this day was supposed to be a relaxing one. Facepalm
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Great, just great weather. Fukkit.
am i the only one who is enjoying this weather?
Yes you are the only one, you sadistic motherfucker.
rave: just got home finally after 3 hours of travel.

rant: water was waist-high outside my office. had to tread through it. gross. smelled like cockroach.
rant: my sched today was shot to hell. fuck you weather.

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