Current time: 10-01-2024, 11:53 AM
Personality tests
here we go again

<p><em>Your result for The Which Evil Dictator Are You? Test...</em></p><h3>Alfredo Stroessner</h3><p>You scored -1 Ego and 3 Ideology!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p><div>As you might've guessed, General Alfredo Stroessner's (1912-2006) father was a German emigrant to Paraguay. The workaholic Stroessner overthrew Paraguay's civilian government in 1954 and began work on a sort of low-calorie fascism, throwing money into massive construction projects, battling with the Church, handing out parcels of land to military veterans, and providing refuge to escaped Nazis. He was less brutal than most of his contemporaries, and Paraguay's economy benefitted from his efforts, but the people grew tired of him and he was overthrown in 1989. He retired to Brazil, where he lived comfortably until his death.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you and Stroessner just aren't very, well, interesting. No torchlit rallies, no enormous statues, no threats of war, no daring political power plays. Just solid, predictable policy. But remember, the nail that sticks its head out is the first to get hammered. Stroessner knew this, and hung around for 35 years. That's plenty of time for you to redecorate the Presidential Palace to your liking.</div><p><a href="">Take The Which Evil Dictator Are You? Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for The Mythological God Test...</em></p><h3>Amun</h3><p>Indeed, you are 71% erudite, 67% sensual, 50% martial, and 42% saturnine.</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p><div><b>Amun</b> was a mysterious God indeed. His very name basically means "what is hidden", "what is not seen", "what cannot be seen", and though even his form was said to be “unknown”, he was depicted as a man with the head of a uraeus (cobra), or a man seated on a throne and holding in one hand the sceptre, and in the other the ankh.
All secrets aside, what we do know is that Amun was the <b>Egyptian</b> King of the Gods, not unlike his counterparts <b>Zeus</b> (<b>Greek</b> mythology) and <b>Odin</b> (<b>Norse</b> mythology). With his ruling might over the Gods, Amun soon became associated with the Pharaohs.
Being responsible for the creation of the world, it is not surprising that he was also the God of fertility, reproduction, and sexual power, and thus also the God of agriculture. With the combined powers of regeneration and royalty, Amun became linked to the sun and the great God <b>Ra</b>, becoming known as <b>Amun-Ra</b>, which pretty much consolidated his status as Supreme God.
In spite of Amun's political ascension, he also enjoyed popularity among the common people of Egypt, who came to call him the vizier of the poor, the protector of the weak, and an upholder of justice.
<b>The Fifteen Gods</b>
These are the 15 categories of this test. If you score above average in …
…all or none of the four variables: <a href="">Dagda</a>. …
Erudite: <a href="">Thoth</a>. …
Sensual: <a href="">Frey</a>. …
Martial: <a href="">Mars</a>. …
Saturnine: <a href="">Mictlantecuhtli</a>. …

Erudite & Sensual: <a href="">Amun</a>. …
Erudite & Martial: <a href="">Odin</a>. …
Erudite & Saturnine: <a href="">Anubis</a>. …
Sensual & Martial: <a href="">Zeus</a>. …
Sensual & Saturnine: <a href="">Cernunnos</a>. …
Martial & Saturnine: <a href="">Loki</a>. …

Erudite, Sensual & Martial: <a href="">Lug</a>. …
Erudite, Sensual & Saturnine: <a href="">Coyote</a>. …
Erudite, Martial & Saturnine: <a href="">Hades</a>. …
Sensual, Martial & Saturnine: <a href="">Pan</a>.</div><p><a href="">Take The Mythological God Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for How Will You Survive a Horror Film Test...</em></p><h3>The Brave Heart!</h3><p>9% Coward, 37% Sidekick, 61% Survivor and 81% Hero!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="292" height="320" /></p><div><p><strong>In the horror film you are the one that takes charge and charges forward. Nothing scares you. You may die in the end, but you will definitely save someone. Some people may think you are stupid, but you know that your reward is doing something that means something, even if it is the ultimate sacrifice of your life. When watching horror films you are the only one that doesn't jump or scream when the spooky ghoul suddenly appears. You keep a clear head and laugh at the danger. You are definitely the one that people want as their partner when they visit the cemetary at midnight.</strong></p></div><p><a href="">Take How Will You Survive a Horror Film Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

aaah I don't know about this one

<p><em>Your result for The What's Your Philosophy? Test...</em></p><h3>Optimist</h3><p>65 optimism, 56 faith, and 60 logic!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p><div>Optimists are a dying breed in this day and age. To the optimists, the world is a positive place. Everything is inherently good, and all things will work out in the end. They believe violence will one day be replaced with logic and reason, and that all religions can coexisist peacefully. These are the people who always see the glass half full, and believe that we live in the best possible world.<br /><br />

Famous optimists include: Gottfried Leibniz, William Godwin.<br /><br />

The opposite of Optimism is Skepticism.<br /></div><p><a href="">Take The What's Your Philosophy? Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>


<p><em>Your result for Honestly, are you honest?...</em></p><h3>Occassional Liar</h3><p>60% Honesty and 38% Deceptiveness!</p><div>You like honesty and think it's a good thing to have, but you sometimes find the need to lie. Whether it would just be so cruel to tell the truth, or you'd get in too much trouble, lying is sort of a last resort for you. You may know that you lie some times, but you definitely feel like you're still a pretty honest person.</div><p><a href="">Take Honestly, are you honest?</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

the test felt inadequate

<p><em>Your result for The Giant Robot of Destruction Test...</em></p><h3>Mechagodzilla!</h3><p>You scored 70 Bigness and 55 Smashy-Smashy!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p><div>Standing 120 Meters tall and weighing in at 150,000 tons, you are the creation of a joint American-Japanese project under the jurisdiction of the United Nations Godzilla CounterMeasures Center.

And John Bolton though the UN was worthless? Please, without it, we wouldn't have you, and without you, the world would be one big stomping ground for an angry giant radioactive lizard of doom!

You're also the only thing that has ever killed Godzilla. But think of how many tens of thousands of people you squooshed and how many trillions of dollars in damage you caused to suceed.

Yay?</div><p><a href="">Take The Giant Robot of Destruction Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

aaw and I made every effort to get the sdf 1 ... anyway I think this is soething of a copy of a previous test so I just played ith it.

Your result for The What is Your Spirit Animal Test...
</em></p><h4>The Bat</h4><p>Here's your results! Your spirit animal has a Nobility ranking of 9 out of 18.</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="348" height="390" /></p>
<div>Your spirit animal is the bat. They are remakable creatures that guide themselves through the night using sonar. They are a fairly common spirit animal, but are neither exceptional nor despisable in regards to nobility. Being nocturnal, they have not really "seen the light", and there is much they are still unaware of, but they have their own special way of navigating the world, which though unconventional, works just fine.

<p>***Wondering how this animal was chosen for you? These questions were carefully thought out to see how important you hold certain virtues such as: humanism, self-knowledge, rationalism, the love of freedom and other somewhat Hellenic ideals. Some of the questions were very subtle. Your score was then matched with an animal of corresponding nobility. However, you shouldn't think this was a right/wrong sort of test, but more of an idealistic values test. It's ok to not hold these values, you'll just get an animal spirit of lower stature if you do!***</div><p><a href="">
Take The What is Your Spirit Animal Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>

The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

[Image: rational.jpg]
[Image: exteel.png]
The previous incarnation test
My result
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Future projects related Roll eyes

Your result for The (video) game designer style Test...
</em></p><h4>The Historical StoryTeller</h4><p>5 Culture, 8 Feeling, 10 Story, 10 World, 4 Rules and 2 Tutor!</p>
<div><p>The Storyteller has a tale to tell, usually linear and complex. You pay attention to the pacing and symbolic aspects of your game concepts, but may miss some gameplay aspects, by limiting it too much to minigames. A strong reaction to the story by the player will however keep him playing, even if the actual interactive elements may not be the most interesting.</p>
<p>You are good at organising ideas and gameplay elements around the plot, and guide the player through the events as they unfold. Be careful though not to constrain them too much. Your games, even if amazing at first, easily lose their magic when played a second time though. Try to give the player some alternatives within the plot, for example, by making things slightly different in case the player fails a specific action.</p>
<p>Aside from that, you pay attention to the context in which your game takes place. You understood that no matter how good a game is, it is always unsettling for the player to face a gap in the world. As a result, you tend to make sure that there is sufficient background information in your levels to satisfy the player’s curiosity, and give the world a little more consistence.</p>
<p>The different main categories in which you could fall are : <a href=""> The CopyCat</a> <a href="">The Experience</a> <a href="">The StoryTeller</a> <a href="">The WorldBuilder</a> <a href="">The SysAdmin</a> <a href="">The Skill Builder</a></p>
<p>Was this result good for you? Did a question confuse you or not propose an appropriate answer? Have any comments? I'd love to hear it from you. <a href="">Send Feedback</a></p>
<p>If you are interested in the topic and care about reading the original descriptions and discover a few extra categories, visit the <a href="">original article</a> on Danc's Site, Lost Gardens!</p>
<p>Like the It Crowd? Try my <a href="">It Crowd Trivia</a> test based on that series!</p></div><p><a href="">
Take The (video) game designer style Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Quote:The Dream World Builder
4 Culture, 10 Feeling, 5 Story, 11 World, 7 Rules and 2 Tutor!

The world builder imagines a whole world in the first, rather than a game. He creates a background in which the events will unfold, organising the content, be it maps, architecture or historical events. The games you create take place in a setting that was created before the player arrived in it, and are high in colours.

Game mechanisms you design may be repetitive, but the ever changing environment gives them various flavours. You don't know when to stop though, and that can prevent you from ever finishing a design that gets more and more complex. Think of filling the existing world a bit more with interesting events and actions to perform, and not just many new empty locations.

Besides, you have a vision of your game, as well as a concept. You understood that nowadays, players seek to experiment a variety of emotions when they play. Your games provide those, thanks to the attention you pay to ambiances and original situations. You are good at conveying feelings through particular graphical ambiances and in game situations that people can relate to.
Quote:The Experience
5 Culture, 9 Feeling, 8 Story, 8 World, 5 Rules and 5 Tutor!

You have a clear vision of what your game should be like, it is made of Marvellous environments and moving characters. you seek to provoke emotions within the player, and seek innovative ways to convey them.

Your idea of the game is hard to put into words, so you probably need to check on your collegue's work regularly : it is posible to work endlessly without ever reaching your expectations. You pay attention to details, how they can affect the player, and seek an intense game Feeling.

The different main categories in which you could fall are : The CopyCat The Experience The StoryTeller The WorldBuilder The SysAdmin The Skill Builder

Figures. I never wanted to command an Mobile Suit carrier - I would very much rather be one of its pilots Clapping
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Your result for The Mythological God Test...
</em></p><h4>Frey</h4><p>Indeed, you are 58% erudite, 75% sensual, 54% martial, and 42% saturnine.</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="400" height="358" /></p>
<div><b>Frey</b> was, just like his twin sister <b>Freya</b>, a member of the Vanir family and thus a God of fertility and love. Along with <b>Odin</b> and <b>Thor</b> he was one of the most popular <b>Norse</b> Gods, and received many offerings. He was said to have control of the weather, both rain and sunshine, thus the fertility of the earth. Prayers were also offered to Frey for a good future, peace and prosperity.
Frey is described as being handsome, powerful, merciful and kind. Fitting considered he was - let’s be frank - the God of sex. His cult included songs and actions which shocked contemporary and later Christians, who condemned them as indecent, which they of course were not to the participants in the cult themselves.
Frey lived in Alfheim, "Elf-home", a name which indicates a possible connection between Vanir and Elves. His servant was the Goddess <b>Beyla</b>, who was all about bees and dairy. Not to far off, I think, as “Milk and Honey” and the things that Frey stands for are equally sweet.
Your result for What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test...
</em></p><h4>Balanced, Secure, and Realistic.</h4><p>12 Impressionist, 8 Islamic, -6 Ukiyo-e, -23 Cubist, -14 Abstract and 2 Renaissance!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="494" height="300" /></p>
<div><p><span style="font-size:x-small;font-family:arial, helvetica, verdana;"> Impressionism is a movement in French painting, sometimes called optical realism because of its almost scientific interest in the actual visual experience and effect of light and movement on appearance of objects. Impressionist paintings are balanced, use colored shadows, use pure color, broken brushstrokes, thick paint, and scenes from everyday life or nature.</span></p>
<p>People that like Impressionist paintings may not alway be what is deemed socially acceptable. They tend to move on their own path without always worrying that it may be offensive to others. They value friendships but because they also value honesty tend to have a few really good friends. They do not, however, like people that are rude and do not appreciate the ideas of others. They are secure enough in themselves that they can listen to the ideas of other people without it affecting their own final decisions. The world for them is not black and white but more in shades of grey and muted colors. They like things to be aestically pleasing, not stark and sharp. There are many ways to view things, and the impresssionist personality views the world from many different aspects. They enjoy life and try to keep a realistic viewpoint of things, but are not very open to new experiences. If they are content in their live they will be more than likely pleased to keep things just the way they are.</p></div><p><a href="">
Take What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>

Your result for The Supervillain Archetype Test...
</em></p><h4>The Megalomaniac</h4><p>Ambitious, Intelligent, Calculating</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="442" height="350" /></p>
<div><p><span style="font-weight:bold;">The Megalomaniac is the most prestigious of super-villain classes. If anyone is ever going to rule the world, it will probably be you. </span></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Your main goal in life is power and domination, you have the tools to do it, and you know it. Megalomaniacs are intelligent and forceful, and they tend not to let their emotions cloud their judgment. Most of the time. They are usually found, or not found, working at the top of a huge structured organization, though many prefer to work by themselves.</p>
<p>The Megalomaniac has but one flaw, but its an invariably fatal one; arrogance. He knows that he can take over the world, and he isn't afraid to let you know, often elaborately and in great detail. They often do not foresee the fly in their ointment, because they do not want to admit that such a fly could exist.</p>
<p>Sample Megalomaniacs: Dr. Doom, Lex Luthor, Ras al'Ghul, Kang the Conqueror, Emperor Palpatine, Brain</p></div><p><a href="">
Take The Supervillain Archetype Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>


Your result for What language would you be?...
</em></p><h4>Basque</h4><p></p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="550" height="392" /></p>
<div><p><strong>Some might call you difficult or strange, but you know that you are just misunderstood and unique. You march to the beat of your own drum.</strong></p>
<p><strong>Because you are such a fish out of water, if you were a language you would be Basque. According to the British Foreign Office, Basque is the most difficult language for English speakers to understand. The roots of this ancient language are controversial, but because it is so different from other European languages, some have suggested that is the lone survivor of an ancient family of extinct languages, or even that it is related to languages from the far-away Caucasus region.</strong></p></div><p><a href="">
Take What language would you be?</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Your result for The Supervillain Archetype Test...
</em></p><h3>The Professional</h3><p>Cool, Levelheaded, Lethal</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="358" height="804" /></p><div><p><span style="font-weight:bold;">The Professional is the most dangerous of all villains. You do what you do better than anyone, because, as a Professional, you have standards. </span></p>
<p>The Professional is like the Crook in that they both desire money. But the Professional wants more than that. The Professional wants job satisfaction. It isn't sadism really, he just wants to be sure that the job is done, and done well. No hard feelings, it's just business. Professionals prefer to work alone, but will work in groups if given incentive.</p>
<p>The greatest weakness of a Professional is risk. A Professional is business-like, but can't resist a challenge. They often use the word "worthy opponent". People like that are easily baited. And if a Professional is eventually cornered (not easy to do), they might lose it.</p>
<p>Sample Professionals: Deathstroke, Bullseye, Revanche</p></div><p><a href="">
Take The Supervillain Archetype Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

Your result for What language would you be?...
</em></p><h3>Japanese</h3><p></p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="610" height="442" /></p><div><p><strong>Your good manners and politeness means that if you were a language you would be Japanese. </strong></p>
<p><strong>The Japanese language uses a great amount of honorific terms to show respect, and changes verbs depending on the social English of the speaker and listener. Being humble about one's self is important for Japanese speakers.</strong></p></div><p><a href="">
Take What language would you be?</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a></p>

<p><em>Your result for The (video) game designer style Test...</em></p><h4>The Experience</h4><p>2 Culture, 10 Feeling, 8 Story, 8 World, 6 Rules and 5 Tutor!</p>
<div><p>You have a clear vision of what your game should be like, it is made of Marvellous environments and moving characters. you seek to provoke emotions within the player, and seek innovative ways to convey them.</p>
<p>Your idea of the game is hard to put into words, so you probably need to check on your collegue's work regularly : it is posible to work endlessly without ever reaching your expectations. You pay attention to details, how they can affect the player, and seek an intense game Feeling.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The different main categories in which you could fall are : <a href=""> The CopyCat</a> <a href="">The Experience</a> <a href="">The StoryTeller</a> <a href="">The WorldBuilder</a> <a href="">The SysAdmin</a> <a href="">The Skill Builder</a></p>
<p>Was this result good for you? Did a question confuse you or not propose an appropriate answer? Have any comments? I'd love to hear it from you. <a href="">Send Feedback</a></p>
<p>If you are interested in the topic and care about reading the original descriptions and discover a few extra categories, visit the <a href="">original article</a> on Danc's Site, Lost Gardens!</p>
<p>Like the It Crowd? Try my <a href="">It Crowd Trivia</a> test based on that series!</p></div><p><a href="">
Take The (video) game designer style Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>

[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Took it again

<table cellspacing="2" style="background: #000000;"><tr><th style="width: 200px; background: #000000; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold;">Disorder</th><th style="width: 120px; background: #000000; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold;">Your Score</th></tr><tr><td style="background: #ccddaa; padding: 3px;"><b><a href="" style="color: #000000;">Major Depression</a>:</b></td><td style="text-align: center; background: #ccddaa; padding: 3px; color: #000000;">High</td></tr><tr><td style="background: #eeeebb; padding: 3px;"><b><a href="" style="color: #000000;">Dysthymia</a>:</b></td><td style="text-align: center; background: #eeeebb; padding: 3px; color: #000000;">High-Moderate</td></tr><tr><td style="background: #ccddaa; padding: 3px;"><b><a href="" style="color: #000000;">Bipolar Disorder</a>:</b></td><td style="text-align: center; background: #ccddaa; padding: 3px; color: #000000;">Slight</td></tr><tr><td style="background: #eeeebb; padding: 3px;"><b><a href="" style="color: #000000;">Cyclothymia</a>:</b></td><td style="text-align: center; background: #eeeebb; padding: 3px; color: #000000;">High</td></tr><tr><td style="background: #ccddaa; padding: 3px;"><b><a href="" style="color: #000000;">Seasonal Affective Disorder</a>:</b></td><td style="text-align: center; background: #ccddaa; padding: 3px; color: #000000;">Very Slight</td></tr><tr><td style="background: #eeeebb; padding: 3px;"><b><a href="" style="color: #000000;">Postpartum Depression</a>:</b></td><td style="text-align: center; background: #eeeebb; padding: 3px; color: #000000;">N/A</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background: #ccddaa; padding: 3px;"><b><a href="" style="color: #000000;">Take the Depression Test</a></td></tr></table>

Your result for The Are You an Alpha Male/Female Test...
</em></p><h4>Beta</h4><p>You scored</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="" height="" /></p>
<div>You're the enforcer, the "right-hand man", "Johnny on the spot" - but you're not an alpha; not yet at least. You're intelligent, beautiful, strong and everyone knows it. You've had moments of glory, but most of the time the people that matter don't notice. Not only that, but someone else ends up taking the credit for all your hard work. Hang in there, your day will come!</div><p><a href="">
Take The Are You an Alpha Male/Female Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>

Your result for The LONG Scientific Personality Test...
</em></p><h4>INFP - the Healer</h4><p>You scored 18% I to E, 37% N to S, 48% F to T, and 63% J to P!</p>
<div>You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more feeling based than thinking based, and you prefer to go with the flow rather than having a plan. Your type can best be summarized by the word "Healer", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. You have a capacity for caring that is deeper than most. You strive for unity, are fascinated by the battles between good and evil, and can be something of an idealist. Only 1% of the population shares your type.<br>
As a romantic partner, you are usually supprtive and nuturing, however, you have a high need for individuality. Harmony is extremely important to you as you are very affected by conflict and tension, which also makes you resist confronting your partner directly about problems. When you get angry, you usually blame yourself, rather than your partner. You can also be stubborn and unyielding when you feel you are being criticized or mistreated. You feel the most appreciated when your partner listens to you carefully. You need to be understood. You need to hear your partner express their feelings, the more often, the better.
Your group summary: <a href="" a>idealists (NF)</a><br>
Your type summary: <a href="" a>INFP</a>
<br></div><p><a href="">
Take The LONG Scientific Personality Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Spiritualists rely on faith more than anything else. They will always believe in a supernatural power over scientific reasoning. Although they may worship different deities (God, Allah, Buddah, Zeus, and so on), the underlying philosophy is the same. Most spiritualists will seek higher answers in religious works, rather than philosophical reflection, and they tend to be fiercely devoted to their beliefs, even when all evidence points against it.

Famous spiritualists include: Blaise Pascal.

The opposite of Spiritualism is Regressionism.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Your result for The What's Your Philosophy? Test...
</em></p><h4>Existentialist</h4><p>49 optimism, 58 faith, and 50 logic!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="200" height="249" /></p>
<div>In Greek mythology, a man named Sisyphus had angered the gods during his life. When he died, he was sent to Hades, and punished by constantly having to push a boulder up a hill. Every time he reached the top, the boulder rolled back down to the bottom and he had to start over. This process repeats itself for eternity.<br /><br />

That's more or less how existentialists view life. We're much like Sisyphus - struggling to push a rock up a hill, knowing that even if we succeed, it won't matter. No matter how great our achievements may be, in the end, they're completely meaningless. But like Sisyphus, we should continue living our meaningless lives, in order to defy whatever force is punishing us.<br /><br />

Famous existentialists include: Albert Camus, Friedrich Nietzsche.<br /><br />

The opposite of Existentialism is Rationalism.<br /></div><p><a href="">
Take The What's Your Philosophy? Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Your result for The What's Your Philosophy? Test...
</em></p><h4>Rationalist</h4><p>56 optimism, 54 faith, and 60 logic!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="200" height="249" /></p>
<div>Rationalism is the most scientific of the philosophies. No matter how bizarre something may seem, rationalists will always discount the supernatural. To them, there is no such thing as a mystical, otherworldly explanation for anything, no exceptions. Everything, no matter how strange, can be proven through science sooner or later. If something is genuine, there is an explanation for it.<br /><br />

Famous rationalists include: Baruch Spinoza.<br /><br />

The opposite of Rationalism is Existentialism.<br /></div><p><a href="">
Take The What's Your Philosophy? Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>


The nearer you go towards the light...
The greater your shadow becomes...

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[Image: exteel.png]
Your result for The Survival as a Zombie Test...
</em></p><h4>Necromancer</h4><p>You scored 67 Will and 62 Aggression!</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="" width="150" height="200" /></p>
<div>You'd never be caught shambling and though you might enjoy a tasty brain from time to time, you won't fight a losing battle just to get it. You're a shadowy mastermind of the zombie army, rarely engaging directly in battle unless it's in your favor, and striking surgically when it is. You enjoy toying with your prey, twisting them body and mind. When cornered, you fight fiercely, but intelligently, always looking to exploit any advantage. More so than any other species of zombie, you're likely to sneak away to safety in the end.</div><p><a href="">
Take The Survival as a Zombie Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>

I took this for the heck of it.
Your result for The Who is Your Type Test...
</em></p><h4>The Shy Creative</h4><p>35% Miss Brains, 57% Miss Creative, 71% Miss Shy, 30% Miss Bitch</p>
<div>You like reclusive painters and the like. Your ideal woman is likely to spend a lot of her time in her own world, planning her next project. However, she doesn't necessarily have the energy to see this through. She tends to fall for the wrong type of people, often those who are out of reach. <p> </p>

Pros of dating the shy creative:<p> </p>
1. She's loyal, caring and thoughtful.<p> </p>
2. She's unlikely to make a scene or embarrass you in public.<p> </p>
3. Love for the Shy Creative is true and all-encompassing. She is very affectionate and dotes on those she truely cares about.<p> </p>
4. She carries a love for life, nature and art that is infectious.<p> </p>
5. She understand the needs for personal space and will not crowd yours.<p> </p>

<b>Cons of dating the Shy Creative:</b><p> </p>
1. She is emotional and likely to be insecure.<p> </p>
2. As emotional as she is, she finds it hard to be honest about how she feels. She is likely to give you mixed signals.<p> </p>
3. She falls very deeply and quickly, this may be too much for some people. (Especially considering her difficulty in honestly relating her emotions.)<p> </p>

<i>If you liked my test please rate it! Please forward me any feedback you have, good or bad.</i> <p> </p>

I wish you luck in finding your ideal woman.</div><p><a href="">
Take The Who is Your Type Test</a> at <a href=""><b style="color:#131313"><span style="color:#ac000c">H</span>ello<span style="color:#ac000c">Q</span>uizzy</b></a>
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]

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