Current time: 09-28-2024, 12:48 PM
The Rant/Rave Topic
(05-17-2009, 10:09 AM)J.E_Magog Wrote: walang hiya wala palang support yung na slimline ps2. At silent line lang ang compatible.

At least may modem. Tongue Win one battle, lose the other.

Oh and

(05-16-2009, 06:21 PM)Sforza Wrote: I think you got misinterpreted Ninja Happens a lot on the internets.

(05-17-2009, 01:48 AM)NiX Wrote: It's just all perception. of posts (sic)
^Someone's gonna get beat up. Haha.

Anyway, let's drop the misunderstanding topic and move on, shall we? It's a just a trivial matter. Sorry for what I said, Andrew. I misinterpreted you too. Tongue

Rant: Pinkitteee got hospitalized hours ago due to amoebiasis. Saktong sakto, nasa fiesta ako sa amin when I found out about it. Day went from great to FFFFFFFFUUUUUUU--. She called me just now, so I asked if it was anywhere near serious (invasive). She'll be doing fine, thank God.

So maybe it's sort of a rave, too. I'll get to take care of her for the whole day tomorrow. Think hospital visits. With some time alone. :3

Rant two: So while I wasn't in a good mood due to that, we hailed a taxi from within the web of esquinitas filled with topless, beer drinking, karaoke singing lumpens. Blessing? No, apparently. The driver looked like a lumpen too, and wasn't in a good mood due to traffic(like I was in a good mood either, so meh). I had to navigate him through the mass of fiesta-goers and counterflowing vehicles in the already congested street. And he wasn't in a cooperative mood. After a while though, it was all good. We got out of the traffic and into the major roads. When we stopped to drop off a couple of relatives, I looked at his taxi meter. 65 pesos. Looks fishy, I thought. Then we went on.

A few minutes later. We took the longer route through navotas towards Roxas blvd. His taxi meter went from 70-ish to 115php. It's goddamned fast since we've just gone a few kilometers. My mom noticed that too. THEN IT FUCKING JUMPED 10 PESOS. BIGLANG NAGING 125. Fuck.

Then it FUCKING DID IT AGAIN. THIS TIME TO 137.50. My mom noticed it and told the driver, "Manong, tiumalon metro nyo ah!?" The driver said nothing. Goddamned faggot. This time around I started looking at the meter every three seconds or so. The fag driver noticed that so the skipping stopped. Though, it still upped by 2.50 every 10 seconds or so. AS IF WE WERE GOING 100KPH. The shit had to stop. I started asking my mom questions about how much we pay for the usual distance. Fag is still silenced.

Minutes later, as I was still looking at the meter every three seconds, the meter mysteriously went from IMBA SCAM to NORMAL rate. Scam busted.

Somewhere near CCP, my mom asked me for spare change. "Magkano po ba meron kayo?" She passed me 150. The meter was around 220php by then. I added 30php so I had 180 in my hands. Fag asked me, "Saan po kayo banda?" I replied in an adult, angry sounding voice. Then we finally got to our destination.

Mom got down first. Then I handed him the 180(which in my opinion was still too much). Then considering that it may just be the taxi owner's orders to scam passengers, I told the faggot, "'Di ko alam kung utos ng amo mo o kung kalokohan mo lang yan, mabilis ang karma. Ngayon, kung may reklamo ka, malapit lang ang presinto." Then I fucking slammed the door hard and gave him that 'I'll beat the shit out of you if you react' look. Fag said nothing and drove away.

Fucking owned. I should have gone and taken him to the police station, but he just isn't worth it.
andrew was insensitive and was trying to be a smart-ass. nuff said.


sorry guys. stupid brother.
expect a karate chop/roundhouse kick while you're asleep! ^^^^^^^
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
Hey Andrew, stop posting as your brother. LOL
Shin Wrote:^Someone's gonna get beat up. Haha.

Hemp Wrote:expect a karate chop/roundhouse kick while you're asleep! ^^^^^^^

guys, thanks for noticing. I usually have my rr account logged on in my windows account, and I sometimes leave it to do some chores and that's whats making this idiot able to post as me.

to shin and hemp, yeah I'll more or less give him a pounding. any suggestions? requests? as much as I'd like to do a chop, i'd rather go for my bread and butter thrust punch(ala jin kazama's d+1 or ff+2) to his face Tongue
Keep me away from my PS3. I can't study! LOL
"Numbers are not part of the real world; they're part of something else."

-Prof. Rolly Panopio, UPLB Math Division
(05-18-2009, 08:30 AM)maitreya Wrote: Keep me away from my PS3. I can't study! LOL

It starts! LOL
Thanks, everyone for all of your advice and comments. I appreciate all of you trying to help out, given just how bummed out i've been for the past few days. It really helps to know that i can always turn to this group for advice on life itself, not just tips and tricks for games. Quitting work right now even though i don't have anything else lined up isn't going to be too tough as i have a bit of dough saved up, enough that i should be able to survive for a few months, since i am living with a couple of my uncles at the moment. I could also head back to Ilocos if i wanted to.

Hey guys, don't be too hard on Atdsutm for his remark there. I'm quite used to his posting style at this point and i wasn't all that surprised at what he said. Quite the opposite as his words do make sense, however callously they may have come across.

People, each and every one of your comments have been given consideration. All of them were valid words of wisdom. However, the best advice came after a lengthy phone conversation with the one person who has always known me better than anyone else - my mom. "If you're not happy right now, leave your job, forget everything and come home for a while. We'll take care of you like we did before. You can worry about looking for work later." were her words. I actually started tearing up after she said that. She knew exactly just how frustrated and disappointed i was and knew just what i needed.

So that's that then, this is where my path branches off. I already finished writing my resignation letter, which i will be handing to the program manager later this week. Thirty days after that, i will say goodbye to the love-hate relationship i have with my choice of employment and go north back home to Ilocos for a month or so to sort my head out.

When i come back, a whole new chapter will begin.

RAVE - My brother went to Comicon in UP last Saturday night and brought home a copy of Pugad Baboy 21 signed by Pol Medina jr.! I've been buying his books ever since my elementary days but this is the first time one of them has been signed by the man himself.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Wish you the best Fox...think of this time in your life as one of the most important since you get to decide the many paths that could greatly influence your life and happiness.

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I'm sure by now you know my posting style as well...always that propaganda for 'natural drug/plant' use and the questioning of the established institutions....and the occasional drop a video and thrust a 'lol watch this sign'.... so yea, still doing it =D.
==========It's easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth you've never heard before==========

February 1938 - Popular Mechanics Magazine: “NEW BILLION-DOLLAR CROP”

[Image: 1234234723396-1-1-1.jpg]
Godspeed, Foxy boy. You'll be fine. Wait for BYOB before you leave!!! Or at least come back for it. Tongue
Good to hear, dude! I wish you luck in finding your new direction in life. I like the fact that you did "push it further and got to an answer". Smile
Good luck and godspeed my good friend. I'm pretty sure you'll get a better job(and pay to go with it) next time. look at the bright side, you'll get to be a bum for a while. LOL
So uh, what's the move? Quit and go AFK for a while?
Hot damn, today's events were just totally epic. If a disgruntled worker handing in his walking papers is a small dent in the workforce, then eight disgruntled veteran agents handing in their papers within a span of two hours could very well be management's worst nightmare...

The look on the faces of our new supervisors as we all announced our intentions earlier this shift was just priceless. I can still picture the pathetic visage on my new boss's face as he stared at the four papers in front of him and his words - "Sonuvabitch, who the hell placed you guys on my team!?"

Oh man, i never knew resignation could be this refreshing. Everyone should try it at least once. Big grin

And so begins the final countdown. Twenty-nine more days til freedom!!!

Don't worry guys, with me returning back to my previous role as a professional couch potato, you'll be seeing me around much more. Tongue
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."

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