Current time: 03-10-2025, 10:38 PM
i can only draw girls
here are the uniform designs!

[Image: 004_uniformsketch.jpg]

Pick and choose what you want ^__^)/

the next few images are just initial sketches of the people with their trademark items...imma make more since nung natapos ko to saka ko lang nakita/nabasa yung mga bagong nag post ^__^

[Image: 005_small.jpg]
@ Angela >> u want to give me a link of a specific kind of glove or ako nalang hahanap sa interwebbs?
if you squint i tried really hard sa shoes, meh, masyadong maliit, no?

[Image: 006_Ricci.jpg]
i gave your character baby doll shoes since wala ka pang ibinibigay ! XD

[Image: Niki.jpg]
i tried out both jacket designs you sent me >_<)/

wag kayong mag alala, imma make a more polished version soon!
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
Yuuum. They look good enough to eat. :3
Wow wow wow wow wow. I'm amazed at the drawings. They really look cute and even on the level of pre-production designs for some games I know (Reminded me of the concept art for lots of games where they have characters drawn in the same style). Like Nix said, they all look good enough to eat :3
you never cease to amaze us. great job!

Angela looks so effable. Hey, is that herb Hans is holding? LOL
(09-16-2009, 12:57 AM)NiX Wrote: Angela looks so effable. Hey, is that herb Hans is holding? LOL

its just a normal cigarette XD
[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
Aww, but that's worse than a herb. Sad All that tar and nicotine and shit.

EDIT: Cue in Hempire (and Sforza?). LOL
Made Day.
'Signatures are overrated.'
(...As written by my genderbent self)

Dear Iraya-sama,

It's good you told us to write, because it makes me uncomfortable talking to people. Have you watch The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya? I think I'm very much like Yuki Nagato. From Evangelion, I'm Rei - or Clare from Claymore, or Saya from Blood. It's so unfair; people think I hate them just because my mannerisms are so cold. My classmates call me a kuudere.

I think I was supposed to write about what shoes I like. I like moccasins. Here are some:

I like leather boots too, like these:

If I had to wear short closed toe shoes, I would probably wear something like this (they're from Melissa, my favorite brand)

I also like wearing this to school sometimes:

For my accessories, I like wearing these rings:
- I also have a plain silver band with my name on it, given by my mum.

I wear my rings on my right hand, because it gets in the way of playing my instrument at practice. I have glasses, but I rarely wear them. They're either on my collar, inside a pocket, or on my head as a hairband.

I'm only in second year, but I was asked to be the vice-captain for the music club because I've been playing the violin since I was six, and I have a really hard time forgetting any music once I hear it. Hearing something that's off-pitch makes me really annoyed.

At school, I often leave my hair lose or in a low ponytail so it doesn't get caught up in the strings.

I don't really have anyone I like in school, but Rikki and Angela are the least annoying people to hang around. I don't really have any enemies either, because people don't pay any attention to me. Even the teachers ignore me. My favorite item is my violin. I like eggplants a lot though, because they're purple and cute. I spend most of my free time practicing or going along with whatever my friends like to do.

My favorite person who I've almost never spoken to is a guy named Apol. He seems cute enough, but he never stops talking. He also has quite an attitude. I think he's an ass, and I hate him a lot! But I still like staring at him. I don't know, I'm confused.

Lastly, during the weekends I like dressing up in sweet loli attire (not gothloli!). My favorite shops are Metamorphose temps de fille and Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. I always make sure my outfits are color coordinated and perfect. I like pink, white and light purple themes. Cloth parasols are a must. My hair is colored a light chestnut brown.

When we're not in school, I look really odd when I go out with my friends, especially Angela.


FUCK YEAH, i got a new scanner
no more awkward trips to the net shop to get my shit scanned. >:3
finally, FINALLY i can scan my own porn with no worries haha!

NSFW...i think
please excuse the slight's been a long while since i've drawn something like this
my first scan! yay!
[Image: firstsacnlolasfsadfas.jpg]

[Image: th_tumblr_lk9u9uH6yu1qbacrgo1_500.gif]
Ohmy I approve of this development.

Very NSFW BTW. :p
Very, very interesting...
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Aww durn it... I want my own scanner too! Specs please!

I wanna upload stuff too!

LOL I can almost hear Lord_Leperman say "recommended inappropriate".
[Image: Sig07.png]

"I love chocolate-covered Sophie." A. Nina

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