Current time: 06-08-2024, 05:32 PM
Extra info about you...
Nicely put Rick Clapping
You forgot the benchwarmers.
'Signatures are overrated.'
Imma Loud person when around friends. I make random comments and often shout my catch phrase: KILL CRUSH DESTROY. Those three words, in that orded.

However around strangers a reclude myself more and am usually silent, I have trouble introducing myself to people.

Im still afraid of the dark, and always sleep with the covers over my head.

I like empathy for the most part,I could really care less about other peoples struggles.

Ive always loved swords, not the big-giant broadsword kind, but the smaller more agile blades, like rapiers and katanas

admittedly Im a bit of a perv, and have a dirty mind

Im very aggresive against my siblings or people I dont like (Whats the difference XD ), I often yell loudly at my little brother and sister, and if it was legal I would kill all those I didnt like

While I am a perv I find women are a bit overrated, guys always lust after them, and they play right into their hands then before the guys know it all their money is spent and they're in a relationship they hate. Im never getting married.

Im an anime addict, however I can never be pleased because I live in the U.S where all cartoons suck. My favorite anime is fooly cooly or FCLC for short.

I despise my mother with all my heart, if she died today I wouldnt shed a tear.

Im also appose to my dad, who left me when I was young. I see him sometimes but I still bear Ill-will

Im addicted to beef jerky, love the stuff.

Im afraid of zombie attack (you know its gonna happen) and I also fear alien attack.

I like pokemon a bit too much, on my pokemon sapphire game clock, it says ive played for over 500 hour. Yup HOURS. and thats just my sapphire, I also have fire red, leaf green, and pearl.

I have the habit of chewing on my thumb (usually my left one) as a result the skin on my thumb has been peeled away.

Im pretty sure I have an inferiority complex, and I hate it when people have things I dont have or do better than me at things I like to do.


Imma voraphile, yup look at that big scary word.thats me. Im not sure why im afflicted with it, but I am. heres what that is in la manse terms


The term vorarephile describes someone who enjoys vore. Most vorarephiles describe themselves as being "Prey" — reportedly based on how animals are considered to be prey for other animals who are in a higher chain position — while others, who actually do the eating in the fantasies, are referred to as a "Pred" (derived from the word predator).[3]
[edit] Variates
[edit] Soft Vore

Soft vore describes scenarios where prey is consumed alive and whole, often without it being harmed before reaching the stomach. Because of its non-violent nature, soft vore is commonly regarded as more sensual and sexually oriented. Willing or unwilling prey in soft vore prey are either digested, suffocated or simply held in the stomach. Some vorarephiles who derive pleasure from watching animals eat other animals enjoy watching snakes eating, this is because they usually swallow their prey whole, a major element in soft vore.[4]

Non-sexual soft vore is often used in a wide variety literature. These may be based on Native American folklore, such as one story where Coyote enters the stomach of a giant to rescue a number of people who were eaten alive, or the biblical story of Jonah. Soft vore is also used in current day cartoons and anime (which includes "Eat or Be Eaten: Panic in the Forest," an episode of the anime series Naruto [1]). Most of these are seen as a harmless sight gag or a minor inconvenience for a character.
[edit] Hard Vore

Hard vore describes scenarios where prey is subjected to injuries of being ripped and chewed. This type of vore involves cutting, biting, tearing and usually also involves blood. Although inherently there is no sexual characteristic to these portrayals, to someone with a vore fetish, they could be taken in a sexual context. Hard vore has sometimes been referred to as "gore" to separate it from soft vore.[5]

Non-sexual hard vore is regularly portrayed in movies for mature audiences, such as the Jaws franchise and Deep Blue Sea.[6]

The general sequence of roleplay goes something like this:

* Boy meets girl
* (optional) Non-vore roleplay of various kinds
* Girl declares that boy looks awfully tasty, either verbally or by nibbling on something
* (optional) Boy tries to appease girl with gifts of alternate foods
* Girl pounces upon boy
* Boy puts up a token resistance but lacks the physical strength to escape
* Girl swallows boy, either all at once, or (more commonly) over a series of poses in which boy bemoans his fate (if swallowed tail/feet first) or struggles (if swallowed head first)
* (Optional) Boy is crushed into the (usually tight) confines of girl's stomach, and expires from digestion, typically falling unconscious first due to lack of oxygen

The above is just a rough guide of the most typical sequence of events - for example, each participant may be of either gender, or both, or none. Vore may not be fatal - such consumption is sometimes offered as a "warm place to stay the night". Even if digestion occurs, the consumed participant typically "respawns" or "reforms" within a few minutes to a few days. This neatly sidesteps the major disadvantage of real life vore (that you only get to do it once). The level of realism in a roleplay varies from player to player, ranging from absurd and cartoonish to anatomically correct and theoretically feasible.

Vore is in many cases - even in the role-play form - a consensual activity. For every player who decides he wants his fox to go down kicking and screaming as he is ruthlessly gobbled up, there are more who enter a chatroom with the comment "I'm feeling tasty tonight." Some wish to be hunted while others offer themselves up on a platter, and not always figuratively.

Preferences vary so widely in regards to the 'ideal' vore scenario that MUCKs like FurryMUCK and Tapestries allow players to create publicly accessible tables of 'flags' to indicate their preferences and facilitate compatible pairings. Flags like 'no pain,' 'predator,' and 'soft vore' supplement broader flags not specific to vore like 'bisexual' and 'male-biased.'

Vorarephilia is typically considered an "imaginary fetish" given that fulfilling vore fantasies in reality would be difficult to say the least; although the specific cases of Issei Sagawa in Paris, Armin Meiwes in Germany, and possibly Jeffrey Dahmer in the United States, show that it is within the realm of possibility (though most vorarephiles are aware of the inherent silliness of their fetish, and are largely uninterested in the idea of cannibalism).

Okay there you go, all the info you need.
[Image: THEBEST.jpg]

(11-22-2008, 05:16 AM)Lord_Leperman Wrote:
(11-22-2008, 12:26 AM)Shintetsu Wrote: Then first base is and second base are what, respectively?

(Off topic, but meh.)

1st = Kiss
2nd = Twin Peaks
3rd = Down under
4th = Play ball!

well, that's summarizes the plot...hehehe...

you can have it quick, or in a gradual manner...from simple to complex...depending on the mood, just be "gentle", and "careful...without sacrificing performance" (control is the key here)...hehehe Shades

(sorry guys Tears )

[Image: upeo113pr8.gif]


"I am more of a Teacher rather than a Pilot"
Honda, I already know what Vorephilia was before you explained it Tongue

That's not to say that subscribe to it though, but thanks for the rather deep insight to what the fetish is all about. Tongue
wow interesting, usually I say that word and people are all like "What?"
[Image: THEBEST.jpg]
okay ... read your post ... no comment ... /swt

Whatever floats your boat...Shades

...just don't expect me to ride it.
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]
Puro ngatngat na kaagad yung tablet ko. Wahahahahahah

I miss this lolz. A lot changes in a year anyway.

-I'm a Twilight Hater
-I'm a Naruto Hater
-I'm a Inuyasha Hater
-I'm an English dub Hater
-I'm a Philippine MMO game Hater (Tho I play them)
-I'm a gay-basher Hater
-I'm a Level Up! company Hater
-I'm a humanity Hater
-I'm a Jonas Brothers Hater

-I dislike kids
-I distrust guys
-I distrust/dislike guy kids even more

-I find the concept of Heaven and Hell boring. Eternal happiness/suffering? BORING! MONOTONE! I frankly don't care where I go.

-I like twisting the words in the Bible. Especially Leviticus...(go read it to find out why LOL )

-My friendship with people is rather...well let's just say I like giving gifts,advice and company and all but I'm willing to get rid of them in a heartbeat if the situation calls for it.

-My bio-clock is set at around 1am to 3am

-I like eye patches and sunglasses
-I like shields
-I like capes
-I like the word "JUSTICE!"

-The family kitten was named after my Ragnarok Online Character LOL
Want to see a picture? XD

-Eating brownies and/or Cloud 9 bars makes me think and speak in a weird way.

-Some of my friends say that my "camera smile" looks like a smirk.
-My laugh sounds evil if I laugh hard enough...RAW XD

-My hair has a length limit; once it reaches the limit it stops growing, but if I cut it - let's inch, it grows back in a week or less.

-The latest time I've slept was 8am.

-I can't sleep when there's other people around...there's a sense of being watched tho they're not paying much attention.

-I get accidentally called a "he" both in real life and in the internet a lot.

-The words "You're" "so" and "cute" haunts me everywhere I go.

-I work best as a "second in command" in group activities because I lack the confidence to be the main leader and I suck being a follower.

-The school principal is my mom's friend so she's FRIENDLY to me...scary.

-I don't plan on solving the mystery of sexuality till I graduate from college and have my own home and job. I need to balance life first.
...Remain asexual/single for more than 2 decades? Ninja
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
Hahah that's a long hate list. And your hair stops growing at a certain point? That's just weird. Tongue
(03-06-2009, 10:52 PM)NiX Wrote: Hahah that's a long hate list.
It's longer than you think Ninja
Quote:And your hair stops growing at a certain point? That's just weird. Tongue

I dunno how it happens, it just does XD
[Image: 142183_zps37998c8a.gif]
wow then haywire, I guess we cant hang out anymore...... Im a guy, and a kid....
[Image: THEBEST.jpg]
I have a deep loathing for the Roman Catholic Church, thanks to several royally retarded decisions and statements they've been making recently.


If we follow Leviticus, technically, it's not just shellfish that are forbidden, it's also whale meat and seasnakes Wtf
[Image: totallyrandomkane.gif]

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