Current time: 11-23-2024, 08:19 AM
teh Sforzando Gallery
We were trying to catch some people who were stealing our water at work a few days ago. I took a lot of pictures, but there was something different about this one.

[Image: P5310934.jpg]
Different indeed. Jawdrop
nice shot!
Water STOLEN. Well, you did steal something back anyway.

Nice ass. ROFL*blaaargh*
Nice water spout.

Contents of *.rar file:
1. Pictures from the last meet, for use in the model kit making guide
2. Pictures of the participants in the kit bashing meet - not so much because I was busy with the model kit pictures
3. Random armored core pictures from a mecha board that Rick and I think good Mark asked me to upload last week.
Bought some new figma recently and took them for a quick photoshoot.
Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid) and Miyuki Takara (Lucky Star).
Thumbnails lead to bigger and complete version of the pictures Smile

[Image: Untitled-1.jpg] [Image: Untitled-3.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-2.jpg] [Image: Untitled-4.jpg]

Edit: Link to the Ilocos photo set for organization purposes.
Hehe you're building up quite a collection, eh Jake?
(02-27-2009, 07:45 PM)NiX Wrote: Hehe you're building up quite a collection, eh Jake?

I bought Miyuki because she looked too ronery all alone in the store Sad

Won't buy anymore figures until the big one I ordered, which will come in June-ish still. It's quite expensive.

But then Danny Choo put this out, so now I don't know again. AGH. GSC is soooo annoyingly good at making figures!!!
Wow Jake. That is a hot Miku figurine.
[Image: 10fxo9t.gif]

lol. Pagpasok ko sa thread ako lang, tapos one guest, tapos dalawa. I wonder where the pics are going.

Anything new, sir Duke? xD
My BYOB pix.

[Image: th_P3211383.jpg] [Image: th_P3211389.jpg] [Image: th_P3211390.jpg]

I like the first one on the left (with the AC). It can be made into a wallpaper LOL

[Image: th_P3211393.jpg] [Image: th_P3211399.jpg] [Image: th_P3211401.jpg]

[Image: th_P3211404.jpg]

Lastly, RR doing what RR does during meets. zomg, People actually played AC Ninja

[Image: th_P3211392.jpg] [Image: th_P3211395.jpg] [Image: th_P3211398.jpg]
@ ac pic

lol I rememeber that XD

we need to play ac more XD seriously XD

(03-27-2009, 03:26 AM)clonezero Wrote: @ ac pic

lol I remember that XD

we need to play ac more XD seriously XD

Yah. Natatalo mo na kami ni Fox eh.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Some random pictures (w/ descriptions) from my twitter account.

btw, do any of you guys have digicams? The small compact pocket sized type.
What do you use? what is your opinion on it? I'm thinking of getting one.

Oh, and I'm selling my ipod nano on TPC through a broker.
This was the picture I took for the item LOL MikuPod!
[Image: P7131504.jpg]

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