Current time: 03-11-2025, 03:54 PM
The Rant/Rave Topic
(05-15-2009, 12:04 AM)clonezero Wrote: tried to understand PETA ... and like scientology I just ended up with another head ache again ... feth Im just to curious for my own good XX


Good intentions horribly mangled by militant activism and non-compromise.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Rant - Office politics - bloody stupid, damn pointless and something that made me almost weep yesterday. With my boss's last announcement after the shift, it was like time suddenly stopped for us and the scene just cracked and fell to pieces. It was all so dreamlike, so surreal, something that i never expected to happen.

Damnit, i'm still hoping that what happened is just a dream and that i'll be waking up from it in a bit.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
So, what exactly happened if I may ask?

Rant: Arm still hurts after that gym session 2 days ago. D:
Is it just me, or is everybody just getting prepared for the "fight" on DT's venue? D:
it IS a fighting game meet. Tongue

PS3 Slim?
"Numbers are not part of the real world; they're part of something else."

-Prof. Rolly Panopio, UPLB Math Division
(05-15-2009, 01:08 PM)maitreya Wrote:

PS3 Slim?

That looks more like the PS3's top panel Ermm

Glad I didn't invest in a PS3 yet Salute

Rant/Rave: Good god - heard three loud explosions near office a few minutes ago, followed 15 mins later by sound of sirens. Have no idea what's going on, but I am getting very worried. Sad Anybody know what's going on, please let me know.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Checked the news as of this writing - no word yet.

Some other news:
An officemate Wrote:Electrico to perform in Manila! (Wed, 29 Apr.)
Electrico will be heading to Manila in the Philippines On May 15th 2009, Eastwood, Central Plaza to perform for Jam 88.3’s Music Festival!
To view poster and more details, go to
"Numbers are not part of the real world; they're part of something else."

-Prof. Rolly Panopio, UPLB Math Division
Rant/Rave: The Stock Exchange building had a fire drill earlier. That explains the sirens. I'm still not sure where those explosions came from though.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
(05-15-2009, 10:43 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote: So, what exactly happened if I may ask?

Rant: Arm still hurts after that gym session 2 days ago. D:

Something that no work team would want to hear after being together for the better part of two years - being disbanded and dispersed to other teams. Apparently, some of the other supervisors weren't entirely happy with our sup's management style. Even though we were consistently giving good scores every month, somebody made a big deal of her being way too unprofessional with her managing of our group, that instead of managing a work team, she was just hanging out with her in-office "barkada", which is exactly what we, having worked with each other for more than a year and a half at this point, have turned into. Aside from post-shift stuff like hanging out at the nearby convenience store before heading home or crashing at whoever's place is nearest, we've been doing more regular stuff during weekends like getting hammered at someone's place, watching movies as a group and other such shit. What's the point in staying at work if you can't have fun while doing your job? That's the whole reason why our scores have been that good, because there was something that she was doing with our group that most of the other supervisors have been able to pull off with theirs - we had all gotten close enough that we no longer looked at each other as mere officemates, we were all friends.

To most of the other sups, being friends with your workers was a sign of weakness, and thus was something to be frowned upon. Some of the inggiteros were ranting that supervisors fraternizing with their subordinates was wholly unbecoming of someone given such a responsibility. As a result, one of the higher ups said that she had become ineffective and needed a change of underlings to remind her of her duties, all the while claiming that it was a "sound business decision" and it was for the good of the account. That's what they're passing it off as, a business decision.

Business decision my brown ass.

I know that i've been posting a lot of bullshit about how my job sucks and that i've mentioned quitting more times than i even care to think of. This time may be different, however. As a form of protest, most of our team hasn't reported in for work for the past couple of days, with several planning on turning in their resignation letters this coming Monday. Adding fuel to the fire was the decision to post us to each and every one of the sups we would never wish to work under. Most of my team is advising me to resign along with them while my boss herself is asking me to try to give whoever's gonna be handling me a chance, at least for the next couple of weeks.

At this point, i'm still unsure of which path to take.
"May those who accept their fate find happiness. May those who defy their fate find glory."
Seems like I'll have to change my OS from XP to Win7, since WinXP does not support ambient occlusion.
Clearly your situation sucks. Stay or go though? If you stay, you won't be happy. If you go, you won't have a job for a while, but I'm sure someone with your experience with the industry will be able to find another one soon. This could also be a time for you to shift to another industry altogether if you want.

I did the whole quit-your-job-without-a-replacement-job thing almost year ago if you remember, and things turned out fine. Of course, I am still living under my parents' roof, so that was a lot of help (not sure if you are/aren't).

As you can tell I'm biased towards leaving a job immediately when you feel this strongly against being there.
Yeah, if you still have your parents' support, then by all means quit that shitty job and get another one.
what they said. sorry for not saying anything else, but since nix and mix just literally said everything I wanted to, then there. ditto.
The higher the unemployment rate, the harder it is to find a job, and the easier it is to replace a worker.

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