Current time: 02-21-2025, 06:05 PM
Teh interesting (non-PHL-related) news stub thread
Yeah, now draw the sword from the stone or something, Your future High-ness.

@Hemp: Get it?
i am but a humble spectator of the Hempire, i am on my way to the land of the prince.
*prince of pot = Marc Emery from Vancouver, the media gave him that nick for being "notorious" in providing QUALITY Medical Cannabis seeds online and at the same time being an activist for legalization.*

The emperor is Jack Herer *see link from sig*
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
Love in 2-D: Men Who Love Pillows (Dakimakura)

...Nisan didn't mean to fall in love with Nemutan. Their first encounter -- at a comic-book convention that Nisan's gaming friends dragged him to in Tokyo -- was serendipitous. Nisan was wandering aimlessly around the crowded exhibition hall when he suddenly found himself staring into Nemutan's bright blue eyes. In the beginning, they were just friends. Then, when Nisan got his driver's license a few months later, he invited Nemutan for a ride around town in his beat-up Toyota. They went to a beach, not far from the home he shares with his parents in a suburb of Tokyo. It was the first of many road trips they would take together. As they got to know each other, they traveled hundreds of miles west -- to Kyoto, Osaka and Nara, sleeping in his car or crashing on friends' couches to save money. They took touristy pictures under cherry trees, frolicked like children on merry-go-rounds and slurped noodles on street corners. Now, after three years together, they are virtually inseparable. "I've experienced so many amazing things because of her," Nisan told me, man holding 2d body pillow girlfriend rubbing Nemutan's leg warmly. "She has really changed my life."

Nemutan doesn't really have a leg. She's a stuffed pillowcase -- a 2-D depiction of a character, Nemu, from an X-rated version of a PC video game called Da Capo, printed on synthetic fabric. In the game, which is less a game than an interactive visual novel about a schoolyard romance, Nemu is the loudmouthed little sister of the main character, whom she calls nisan, or "big brother," a nickname Nisan adopted as his own when he met Nemu...

Somehow this reminds me a bit of RR Big grin
That's definitely WTF material. -_-
Why does it remind you of RR?
Fcking Creepy. We tend to call that a "turbo-nerd." Like. There was this time at a con I spotted some fat guy who'd say be... well over 40 (that's my guess with the bald spot), carried a backpack emblazoned with many pins with moe characters and listened to music that came from animes like Card Captor Sakura and such.

I know I shouldn't be so judgemental, but that was a rather disturbing sight.


Conspiracy Trial for 100 Dissidents Begins in Iran

Quote:EIRUT, Lebanon — The Iranian authorities opened an extraordinary mass trial against more than 100 opposition figures on Saturday, accusing them of conspiring with foreign powers to stage a revolution through terrorism, subversion, and a media campaign to discredit last month’s presidential election.

The trial, coming just days before President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is to be sworn in for a second term, signaled an intensified government attack on the opposition movement, which maintains that the June 12 election was rigged and continues to muster widespread street protests.

The accusations read out in the courtroom were a broadside against virtually every major figure associated with reform in Iran, going well beyond those actually arrested. State television broadcast images of the defendants, who included a former vice president and a Newsweek reporter, as well as some of the reform movement’s best-known spokesmen, clad in prison uniforms and listening as prosecutors outlined their accusations in a large marble-floored courtroom. Some were shackled.

Opposition leaders angrily disputed the accusations on Saturday and protested that the defendants had had no access to lawyers or to details of the charges against them.

The leading opposition presidential candidate, Mir Hussein Moussavi, issued a call on his Web site, Ghalam News, for Iranians to resume their nightly protest chants of “God is great” more intensely than ever.

One line in particular made me facepalm:

Quote: The Iranian authorities opened an extraordinary mass trial against more than 100 opposition figures on Saturday, accusing them of conspiring with foreign powers to stage a revolution through terrorism, subversion, and a media campaign to discredit last month’s presidential election.

WTF is this? The red scare all over again?
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Spot something wrong in these pics

[Image: 6133_1206226478385_1310341901_30608019_3903900_n.jpg]
[Image: post-4586-1249573633.jpg]

[Image: nines.jpg]
lol so even the media wants her gone LOL

Low blow oh! LOL
reaction to pic: ahh.. libing ni cory...
after reading the description:kay gloria pla un? LOL

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
VERY good article on the work of Child's Play, a console and video game charity founded by Penny Arcade for children's hospitals.

Quote:His parents can recite the days from memory. What parent couldn't, for such watershed trauma in the life of a boy and his family.

On September 4, 2008, they found out he had a tumor in his brain. He was in the intensive care unit, often screaming in pain, until September 13, when he was transferred up to Unit 35. That stay lasted until September 18. He had the PICC line, a catheter he carries inside of him, inserted then. Every time he comes back here, they plug it into something. Sometimes it's an IV on a wheeled stand, dripping saline. Other times, it's feeding him chemicals - poison, fundamentally.

His dad, wearing jeans and a weather-beaten NBA Live 2003 t-shirt, pushes this rack, hand on his 7-year-old son's shoulder. They are here, in Portland, Oregon, at The Children's Hospital at Legacy Emanuel, to begin another battery of chemotherapy. This time will be the "B" treatment in the cycle; it makes the hair fall out. And worse. The pair enter a cheerfully painted room and sit down at a long counter.

They pick up Xbox controllers.

Hope the Philippines could have something like this too.
man that's nice


Fried puppy. Sad

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